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Everything posted by Meow=^..^=

  1. Meow=^..^=

    Slurpee??? Anyone? Anyone??

    See... I knew that lady was lying!!!!! I asked if they were carbonated and the lady said no, but I always thought they were... thats why they always taste flat if ya stick it in the freezer!!!! Stupid lady.... Thanx for the info... Sorry, My Bad
  2. I never had A/C till I moved to Vegas 6 years ago...and ya really have to have it living in HELL!!!! But lack of sleep...Oh yeah, I have seen that happen. I worked graveyard many years and on that shift ya just sleep eat, work and sleep, and try to sleep more...and wieght just creeps on...insidiously. LOL I still think fast food is from SATAN!!!! And it calls my name, usually at 7 pm.....will I ever be rid of this nightmare??? LOL no
  3. Meow=^..^=

    The Miracle of Toiletpaper

    Laughed so hard I peed my pants!!!! The beatings would soooooooooo begin if my hubby said those things!!!!
  4. Meow=^..^=

    Its July 1st

    Dang!!!! ok I must have just had way to many carbs yesturday NOTE* no more ice cream with sugar for me, I fell asleep at like 9pm. I NEVER go to bed that early...LOL and I remember asking Hubby for a popsical too, WTH???? And I woke up like 3 times to pee in the night...OOOOO and now I realize there is a difference in the diabetes thirsty. It has been like a month since that feeling where my mouth is dry and I need water in the middle of the night. Ok so I am still learning. So I have to go shopping today, and the bank, jeez I cant believe it is already the first!!!! We are starting the liquid diet tomarrow...LOL yaaaaaaaa we shall see how that goes!!! HA! and my little girl puppy thinks she is a boy, she keeps trying to hump her mother!!!! OMG! It is hysterical.... Awwww hubby took a fall today in the street and his knee is all swollen and he cant walk...hence the chinese...LOL Tomarrow we start liquid diet...woooo hooo, lets see so shrinking livers and lost pounds!!!!!! 9:15 121 B: nachos, with carne asada, pico de gallo L:fish taco 6pm 122 D:kung pow chicken, green beans, chow mien, broccoli 12 am 113 Gunna do Ricard Simmons
  5. Meow=^..^=

    Its July 1st

    Dang!!!! ok I must have just had way to many carbs yesturday NOTE* no more ice cream with sugar for me, I fell asleep at like 9pm. I NEVER go to bed that early...LOL and I remember asking Hubby for a popsical too, WTH???? And I woke up like 3 times to pee in the night...OOOOO and now I realize there is a difference in the diabetes thirsty. It has been like a month since that feeling where my mouth is dry and I need water in the middle of the night. Ok so I am still learning. So I have to go shopping today, and the bank, jeez I cant believe it is already the first!!!! We are starting the liquid diet tomarrow...LOL yaaaaaaaa we shall see how that goes!!! HA! and my little girl puppy thinks she is a boy, she keeps trying to hump her mother!!!! OMG! It is hysterical.... Awwww hubby took a fall today in the street and his knee is all swollen and he cant walk...hence the chinese...LOL Tomarrow we start liquid diet...woooo hooo, lets see so shrinking livers and lost pounds!!!!!! 9:15 121 B: nachos, with carne asada, pico de gallo L:fish taco 6pm 122 D:kung pow chicken, green beans, chow mien, broccoli 12 am 113 Gunna do Ricard Simmons
  6. Meow=^..^=

    New diet i found

    LMAO...I am caving, and making the soup!!!!! But I am using it as the "veggi" portion of a liquid pre op diet. So it is minus the lipton soup mix. Its really a measure to appese my hubby who is also going on the diet too and I know he will blow if I just set a half cup of broccli on his plate with 4 oz of meat!!!!! Its all a trick of the mind!!!! Anywhooooo, pray for me..LOL I will need it!!
  7. Meow=^..^=

    Pre-Op Liquids??? HELP

    Not being banded....probably for a long time yet... but I wanted to shrink my liver and kick start my wieght loss.... Hubby and I are gunna do your pre op diet for a week and see how it goes, so Thanx again!!!!
  8. Meow=^..^=

    severe leg cramps

    Tell your Doctor... I take Potassium every day twice a day for this... but I am not banded... Just high blood pressure meds, I dont get the cramps anymore.
  9. Meow=^..^=


    LOL its living with Elvis in graceland!!!!
  10. Meow=^..^=

    Star Jones....leaving "the view"

    I just spent an hour looking threw the E link... I had no ideaStar had her bewbies done...or that Rosie had a gay cruiseline...hmmmm I need to watch the news more...lmao
  11. Meow=^..^=

    Star Jones....leaving "the view"

    So heres the question.... Did they also not want to renue Meridths contract???? Is that why she went to that morning show????
  12. Meow=^..^=

    Slurpee??? Anyone? Anyone??

    7 11 has slurpees, in crystal light!!!! and those coke slurpees do have carbonation.... it has LOTS of sugar....I know the crystal light tastes a little sour and a little to sweet... but i add more ice, divide a large for hubby and me, he drinks it like it is I add a whole nother large cup of ice. But I really dont like sweet stuff.
  13. Meow=^..^=

    What was your fat behavior?

    I also love fried carbs!!! But my downfall is fast food.... Everyday, ick.....occassionlly I still want McDees, but not everyday!!! And what the heck is in the special sauce that jacks up the calories and fat content to high????? But not just Donalds, Wendys, Jack and the crack, Taco hell, and Burger sling...LOL I have designated regions of my body, ie fat, to favorite foods and/or resturants....I will say it again, Fast Food is from Satans Minions!!! But when not eating out I would eat a bag of chips (Salt and Vinager) with cottage cheese....that would be what I ate the whole day. Or cheetos with lime Also another evil food.... Carne asada Nachos I would feel so ill after eating the entire box!!! Then there is the many years of not having money to eat....gotta love being a student...so it was top ramen and tortillas....LOL once in the summer of 97 I had 3 tortillas a day for 2 weeks... I must say I am happy I am married so there is another income in the house...lol Although he is another nightmare all together... I gained 30 pounds after I was married on Paposas, and tamales....LOL Lard, pure lard in the masa!!!! I need a artery vaccume, STAT
  14. Meow=^..^=

    Star Jones....leaving "the view"

    LOL just my 2 cents.... I have not watched The View since Lisa Ling left. (that was here name right?) I was highly annoyed when they gave the seat to Elizabeth. I find interesting that the role they were looking for was a young republican, I know that Rachel from the Real World was also a Republican and Latino, and would have enjoyed more diversity on the show. I think we as Americans should have a more diverse set of people to watch and learn from, since we are a diverse country. I was never really fond of Star or Joy, lol fire them all and start over!!!! I will be estatic if Rosie joins!!! I love her, and miss not watching her show. If I had a dream cast it would be......Rosie O Donnel, Whoppie, Jillian Barbarie, Margret Chow, Melissa (from girls behaving badly) hmmmmm... I am noticing a theme, all comics LOL welllll I would like it!!!! I agree... her(Star) head is huge...LOL that is so bad to say!!!!
  15. Meow=^..^=

    OMG....I hate my insurance!!!!!

    So I spent the morning at Social Servicess trying to renue my insurance, which they would not since I dont have income verification...ummm Hi dont have a job!!!! Have to go back Monday. WHATEVER!!!! 6 am 119 9 am B: Pastrami/turkey sandwich, plum, cheese L:fish samich, fries D:chicken, sunday...with chocolate fudge....and nuts...yea I had a bad day LOL, Does standing around an office for an hour count as exercise???? LMAO
  16. Meow=^..^=

    OMG....I hate my insurance!!!!!

    So I spent the morning at Social Servicess trying to renue my insurance, which they would not since I dont have income verification...ummm Hi dont have a job!!!! Have to go back Monday. WHATEVER!!!! 6 am 119 9 am B: Pastrami/turkey sandwich, plum, cheese L:fish samich, fries D:chicken, sunday...with chocolate fudge....and nuts...yea I had a bad day LOL, Does standing around an office for an hour count as exercise???? LMAO
  17. Was up at 7 am, still studing for the final...whew! LOL Now I gotta get up off my rump and get an externship...NOOOOOO LOL WOOT WOOT got a 53 on my test, so overall 175....Auuuuugggg 5 short of an A....Whateva, LOL pretty good for never reading a chapter and skipping most of the classes....SHHHHHH..hehehe On top ewwww History 101, shoot me now please!!!! DO IT DO IT!!!!!! If I had 1 wish I wish that I could pick out the "core" classes I want to know about...Didnt I learn enough about American History in high school???? Apperently not BAHHHH. They do offer a class about early american witchcraft, and the trials....but noooooooooo its not a core class. They already made me take Nevada state history cuz I didnt go to high school here, but I really liked my teacher (taking her for hist 101) and I did all my reports on prostitution, and Camels in Nevada...LOL it was pretty funny. But this is an excelled class, so its only 1 month... I am praying NO PAPERS!!!!! Augggg, I forgot to get eggs and yogurt and cottage cheese...LOL missed the whole dairy isle in the store!!! The heat is melting my brain!!!!! Quick, mop it up and put it in the freezer!!!!!! 7am 132 B: crackers with cheese L: pastrami/turkey samich, plum, 2 stalks celery 2:15 105 S: 1/2 c. applesauce, salad aka salich!!!! D:chicken leg, carne asada, 2 tortillas, salsa, banana OOOOH yeah, I am gunna join the Gone For Good Club in July....LOL see how thats gunna work for me!!! AWWWWWWWWWW no GFG club in July!!!! I rode 2 miles today in 5 min....OMG LOL I could barley breath
  18. Meow=^..^=

    Best Vegetarian recipe EVER!

    Wheetsin is the Bestest!!! LOL Thats exactly what it is!!! Woooo hoooo...I will be making it for hubby this weekend...Me too but no sugar.... Spenda it is!!!
  19. I was just wondering how she did in surgery... Havent seen anything posted...LOL but I miss alot!!!
  20. Meow=^..^=

    Has anyone heard from Beecheegirl????

    She posted in her journal today... So she said she made it home!!! Really pretty pics of the ocean in her journal... Welcome home beechee
  21. Meow=^..^=

    Any Las Vegas people out there?

    Thanx hootie... I will look into it!!! Ha! It is better than the 17% which adds up to roughly $3000 extra!!!!
  22. Meow=^..^=

    What Book Are You Reading?

    I just finished...In search of the Universe...LOL interesting, was text book for Astronomy...I am currently reading Diabetics: A Guide to Living Well.... ummm what happened to the light hearted fictional books???? LMAO its gettin to real over here!!!!
  23. Meow=^..^=

    Thinking of joining this Gamer beauty contest.

    If I was in Texas I would go!!!!! LOL make sure ya got some cleavage on "game" night....Heyyyyy 500 is like a downpayment for new bewbies!!!! and the next one is 1000...Good luck woman!!!!! Ps...I think your beautimous!!!!
  24. Meow=^..^=

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    So ya probably think I have a million cats, Right??? LOL No About 15 years ago I went by Kathryn, which is not my name. My best friends husband could not pronounce it and called me Katri (Kat-tree) So to this day my friends call me Katri, Katrina, Katalina...LOL You get the picture. So when I first came online I used Katri but people were confused and didnt know how to pronounce it so I added Kitty. LMAO but then there was a proliferation of Kittys, cats, kats, kittens..Augggg.....So I added Meow...LOL seemed logical at the time, I swear!!!! Cuz by then people know you as a certain name.....So Meow stuck, its on everything now...I swear I was gunna buy a COugar and get MEOW on the plate, but that lady was SMOKIN CRACK, she wanted 2 grand!!! LOL Sorry got side tracked.... Stripper names..... middle/maiden Kathryn Louvy LOL uhuh animal/street Peaches (Calle) Morales LOL not really feeling either of those!!!! Animal now/ street now (HA! I can do it!!!) Jezabel Moon.....yup thats doable hehehehe
  25. Meow=^..^=

    Protecting Your Daughter From Cervical Cancer

    Finally... something for woman and the fight against cancer!!!! Can I get it to??? LOL I have never had HPV, nd I am not trying to get cervical cancer...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
