I'm just starting to gather information about lap banding to see if it's an option for me. This looks like a good place to start.
I need to lose 80 pounds. I have no will power when I diet and can't get motivated to begin a weight loss program and can't muster up a stick-to-it mind set.
Actually, the only time I realize that I'm over weight is when I see myself in a mirror or pictures. I'm 60 years old, and I spent 40 years being a normal weight and that's how I still see myself.
As I've gained more and more weight through the years my eating escalates as the pounds add up. I feel like "Who cares? I'm already fat, so what's one more candy bar?" I think I'm punishing myself for being fat by making myself fatter.
I think that if I had the lapband surgery and lost the 80 pounds that the lap band then could be removed and that I could maintain my weight loss. The main reason I'd want to have it removed is that it's not something I'd want to have in my body for a life time.
Seeing myself looking nice in my mind's eye would then be a reality. My thinking "What's one more candy bar going to hurt?) would go away. No need to punish myself. That's why I think the weight would stay off.
I appreciate you being there so that I can talk from my heart and not be self concious. What are some of your thoughts on what I've written?