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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by brendabug569

  1. I, too, love the "head hunger" Because that is really what it is. I miss chewing and tasting. But out of fear I am only doing the Clear Liquids. I can't even do my Protein Shakes until next week. I've had my band for 4 days now and I'm still trying to figure out how much I can put in the pouch without feeling sick. I really like to mix Tomato juice and chicken bouillon and then heat it up. That makes me feel full. And if you like tomato juice it tastes really good. I notice that I really have to pay more attention to my body now. I used to just try to ignore it. Not now.

  2. Hi. My name is Brenda. I had my band put on on Tuesday, the 31st of March. I've had a rough few days but today is a bit better. All I've done is sleep and try to drink. But no pain meds today so I guess that is good. I've never posted on here before and I'm hoping to get in touch with some other newly banded people. I need all the support I can get. I was also wondering if anybody would be willing to tell what they experienced the first week or so. Any hints, suggestions, stories. I guess I just want to know that everything I'm feeling is normal. Thanks. Brenda

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