I just had my band removed 2 weeks ago because of erosion. I had the band about 4 years and 2 of the years had been having all kind of problems that could not be diagnosed. My PCP kept saying it was the band because he couldn't find anything and the lapband doctor kept saying it wasn't. I won't digress into all that, but I am glad it is gone and have NO regrets of having it done in the first place. It's the best thing I could have ever done and just have to accept that I unfortunately experienced one of the risks of it.
Though my WL journey is not yet over, if it was not for the band, I would not have under control to the point where I feel I can handle it. Yeah, I'm scared since I lost 1/2 of my weight (100 lbs) and fear putting it back on, but I'm letting that fear be my motivation.
I, too, mourn the loss of the band, but have to stay focused on the positive. Though you have gained 40 lbs in a short time, just know that it will come off quickly if you start now. I encourage you to maintain drinking of Protein drinks (that should curb your appetite) and have lots of sugar free popsicles and other treats on hand for those comfort needs. We all knew that the band was not the "cure" but the aid. You did the hard work while you had the band...just continue with it.
My doctor has offered continued weight loss support which I think is great. Have you discussed this with your doctor?