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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by StephOnee

  1. StephOnee

    I am shrinking fast!! 3/17/09

    you look so amazing...I hope I am just as successful once I get my band on april 6th!!! you are an insparation!!
  2. try changing things up..eat different healthy food! excercise a little more with a different routine..usually your body just adjusts itself to what you are doing, so you need to present it with new challenges! good luck ...you are doing great!!! =]
  3. StephOnee

    new tattoo idea what u think?

    I love tattoos so I'm like never against anyone getting one, b/c I think it's important to express yourself.After I'm done losing the weight I'm going to get this quote in Hindi "Strength is born through the deep silence of long suffering hearts." it's not going to be horizontal but it will be vertical (down from the nape of my neck). in my quote with my name at the bottom of the post you will see this quote in hindi. i love it...
  4. i know that this is going to sound silly, but what is sliming & pbing??
  5. StephOnee

    Do you keep your 'fat' clothes?

    I think it is best to throw them out! I was so ashamed of gaining so much weight that I never went out and bought the bigger sizes. I have a couple of things, but for the most part I pretty much wear the same thing everyday. I usually wear a pair of sweatpants and a large sweatshirt (i've always tried to cover it all up). Wearing that much clothing in a New Orleans summer is horrible. I have come to realize that this will be the last summer I will ever have to deal with covering myself up in that way. I can't wait to have my surgery on april 6th, I am hoping that by my birthday in september I will be able to go out and have FUN shopping again. I have been waiting such a long time.
  6. StephOnee

    Words of Discouragement?

    I completely understand where you are coming from, my own father thinks that way. I have tried numerous times to convince him that it's one of the best things I can do for myself. I can't understand why he would think it's all my fault when his own grand mother was extremely overweight, and I have her body style. Maybe one day he will understand, maybe he won't...personally I could care less because it's how I feel about myself that counts. don't let anyone bring you down, it's just their way of making themselves feel better [i know that is so cliche, but it's true].
  7. Hello everyone, I am getting banded on the 6th of April and was wondering about how long I will be out of work. I know that it depends on what type of job you have, but I was wondering just about how long I should take off for. I usually only work fridays saturdays and sundays due to my school schedual. The day of my surgery is on a Monday, I was thinking about just taking off a whole week to be safe. what do y'all think? :w00t:
  8. I am so excited I recieved the call today letting me know that I am getting my lapband done on the 6th of april. I can't wait! Does anyone have any words of wisdom for me? Anything I should deffinantly know before going under the knife? ahhh words can't describe how I feel right now!! I can barely type haha!!:w00t:
  9. your responses have been very helpful..i have a semi-desk job...i'm a receptionest and a hostess...so during the day (if i'm there during the day) I sit up stairs & answer phones and what not...but at night i'm at the door seating people (& we are a 3 story restaurant). On fridays and saturdays i'm always at the door...but on sundays i'm mostly upstairs, but I will prolly ask for a week off...just to be safe.
  10. I know that it's bad for you, but I will turn 21 about 5months after surgery. I'm not saying that I will go super overboard, but I can't see not being able to drink a little. As of right now, I'm not really that big of a drinker. I have 1 alcoholic beverage every 6months, and I'm not a big partyer. So I would just like to know what have your experiences been with alcohol? How often do you drink? How much can you drink? I would just like to be able to go out every now and then and get a decent buzz lol. But it really wouldn't be that big of a sacrifice to give it up completely seeing as I almost never drink the stuff anyway. So let me know what's up :biggrin:
  11. StephOnee

    So what about alcohol??

    awesomee =]
  12. hello to all...I was just wondering who's from nawlins?? :thumbup:
  13. I watch guiding light all the time...she looks great
  14. I am just curious, does anyone have a list of foods they try to avoid after the band (to avoid discomfort)? let me know thanks =]
  15. StephOnee

    Breakfast Ideas

    so just a question if you are to "tight" in the morning, does that mean you are also not hungry? Or are you still hungry but you just can't eat?
  16. StephOnee

    Attending a Seminar, then what?

    hey you didn't have to do a 6month dietary plan with a doctor before approval from Blue Cross, I heard that's one of their requirements.
  17. I really can't wait to start my new life...i'm so excited =]
  18. StephOnee

    Attending a Seminar, then what?

    Honestly every process is different, after I attended my free siminar they sent us home with a packet that was basicaly about our weight history and such. After getting my packet they sent me to my general health doctor so I could get a check-up and to get a letter of recomendation to send to the insurance company [b/c the lapband dr. can't do it due to he would be making money off of it, and the insurance companies won't accept it]. After these steps it's really dependant on what insurance you have, and how long it takes you to do things [b/c if you are like me i have work and school and tend to put all other things off for as long as possible...i am a huge procrastinator.] with my insurance company (United Healthcare) they require a 5year weight history (for me this was the longest part of the process took me about a month and a 1/2). When I was done getting all of that together my nurse at the surgical clinic who is handeling my case put all my information into a packet which would go to the insurance company for them to review and then decide if they would cover the surgery. My nurse told me that the revision process could take about 90 days, but I recieved a call from her 3 days later and she told me I was approved. Now all I have to do is attend a meeting, and we are setteling on a final date today [more then likely april 6th]. so all together it took me about 4 or 5 months (that come and go quickly) not very long considering how long I have been unhappy and uncomfortable in my own skin due to being overweight. Hope this helps...but usually it is different for everyone, and it really stinks for those whose insurance companies require a 6 month doctor monitored diet...but remember the juice is always worth the squeze. good luck =]
  19. StephOnee


    you look amazing...caongrats on your success =]
  20. I am very happy to hear your response monkeyy! It is refreshing to hear that nothing is completely off limits, I guess I will just have to try my beloved shrimp and crawfish out after I get banded, and i'll let y'all know lol! crzytchr that's awesome that you are also from La, what part are you from and what was the name of your Dr.?
  21. Thanks everyone for the info! I have heard that you must stay away from shrimp after being banded, is this true? If it is then does that mean that I also have to stay away from crawfish? I am from Louisiana...this would be a big sacrifice for me! so if anyone has ever tried eating shrimp or crawfish and have had problems please let me know. my favorite is crawfish so if I could give up shrimp and stick with crawfish I wouldn't have any complaints, but obviously I am willing to give up both if need be.
  22. StephOnee

    Any others with a BROKEN BAND???

    wow that is crazyy that so many have had the same experience. I deffinantly think that you should file a suit considering that this isn't an isolated event. You should not have to pay for the replacement, that is rediculous!
  23. So I have had the same boyfriend for about three years, and our relationship is good for the most part but I feel as if he is trying to hold me back for some reason. He would be an idiot not to realize how unhappy I am with myself since I have put on so much weight. He dosen't want me to get banded even though I have explained to him numerous times that it is deffinantly what I want. He will not change my mind no matter what, but I'm not quite sure what his motives are [if he has any]. I don't understand why he wouldn't want me to be happy! Has anyone ever had any issues similar to mine? Or do you have any theories on why he may be reacting this way? please let me know if y'all come up with anything.

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