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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Sistabigbones

  1. I had my psych eval today and let me tell you, it took forever!! If you are not crazy going in, by the time you finish the 500+ questions that you have to read and answer, you will be. I have an echo and stress test scheduled for monday and my 3 hr nutrition eval on 5 11 09. I guess we will submit to insurance sometime in May and hopefully I will be banded in July. Everything seems to be moving soooo quickly!!

  2. I have my date!!! It's Aug 5th.....I am soo excited...that's my son's 14 bday so we will celebrate his birthday a day early..i'm sure he won't mind!!! hahahahaha

  3. Thanks for your quick reply. I have Blue Cross Blue shield of Georgia Insurance(and I also work for them) so i have already looked at their approval criteria and i "should" be ok..I go to the seminar this coming Saturday and I know I have to do a psych eval. I am going to try to schedule that sometime the following week..I will keep u posted because i am going to need all the support I can get.lol

  4. Thanks yellowtopaz!! Hopefully everything will be approved soon!! I am so excited. Have you had your surgery yet? and if so, how much have you lost?

  5. Today is the day!! Welcome to the start of your new life...WORK THAT BAND GIRL!!! And know that you have a cheerleader here in me!!

  6. Yes maam....i live in fairburn. How was your appt with the dr?

  7. You are not the only one!! the gas was a beast!!! I didn't have any incision pain, mine was mostly gas pain. It does ease off after about the first week. The key is to walk,walk,walk!!! Good luck and keep me posted!!

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