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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sistabigbones

  1. Sistabigbones

    The process of getting clearance!!!

    OK..so I am a healthy person other than being obese(is that possible??):thumbup: But anyway, I have my medical clearance and this morning, I went in for my psych eval. 500+ questions and it took me about 1.5 hours to do it. I will have to wait about 2 weeks to get those results back. I have an echo and stress testing on Monday. My last clearance will be my 3 hour nutrition class on May 11. I will have completed all of my clearances and can submit to insurance at the end of May.:tounge_smile: Hopefully, I can get a surgery date for sometime in July. I am excited and soooooooo looking forward to this. I know it won't be easy but neither is carrying around 256 pounds on a 5 ft 3 frame!!!
  2. I had my psych eval today and let me tell you, it took forever!! If you are not crazy going in, by the time you finish the 500+ questions that you have to read and answer, you will be. I have an echo and stress test scheduled for monday and my 3 hr nutrition eval on 5 11 09. I guess we will submit to insurance sometime in May and hopefully I will be banded in July. Everything seems to be moving soooo quickly!!

  3. Sistabigbones

    Obamanomics: Bad for the economy...

    Who are "these people" that you keep referring to BethfromVA?? Your posts are kind of disturbing. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but the "these people" remarks are sort of unnerving!!
  4. Thanks yellowtopaz!! Hopefully everything will be approved soon!! I am so excited. Have you had your surgery yet? and if so, how much have you lost?

  5. Sistabigbones

    pre band....254 pounds!!!

    From the album: Me.

  6. Sistabigbones

    New for the great state of Georgia

    Hi!! Also live in Geogia. I am planning to use Peachtree Bariatrics (Dr Titus Duncan)..went to the seminar on saturday and have md clearance appts for the next 2-3 weeks(medical,psych and cardiology)...hope to be banded by June...good luck to you!!!
  7. Sistabigbones

    Weightloss Jan08 Mar09 med

    You have done great!!!! It is so inspiring to see people that actually make this tool work!! Looking forward to joing you in the weight loss parade soon!!hahahaha
  8. Sistabigbones

    Newbie in GA

    Good Luck with surgery tomorrow!!! I go to my first seminar on Saturday and hopefully will be able to get my insurance approval within the next 60 days...I wish u a speedy recovery and HUGE weightloss!!!
  9. Thanks for your quick reply. I have Blue Cross Blue shield of Georgia Insurance(and I also work for them) so i have already looked at their approval criteria and i "should" be ok..I go to the seminar this coming Saturday and I know I have to do a psych eval. I am going to try to schedule that sometime the following week..I will keep u posted because i am going to need all the support I can get.lol

  10. Sistabigbones

    Anyone from Georgia ??

    Thank you so much for your reply!! I am so excited!!! I will keep u posted on how everything goes.
  11. Sistabigbones

    Anyone from Georgia ??

    Hi everyone!!! I'm a GEORGIA girl in Fairburn. Just starting out with the "band process"..I am going to the seminar with Dr Titus Duncan on the 21st of March. Really excited about it..ready to get rid of this other person that has been riding my back for the past 20 years!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Hi! I see that u used Dr Duncan for your surgery. I am going to a seminar with him on the 21st. Any suggestions?regrets?weight loss?....thanks!!!

  13. Hi!

    I am new to the site and happen to find u on here and saw that you were going to use Dr. Duncan for your surgeon. I am going to a seminar with him on March 21st. How was he? Did u have your surgery? and if so, how much have you lost if you don't mind me asking....I am soooooo excited...I am about to burst with excitement!!

  14. I have just made up my mind to start the journey towards getting banded. I am due to go to a seminar on March 21st and I guess I will find out from there what I need to do. Any suggestions??
  15. Sistabigbones

    Thinking about being banded

    Thanks so much!!! Did you have a hard time doing the liquids after surgery? How much have you lost if u don't mind me asking?

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