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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sistabigbones

  1. Sistabigbones

    16 pounds gone!!

    From the album: Me.

  2. Sistabigbones

    No caption

    U look great!!!!
  3. Today is a good day!!! First off, 2 weeks ago I bought a new scale and it was 8 pounds more than the scale that i had been using so of course i almost had a heart attack..So anyway, i was at a stand still for 2 weeks for weight loss but i am proud to say that as of this morning on my new scale, i am down 3.4 pounds making it a total of 33 pounds lost since 8 5 05!!! so proud of myself!!! everyone, keep up the good work cause this is really a struggle some days!!:thumbup:
  4. Hi all!! I was banded on August 5th and so far have lost 26 pounds. My appetite has picked up a great deal and i have minimal restriction. I do go for my second fill on the 9th of October and am hopeful that it will do the trick. It is VERY frustrating!!! But I am hanging in there. I know that i probably should not be complaining and nobody else understands this but I know that my LBT family will. When you lose and gain the same 2-3 pounds every week, it is so frustrating. And I can eat WHATEVER and HOWEVER much i want so all of this weight loss thus far has been COMPLETELY willpower and not band..I am so hopeful that this 2nd fill does it for me. I am not expecting "magic" but I am expecting help,restriction or whatever word you want to give it...I exercise 4-5 days per week..just really frustrated right now and wanted to vent..Good luck to everyone and I will keep you posted!!
  5. Sistabigbones

    BCBS of GA - WLS Excluded!

    It really is not a matter of "insurance companies". It is a matter of what your employer choses to pay for. Blue Cross does not exclude weight loss surgery, your employer excludes weight loss surgery. If your employer was to change insurance companies tomorrow, they still may not cover weight loss surgery. I would go talk to your Human Resources dept and see if there is anything they can suggest to you. But this is really not Blue Cross's fault. I too have Blue Cross of GA and weight loss surgery is covered for me because my employer who just happens to be Blue Cross allows weight loss surgery..I wish you the best of luck in your journey!!
  6. Sistabigbones

    Be Honest....

    I am an RN as well and no...I don't think I would do a fill/unfill on myself. Just as I wouldn't start an IV on myself if I became dehydrated. Just my own opinion..:tongue2:
  7. Hey Lady!! where are u?? how have you been doing? Had my first fill on last friday.. still struggling a bit..keep losing and gaining the same 3 pounds...well, i knew this would not happen over night but DANG i thought it would happen quicker!hahahaha..but anyway, 23 pounds down 65 more to go!!

  8. Sistabigbones

    Had my first fill this morning.

    I was banded on 8 5 09 and had my first fill today. It was not bad at all. I am doing liquids today and tomorrow and on to softs on sunday. I am sooo hopeful for restriction with this fill...The dr felt that i might have been not eating enuff before the fill(can u imagine that)..i was told today to eat every three hours but to make wise choices with the foods...today has not been bad at all..maybe because of the fill..I was too nervous about the fill to eat any breakfast so I finally got some soup about 1pm and just ate a 1/2 cup of jello cheesecake about 30 minutes ago(4:45)..We will see how the scale likes this every 3 hour eating.. Will keep you guys posted...:laugh:
  9. Doing great!! How bout you? Today is my first day of soft foods!! I soooo enjoyed my egg this morning!!hahaha..i am down 18 pounds as of this morning..My appetite is coming back but nowhere near how much i could eat pre surgery. I am hungry about every 3-4 hours. I started back exercising on Saturday. My goal is another 2 pounds before i go to the dr on the 24th. How have you been???

  10. Sistabigbones

    hi??s sex after band

    Hi... I had surgery on 8 5 09 and my husband and I had sex on the 8th of august. Dr Duncan here in Atlanta did my surgery and said that I could have sex whenever i felt up to it. I am due to start the soft phase of my diet on wednesday but started it today instead and will let Dr Duncan know when i see him on the 24th.... I have lost 18 pounds so far and started exercising on Saturday. ..Good Luck with everything!!!!!!!!!!
  11. hi...i also work for blue cross of ga in atlanta. i had the lapband on 8 5 09. would love to talk to you.

  12. Hi all!! I was banded on 8 5 09 here in Atlanta, Ga by Dr Titus Duncan. I am feeling good. I went back to work on yesterday (8 10 09) and considering I work from home, everything was fine. This mornings I was able to get down about 2 -3 ounces of international coffee for breakfast at about 7am. Then about 12 noon, I had 1/4 cup of cream of potato soup with a pinch of cheddar cheese shreds on top and 2 teaspoons (literally) of swiss miss chocolate pudding. I am satisfied so far. I have 8 ounces of crystal light sitting by my desk waiting to start drinking it. My goal for this week is to start trying to get my water in and to try to get back to walking. My love is swimming but I can't do that until 4 weeks post op..I still have problems with "head hunger"..I cooked smothered pork chops,rice and a tomatoe,basil and onion salad for my family last night and would have traded my first born for just one spoon of rice and gravy!!!:sneaky: but I didn't eat it, i sat down with my family and had cream of potato soup and 2 ounces of apple juice...hope everyone is feeling good and making great strides towards recovery..:w00t:
  13. Sistabigbones

    Surgery tomorrow and nerves are kicking in

    I was banded on the 5th at 11am. I was home by 4pm. Gas pain was pretty intense the rest of the evening. I din't do much other than walk arou nd the house and up and down my stairs on the 6th. By the 7th, I was up walking at the outlet mall with my husband doing school shopping for the kids. Shopped for about 5 hours and then started to get a little tugging feeling in my belly so we went home and I took my pain meds and went to sleep. Did much of the same on the 8th and took it easy on the 9th cause I had to go back to work today (the 10th). My appetite came back a little on the 7th. I am able to eat about 4 ounces of frozen juice every 3 hours. I am trying to get water in starting today. I froze my water. For some reason, it feels better going down if it is frozen:unsure:.. i have lost 18 pounds since 7 29 09..So all in all I am happy.. I am sleeping on my belly again as of last night so my sleep has been much better..I am averaging about 4 ounces of juice every 3 hours and today I am going to start trying to incorporate my water with that trying to get my liquids up to atleast 64 ounces per day until i go on full liquids next week.. Hope everyone is doing well post op!!!:thumbup:
  14. Hope everything went well...still with a little gas but otherwise I am doing great...looking forward to hearing from you

  15. I am back....a little sore but sooo happy...Thanks for checking on me...will keep you posted

  16. I am scheduled for 11am so i should be home by about 5pm at the latest. Good Luck tomorrow and log on and let me know how you are feeling when you are up to it!!!

  17. Sistabigbones

    Surgery tomorrow and nerves are kicking in

    I'm being banded tomorrow also and I can REALLY understand this post. I am positive that the band is for me but it does not get rid of the nerves that go along with the actual "surgery" aspect of things. And the fact that I am a registered nurse does not help either. Sometimes a little knowledge is "dangerous":eek:..But we will be fine!!! Enjoy tonight and get some rest because we start the ride of our lives tomorrow and I am READY FOR THE RIDE!!!!
  18. Good Luck on the 5th!! I am having surgery on the 5th also!! We will have to keep in touch!!!!!

  19. Today is the day!! Welcome to the start of your new life...WORK THAT BAND GIRL!!! And know that you have a cheerleader here in me!!

  20. hello ladies and gents!! I am soo excited!! My surgery date is Aug 5th..I started my preop diet on yesterday and it has not been too bad. from reading other sites, seems like i am able to eat a bit more than other pre op diets. I am having a protein shake for breakfast and protein and veggies for lunch and dinner..drinking a ton of water with crystal light mixed in..wishing everyone a GREAT surgery day and A QUICK recovery and most of all TONS of weight loss!!:thumbup:
  21. I am on day 2 od my pre op diet and looking at the diets you guys are having to do, I have it easy. My pre op diet consists of a protein shake for breakfast,protein and veggies for lunch and protein and veggies for dinner..liquids in between...I have done pretty well..I use the GNC whey protein(vanilla). yesterday I added 1 tsp of ff/sf cheesecake to it and today I added 1/4 of a banana to it...It has been pretty good so far..we will see, I still have 12 more days to go!!!:thumbup:
  22. Sistabigbones

    Anyone from Georgia ??

    Saw Dr. Duncan for the first time today... He was great!!! My husband (who is very nervous about surgery in general) had alot of questions and Dr. Duncan pulled up a chair and spent a great deal of time going over all of my husband's questions and explaining exactly what the process is like. He is so full of knowledge..I was VERY nervous until I met him now I am sooo much more relaxed and so is my husband!!! Good Luck ladies!!!:smile:

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