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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Munequita

  1. Your welcome. One thing I tell my co-worker when she says she's eating more than 4 oz. I tell her to enjoy her food now. It's ok to have up to a cup a meal. My doctor said it wouldn't strech my stomach. And the reason I tell her this is because, with the 7.7 cc fill, it's hard to enjoy my meals. I feel the restriction from the very 1st bite (pea size bites). Also, it's ok for your calerie intake to be about 1200 a day. Good luck : ) K.I.T. - Would like to hear how your doing.

  2. Thank you for your comment. I've been sticking to doctor's orders. I exercised my @ss off for 2 1/2 months straight. Right now I'm only walking a mile everyday, It's too hot. My eating habits have change tremendously. I started with 2-4 oz, then 1/2 cup and then 1 cup. I have a 10 cc band and right now I have 7.7 cc's. I have plenty restriction, so I"m pretty much back on 4 oz, if I'm lucky 3/4 cup every meal. Drink lots of water and substitute meals with protein drinks and vitamins. Tips: Be patient, the weight will come off, I promise. Our bodies all react differently to the surgery, some loose quicker than others, but in the end we have great results (if we use our tool correctly). I have a co-worker who was banded about a month ago, different doctor than mine, and has followed everything, but is also very frustrated because she's only lost 17lbs. She's beginning to notice the inches come off. Hang in there, the weight will come off.

  3. Congratulations on your approval. Do u have a date yet?

  4. Hi Carmen, just wanted to say Hello, and see how you're doing.

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