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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bevanfranks

  1. I'm pretty sure the next support group meeting is this Thurs (usually at 6:30pm). I live out of town and won't make it to this one, but I generally try to make it-- because the meetings are very helpful/informative.

    Good luck- soon you will be eating mushies, then on to regular foods-- once you have a fill or two you really start to see the benefits of the band. It'll happen before you know it!


  2. Really? It works very well for me, but I stretch very slowly. I guess everyone's body reacts differently. Maybe if my band were tighter, I could see how food may come up when you bend- but luckily I haven't had that happen.

    Well, stretching my arms over my head helps quite a bit as welll.

  3. I don't think I PB'd or really got stuck until somewhat recently. I'm 5 months out now. In the first few months my band was kinda loose I suppose.

    Anyway- I have found that if I get stuck, I can reach my arms above my head (as mentioned in prev post), but also if I stretch really well, then touch my toes, or sometimes even do jumping jacks (just a few) as recommended by my doctor.


  4. Daqui26- I'm experiencing pretty much the same thing. Was losing pretty well, but weight loss had slowed just a bit. Dr. said it was time for a fill- got my fill, and now I'm totally on a plateau!!! I'm not quite 5 months out. I'm really frustrated.

    Went to gym today, trying to kick it up a notch and see if that helps! Hope so, otherwise I'll go nuts!


  5. SpideyMom- I think you made an excellent point early on in this thread--

    I haven't told people I had surgery, but people are noticing my weight loss. Also, I think a lot of the compliments I recieve lately are not just because I'm losing weight, but I'm HAPPIER-- and I'm carrying myself differently. I'm more excited, full of life, feel good about myself.

    Wow, your loss is great too- 69 lbs! That's super. Are you working out a lot? I do mostly 3 x a week, but I"m looking to increase that ASAP! (the more I lose, the more excited I get about exercise, etc.!)


  6. About the eggs-- my doctor actually recommends when you scramble an egg, to add about a spoonful of cottage cheese into it while you are cooking it. It somehow fluffs it out, which makes it easier to tolerate w/the band. It sounds weird, but it's really not much different than adding milk when scrambling eggs.

    Also, he mentions not to cook the egg too firm, otherwise it tends to "stick" in the band. I usually just eat one egg w/the spoon of cottage cheese thrown in, and some onion!


  7. Sometimes I think the weight loss w/the band is much harder than I had expected. . . So I can understand your frustration.

    Plus I see all these people w/bypass who lose weight so quickly and I can't help but be envious. . . however, I know it's healthier to lose it at a moderate pace. . .

    Is your doctor good about giving you fills as needed? At first I was not sure whether to get the band or bypass, however, I'm now GLAD I have the BAND. I work with a lady who had the bypass, and she is SOOOOO Sickly-- she has awful, Irreversible damage to her body inside. I know that doesn't happen to everyone, but it truly scares me.

    Talk to your doctor about your disappointment, and mention that you want to be sure you are staying on top of your fills. Maybe the doctor can help improve your weight loss.

    I wish you the best of luck.


  8. I usually feel just fine after a fill. I go about my normal daily tasks. I've never had an upset stomach or anything.

    It seems to take me a week or so before I notice the impact the fill has had on me. Initially, I don't feel any difference, but after a week (or week and a half) I notice that I feel full quicker and for longer periods.

    My doc told me this was common, that it takes some time for the fill to "kick in" and for your brain to register what the fill is trying to do. . .

    I've read that others feel it right away, but not me?!


  9. Nazzy,

    unfortunately I have only larger sizes (24/26 for now), but have you tried Ross or Marshalls? They often sell some nice brands, but for LOW prices. . .

    I've bought several tops at Ross, and a few at Marshalls. Ross tends to have lower prices than Marshalls. Most tops are between 7 and 12 dollars.

    I also went to Kohls today and they had a LOT on clearance. The problem is finding pants. Of course the ones I liked weren't on sale, but you never know!


  10. I have a TON of clothes - including some expensive work attire in the 20/22 range. I also have some larger tops and dresses. Most of it is really nice. I'd be more than happy to send it to someone who would like it. I'm thinking of taking photos of everything I have and then putting it on a blog.

    Please message me if you're interested!


    I'm in need of clothes (professional/casual wear) in sizes 20/22. I'd be happy to send money for shipping if you still have the clothes.

    Additionally, I have sizes 26, some 24's up for grabs, plus some nice 3x tops- if anyone is in need of those. I'm short, so most of my pants are petite. (I'm 5'3).


  11. Spidey and Less-of-me,

    sometimes w/my fills it takes a week or so to really feel the difference-- my doc says it's because it takes our brain a little time to register what the fill actually does? It sounds silly, but in my case I've found it to be true.

    I think you'll notice the difference w/your most recent fills soon!


    I agree w/Spidey about your port issue. I would ask the doc the cost of the repair. I'm also self-pay and I know it was hard just paying for surgery. Do you have any type of guarantee? I purchased an "insurance" w/my surgery, that if anything happens and requires a 2nd surg within 2 years, it's covered by the Dr's office.

    Anyhow, if not, I have read before somewhere on lapbandtalk that others have had port revisions and the surg was MUCH MUCH less than the lap band surg.

    If they are able to do fills now, even though it takes a while, if it doesn't hurt too much when they have to push on the port, you might just wait. I'd imagine that you may not need too many more fills. I know it's diff w/everyone, but many people seem to have 7 or less. . . I think?


  12. Pickles,

    I'm not sure what he does in that situation, but I would imagine that aftercare would still be available, even if you happened to have a birthday! His office staff is great about answering questions. I would send them an e-mail, or give them a call. (simpson.office@gmail.com)

    Also, once you have surgery, unless you have some bad complications, I don't think too many people have to have surgery again. I know it DOES happen, but he's a great surgeon, and there are also ways of fixing some things w/out surgery again.


  13. Great to hear from you! It's nice to be able to talk to someone w/the same doc, and similar timeline on the band. Sorry you can't make the support group meetings.

    Yes, I did go to the last meeting. I've been scheduling my appointments around the meetings so I only have to make one trip to Phx a month.

    The day after the meeting, I had my 3rd fill. However, I had lost 10 lbs since my previous appointment, so the Dr. was slightly weary on whether or not I needed a fill. I told him, however, that I am losing because I'm measuring and working out (mostly :thumbup:. I DO feel hungry within about 2 or 3 hours-- and it's my understanding that his goal is for us to be able to go for 4 hours or so.

    Also, sometimes the measured amounts of food don't seem to be enough for me. Dr. S went ahead and gave me the fill anyway- but he told me he was giving me a smaller fill than usual.

    He also didn't schedule me for the next appt, he just said to call and schedule as needed. I went ahead and scheduled for one month anyway (which happens to be the Thurs of the next support group) and scheduled my appt. for Fri morning. That way, I can go if needed, but if I don't need to, I'll just cancel the week prior.

    Sometimes I still feel like I'd like the band tighter, but then again-- I am losing. Dr. S. said that if it's too tight, it will greatly impact which foods I can eat.

    As a rule, I already cut out all Pasta, rice, and bread. I think that's helping my weight loss a lot.

    How about you? How's your loss, eating, etc?

    When I had my 2nd fill, I didn't notice much for a week or two, but then, I started to feel as though food lasted longer than before the fill. Dr. S told me that sometimes it takes a week or two for a fill to "kick in" and register w/your brain.

    Hang in there! If you don't feel this fill enough, I think the next one will have an impact!

    I try to remember, that with each fill (big or small) it makes SOME difference over before!

    I only get afraid of overeating-- I don't want to have a slip. Do you worry about that much? Maybe I'm just paranoid! ha ha


  14. I just had my 3rd fill-- but the dr said he was giving me a "small fill" this time because I had lost 10 lbs this month. However, I lost the weight mostly at the beginning of the month due to my previous fill. I'm not sure what to expect now-- I hope I continue to lose with this fill.

    I feel like I can eat much larger amounts than recommended, but i try really hard to measure and not over eat. The doc said I might not need more fills for a while if I keep losing, but I have a feeling I should be tighter than this. I suppose I'll have to wait until next month and see how it goes. . .

    Right now I eat 1 1/2 cups of food approximately and am hungry after 2 1/2 to 3 hours. How about everyone else? Do you measure your food, or do you just feel it with your band?

    How long are you satisfied between meals? My doc says goal is to be satisfied 4+ hours, YET he said he didn't want to fill me too much or I'll have trouble eating different foods???

    I've only PB'd about 4 times since being banded.

  15. yes, I used to be a size 7/9 for years! I gained weight during my pregnancy, then lost most of it, but gained it back again quickly and then some! I know what I used to look like when I was 115 (I'm 5'2, so 120 is recommended for my height), but i worry that even if I get close to that weight, I won't quite look like I want to-- my skin, etc. It's funny how I used to THINK I was overweight when I was actually a decent size/weight. . . If I had only realized!!!

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