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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bevanfranks

  1. bevanfranks

    Mayo Banditos / Friday Weigh In !!!!

    Yes, my weight definitely reacts to my cycle. It's strange! For the past 2 weeks I've been working out 5 x week and the scale is starting to move again. However, I'm not sure how it's going to go-- trying to keep up all the exercise. I'm hoping this will just help me through my plateau, and then I can continue w/3 or 4 times per week. My body is stubborn! Lisa
  2. bevanfranks

    I stopped losing weight

    Every so often, I do a 24 hour liquid (Protein shake) diet to get myself back on track. I am always sure to measure my foods. When I don't measure, I stop losing. . . try eating out of smaller dishes and measuring 1 1/2 cups of food each meal. Also, you may want to get your blood checked. You could have a thyroid or other issue making it more difficult to lose. Sounds like you're exercising a good amount. The other thing you can try is tracking your calories for a couple days. Sometimes there are hidden calories we miss. One month I only lost 1 pound, and my doc told me to leave the last bite or two of each meal on my plate. That equals around 300/400 calories per day and can make the difference. Instead I just went back to measuring foods, and the next month I had lost 12 lbs! So you can try that too. . . best of luck :thumbup:
  3. bevanfranks

    Mayo Banditos / Friday Weigh In !!!!

    That's interesting. I thought it was in my head about the weight loss delay at first, but then I started tracking my weight/exercise better. . . I also notice I definitely lose when I have my monthly cycle! Lisa
  4. bevanfranks

    Mayo Banditos / Friday Weigh In !!!!

    I've lost about a pound this week. My weight has been teetering up and down a few pounds over the last couple weeks, but this pound puts me at a new low-- FINALLY!!! I'm working out more than ever before-- just waiting for my body to catch up Feel like I should be losing more, but sometimes it seems like there's a delay. Anyone else have that happen?? Lisa
  5. Congrats Pipedoc!! I can't wait til I'm there!!! Charms- glad you are now able to get fills with ease! You'll be dropping dress sizes in no time :biggrin:
  6. bevanfranks

    Lets Celebrate !!!!!

    Momadot, That's so cool! What a great b-day plus a great experience w/your husband! It's a lot of fun to shop when you try smaller sizes :smile2: I love it~!
  7. bevanfranks

    HELP!!! Losing my HAIR:(

    My hair started thinning around month 3 or 4. Many people posted in the past that it stops falling out by month 8-10, but I'm almost a year out (Mayo Bandito also), and I'm still losing a bit more hair than normal. I've tried Biotin and increased Protein for periods of time, but it didn't seem to have an affect. The problem is that the thinning is somewhat noticeable now-- because I didn't have very thick hair to begin with! I'm losing weight, so that's a great thing, but I want my hair back!!! Anyone out there have it grow back to normal at some point?!
  8. I notice that many docs seem to give different measurement amounts to patients-- My doc says to eat 4 oz of Protein and 5-6 oz of veggies or Beans at each meal. So, I eat about 1 to 1 1/2 cups. If you are eating slowly, some of the food has time to pass through the band before you get through the entire amount of food. I've never been one to eat only half a cup. Of course, the amount of food you eat also depends on the denseness of it. For example, I can eat more of something soft like scrambled eggs, as opposed to chicken and zucchini. I usually eat 2 eggs when I choose eggs. I eat them with a small amount of refried beans and salso. I've never been stuck from eggs, however, my doc told me early on to be sure not to cook them too "rubbery." Everyone likes eggs differently, but I tend to like them not too firm anyway. So, I suppose that would help determine how far into your lapband journey you can tolerate them. Just don't cook the eggs too long and you'll likely be ok. As for hunger- occasionally I get hungry in the middle of the night (I hate that feeling!), but I try to just get up and have a small glass of Water. That usually does the trick! I also try to drink a bit of water if I feel that I'm hungry at a time I shouldn't be (ie. in between meals). Sometimes this works, sometimes I just really need a small snack. If I really, really am still hungry, I go for half a peeled apple, which does the trick! Good luck- I know you'll all do great w/the band! Lisa
  9. bevanfranks

    Mayo Banditos / Friday Weigh In !!!!

    Way to go everyone! John- you're even below target! Wow! Well, I was on a sloooowwww streak for a while, and lately it's picked up. In the last 2 and half weeks, I've lost 7 lbs. No fill either, it's so strange how the band works :frown: Getting closer! Lisa
  10. Glad to hear your port revision went well. I'm doing pretty good. At my last appt I was hoping for a fill. Didn't get one, but now I agree with the doc, I probably didn't quite need one. I'm still losing, it's just slowed down over the last few months. I just want to make sure I can get to my goal! I do exercise much more than before-- it's easier with every lb I lose. . . plus it helps me lose more lbs! Lisa
  11. bevanfranks

    Mayo Banditos / Friday Weigh In !!!!

    My weight keeps bouncing up and down by 2 lbs lately. Making me nuts! However, I've had a chest cold, so I haven't been running like I was. . . I think that's the main problem. Hopefully within the next few days I can get back to my routine-- and see the scale move! OnTheWaytoThin- Great job from 24 to LOOSE 18's!!! I think that's fantastic! I just got to 18's a week ago, and I started w/tight 24 :scared2:. I can't wait til my 18's are loose :thumbup:. Keep up the great work, before you know it you'll be saying 16's are loose! SpideyMom- congrats on surpassing that 100#!!! I'm so excited for ya. It must feel great Lisa
  12. You'll do fabulously! I just know it:) Dr S really knows his stuff. He's done so many bands, and he has a great reputation. He is a bit conservative, like he won't allow you to get constant fills if he thinks you're losing at a good pace, but I respect that. He wants to make sure you get the most out of your band. I'm so happy with my results. Sometimes I just think "wow, if I hadn't done this, I'd still be the same weight as before" because I just could not make this happen without my band. It's pricey, and of course I wish insurance would have paid, but in the long run, it's so worth it, and it also makes me appreciate it A LOT, and I am not willing to waste my investment! I'm careful to follow bandster rules. Lisa
  13. bevanfranks

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Spideymom- Do you have to toast your tortillas/bread? I can't really eat bread or tortillas (unless corn tortillas), or I will get stuck/pb. . . I do eat a lot of lentils, chickpeas, etc. though. Lisa
  14. bevanfranks

    Why Tell Anyone?

    ooops! I accidentally clicked no- don't tell anyone. I meant to click "only spouse, very close people, etc." Of course I told my spouse, and 2 very good friends. I only told a few family members, not all of them. Otherwise I don't think it's anyone's business. I had considered gastric bypass in the past, and SO MANY people tried to talk me out of it! People who knew very little about obesity, the surgery itself, etc. That's what helped me to decide that I don't need to tell others. On occasion, I think it's weird that I have this big "secret," but if I decided to have a breast augmentation, or if my husband had a vasectomy, it would not be anyone else's business. . . My weight is a private issue to me, and I didn't want others to talk me out of it, or analyze every single thing I put in my mouth- OR, if I wasn't successful, I was worried I would have brought a lot of pressure on myself. I think I made the right choice! I'm happy with my decision.
  15. I agree with citygirl. . . Whole Foods or pick up a vegan cookbook. I am not allergic, but I eat vegan about 75% of the time. I think it makes me feel better, plus it helps with my weight loss! So I tend to use a lot of alternative products. Even if you don't want to become vegan, a lot of the recipes for Beans, veggies, etc. are super healthy and band friendly! Lisa
  16. bevanfranks

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Larraine, I take Centrum Chewables. Since you chew them, they are band friendly, plus I think they probably absorb into your body better than a pill. There are some good liquid vitamins out there too. Lisa
  17. Melanie, I had lots of questions too, but when I got there, I sort of "froze" and only asked a fraction of them. Luckily, you can find so many answers on this website-- so don't worry! I think self-pay has a great advantage as far as timing, scheduling surgery goes. I had surg fairly quickly. I was super nervous pre-band. I was mostly worried about spending a LOT of money, and possibly only losing a few lbs! I've been accustomed to losing about 30, then plateauing, then having my weight bounce up and down. Some people are not as successful with the band as they would like, but often it seems that they are not taking advantage of it, and letting it work for them! (some people don't exercise, they eat slider foods, then they expect a miracle, etc!) I still have to be conscious of WHAT I eat, but for me, the band has taken a big "edge" off my hunger. That leaves me feeling satisfied most of the time, and therefore less willing to eat junk, or overeat. (As a bonus: the smaller I get, the easier it is to MOVE- so I'm now exercising a lot more. . . ) I do, however, measure my foods. I purchased some 1 and 2 cup containers, which I eat most meals from. It helps me to gauge the amounts I'm eating. When I go out to eat, I usually only eat half the food, and automatically ask for the 2nd half to go, that way I don't overeat. Dr. S recommends this at his support groups. Anyway, I'm kind of getting off track as to what I meant to say. . . I think it's normal to have jitters. I'd tried so many things to lose weight, and was never successful for any length of time. Only YOU know how badly you want to lose. If you are willing to spend the $, I'll bet you want it pretty bad, and you even mentioned that you intend to follow the rules exactly. Given that, I feel confident you'll be successful! I won't allow myself to get off track, especially after paying for surg myself. The band has been exactly what I needed to help get me down to a "normal" weight. I'd been overweight for 10+ years. You can do this! By this time next year, you'll be a whole new, healthy, happy person!!! In even 6 months time you'll feel brand-new! Good luck, let me know how it goes! I'm so excited for ya :w00t: Also, the band is adjustable, that's the beauty of it! Lisa
  18. Thanks for the info. So, maybe now that my port has healed for quite a while, it might not move if I get pregnant. . . I'm doing very well with the band. I've lost nearly 80 lbs, and I'm continuing to work on my weight loss. It is getting a bit harder to lose, but I think that's to be expected. I'm still hanging in there! The difference of losing 80 lbs is pretty huge! I notice so many things are easier without the weight. Life is easier, more comfortable, and enjoyable in general! Lisa
  19. bevanfranks

    Mayo Banditos / Friday Weigh In !!!!

    my weight bounces up and down too! It's so confusing. . . I need to weigh less often. . . but I get too excited and just have to weigh anyway! I think I'm down about 3 lbs in the last 10 days. I've been running a lot more lately. Hopefully exercise will become 2nd nature for me! Lisa
  20. Charms, Is it a really quick, easy fix to reposition the port? Just wondering? Did they say that happens often with pregnancy? I wonder, because I may wish to have another baby in the future. I'm also self-pay, so surgery again would be difficult for me. Lisa
  21. Oh!!! One more thing- I have not done my taxes yet, but I'm definately going to claim my surgery. I've been told that I'll probably get a good lump sum back, which I will likely turn around and pay towards my loan- but It's like a bonus :cursing: Lisa
  22. I sent you a private message with some info. I don't have any questions off hand, but if I think of any I'll let you know. I'm self pay also, so I understand. Well, my husband and I were thinking of buying a new car at the time. However, after 5 years or so, a car is devalued, and that's it! This is my LIFE-- so we made the decision to keep the vehicles we have, drive them a little longer, and finance my surgery instead. I will forever appreciate my husband for that! I am so glad I made the choice to have a band. Also, I talked to a few docs, but I decided I felt best with Dr. Simpson. He TEACHES other doctors how to perform lapband surg. He's also banded a couple fellow Docs! When you have surgery, he gives you his private e-mail, which goes to his blackberry, and he'll answer you even if it's middle of the night and you have a medical concern! Or, if it's just a general question, his office also responds pretty quickly. If you have other questions, I'm here for ya. I'm open to sharing my experience. I've lost nearly 80 lbs, and I'm determined to keep it going. I'm not even a year out yet! I'm so happy with my results already! Lisa
  23. How are you doing Charms? Pelesfury? Lisa
  24. bevanfranks

    Lets Celebrate !!!!!

    My weight keeps fluctuating between a few pounds. I think it's time for an adjustment! I have an appointment next week, but my Dr. is kind of conservative, so I'm not sure if he'll give me a fill yet or not. I'm working out more than ever, definitely feeling good! I just bought 2 new pair of jeans, smaller size than I expected!
  25. bevanfranks

    Lets Celebrate !!!!!

    SpideyMom- Congrats! That's so fabulous! My sizes are still changing. . . I'm very curvy, so I think a 12 is my goal size, but it will be a sweet day when I get there! I see you are NEARLY at 100 down, that's so cool! Lisa

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