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About Reeneea
Senior Member
- Birthday 09/19/1966
Reeneea started following June 2006 Band Crew, Banded 6/5& difficulty w/water and New Arrivals, Let's get to know each other!
Randi, The first week after surgery I lost 11 pounds, then 1 pound the following week and for the next 3 weeks I didn't loose a single pound. I had NO restriction. I did feel like I was making better choices, but no change on the scale. One week ago I had my first fill. In the last week I lost 5 pounds. I know it is easier to say then do, but try and be patient and please remember there are some on this thread that had surgery almost 3 weeks before you! 3 weeks makes a huge difference this early in the game, at 6 months out we will probley all be at about the same place. I hope your first fill does the trick! When are you scheduled for a fill?
Hi all!! Had my first fill. She tried to put in 1.8cc, but the barium wouldn't go down, so she took out 0.3cc. I can now feel the liquids going down again and need to burp frequently while drinking. Anyone else with a fill having this? It seems very similar to the restriction I had right after surgery. I have only lost 12 pounds, which is ok, since I have had no restriction since week 2. Hopefully this fill will work and I can lose some more over the next couple of weeks.
Julissa, That is awful. I am glad you are slowly getting better. I can't imagine all this and a 3 month old! How is everything going down now? Are you still able to breast feed? hope things continue to improve for you.
I am so glad everyone is doing so well. Yes, I feel like I need a fill, big time. I have noticed I am not paying as close attention to chewing like I was. I think I will really focus on this for now. I will weigh on Monday, but I believe my weightloss is at a standstill until I have a fill. I am ok with that, I just don't want to gain! How are all the other early June bandsters doing? When is everyone's first fill scheduled? Mine is July 10th.
Barbara, I am jealous of your 14 pound loss. I loss 11 pounds the first week and just 1 this last week. I think my body is in shock. I was never one for the starvation diets, not that much will power. I am eatting more than I was, but I really expected to still lose a few pounds more. It is hard to imagine that I will eat less with restriction. Would love to hear where everyone elses weight loss is to this point.
Thanks Janelle, That says it all perfectly.
Jen, I have a 6 and 10 y/o. I did not tell them about the surgery before hand. My 10y/o is a big worrier. They were very nervous afterward (son wouldn't go to friends house, wanted to stay with me). How old are your children? Sorry I don't know anything about the mag citrate or hernia repair. Kim, My thoughts are with you. I think we have all been there. We will get through this. I too have no restriction and am hungry. I wonder if I am hungry now, how am I only still going to be able to eat 4-6 oz at a meal in 3 weeks. But I guess i will try and focus on here and now. Take care and come here often for support and questions.
It seems that there is such a wide variety to the pre and postop diet phase. I will have to ask the dr about that when I go for my fill. Just wondering what the logic is. Although those of you on a liquid diet pre op do seem to have a jump start on the weight loss, I only lost 2 pounds pre op with a low carb diet. Hope all those recently banded are feeling better. i will say that it was about 5 days before i felt pretty ok, and a good week until just about back to normal. Also I still have my steri strips on. Anyone else? Mine seem to be stuck on really good, only a couple have fallen off. most have the edges up, but are still a few days from coming off it seems. How are everyone elses steri strips doing?
Cindy it is Boston Market chicken. No skin though. I eat pieces from the inside. I cut them up like you would for a toddler and then chew, chew, chew. Until yesterday I was eatting so little of it. But then yesterday I was hungry! I still only had 2 normal bites (cut into 20 band bites). The odd thing is boy does some food taste differently having to chew so much.
Hi Cindy, I have lost 11 pounds in the last week. I am pretty happy with that. Although this may be the tough part now, as my hunger has come back. I am alittle scared to try beans, i still have gas in the mornings and it is hard to get anything down, although it does sound good. I have been living off chicken, green beans and mashed potatos. Too scared to add much variety.
Hi everyone, I know the differences in pre and post op diets are unbelieveable. Today is the first day I have really been hungy. I actually ate everything on my plate for lunch, every other time I have only been able too finish 1/2 at the most. I think my swelling is going down, while that is good it also make me nervous.
Barbara, I don't know about Cindy's dr but my dr. only makes us do liquids for 24-48hours and then it is soft diet after that for 4 weeks. Melissa posted a list of soft food on one of the earlier pages that is very helpful.
Pinkylee, I had trouble with church this morning also, those seats just weren't comfortable. I felt like my stomache was up in my chest. Housecatgirl, I know how busy the end of the school year is, I had my band one week after school ended here and I think that helped keep my mind off it. cutiern, what else are you eatting? Where did you get the isopure? Are you taking anything for gas? gas-x? Leila, what a great birthday present for yourself. I have not PB'd or slimed, so i can only tell you what I assume it means PB'd---productive burp----I think this is throw the food back up slime-----it sounds like alot of mucus production when food is stuck Hope this helps, or eventhat I am correct. warmmorningsum----my port site is uncomfortable but really only when I do something-----sittig up posting seems to be uncomforable. I feel better leaning back in the chair. It does though feel better each day.
cutiern, I have the gas first thing in the morning, it makes it difficult to drink for an hour or two, then it seems to pass. Iam kinda drained today after going to my kids swim meet yesterday and taking my daughter immediately after that to a birthday party (one that didn't seem to have an end time). After 2 1/2 hours I just said we needed to go. My port site hurts and so does the one under my sternum and they all itch. Barbara, I was dizzy he first 3 days after surgery, although not as much as you. I think I just had such little to eat. It seemed to be the 5th day that I noticed a pretty good improvement and didn't take a nap or lay down during the day. Does anyone with Spivak know when they said we could take off the steri strips? Mine have not fallen off, but are really bugging me.