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Everything posted by Jane_J

  1. Jane_J

    Question to you all

    Absolutely, me too. One of my better decisions, up there with getting my eyes lasered. :thumbup1: And I had no complications either, so far, touch wood, at 5 months out.
  2. Jane_J

    NSV bra

    Just for you Bill... Enjoy :thumbup1:
  3. Jane_J

    Drinking cokes anyone?

    If I drink diet coke i get a straw with it and blow bubbles into it. It makes you feel like a kid again and it degasses it to a point where you can drink it!
  4. Jane_J

    The Perfect Storm

    Hi bewitched, I do hope you are well soon. Thanks for explaining what happened to us all. It may save someone else from having to go so far down the road you went. Jane
  5. Jane_J

    pseudotumor cerebri

    Hi thinoneday, I don't know the answer to your question but probably the doctor has just forgotten. A quick google shows that weight loss will most probably help the condition so getting the sleeve could be a God-send for you. I wish you all the best and good luck. Jane
  6. Hi Andre, Congratulations. As far as I can remember exercise was very important, both walking a bit and also blowing into something like a balloon to help the lungs after the anaesthetic, even if you are tired force yourself. I had thin warm bovril type drinks too, and thin probiotic yoghurt drinks. Don't drink anything fizzy, it can be dangerous especially now. You need to keep the liquids up as much as possible when the drip comes out but before that its not an issue. I used Atkins Protein drinks as it is advised to get protein but not carbs. I also bought some high protein low carb body building choco and strawerry flovour powders to mix when I got home. Aiming for 60-70g protein a day. Obviously this cannot really be done in the 1st couple of weeks. After two weeks soft mushy food was a big relief, lovely soft scrambled eggs. It's all a bit of a blur now though, the anaesthetic ruins your memory. I am sure lots of the others can fill in the rest. Read the older posts, it will tell you loads of good info. All the very best, Jane
  7. Jane_J


    LOL Helen. Luckily it doesnt do that to me. Although when the constipation is at its worse even that would be something!
  8. Jane_J


    Just wanted to share this with you all. I have finally solved this problem with Lactulose. It's brilliant and not really a drug so you can use it forever if you need to. 30 ml a day is all it takes. :sad0:
  9. Jane_J


    Hi again. I bought it over the counter in a UK pharmacy, like this Buy Lactulose Solution 500ml, ?3.99, Stool Softening Treatments Products, Online Pharmacy webpage it is freely avilable here in the UK. Looking on the web it seems that diabetics should maybe not use it, they shoudl defo talk to their doctor IMHO. Also I found this:- Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects occur: Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); diarrhea; high blood sugar (excessive thirst or urination, confusion, flushing, rapid breathing, or "fruity" breath odor). Having said all that I have found it a god send. I think this advice is sound:- Duphalac (lactulose)
  10. I am weaned down to 15mg from 30mg of Lansoprazole a day now. And still taking calcium citrate supplements. I hope everyone is aware that you need to take this form of calcium if you are on PPIs. Hopefully I can stop alltogether in the next month or two.
  11. Jane_J

    NSV shout outs

    Do you know I always thought that W stood for Wide!!! OMG :001_unsure: I been feeling really insulted for years.
  12. Hi Judy, I just wanted to say that the sleeve has cured my addiction to overeating and I don't miss it at all. I just don't have the same desires I had before, I think it's the reduction in the grehlin hormone that does it. I am extremely happy now and enjoying clothes, going out and eating (small amounts) and drinking with friends. It's brill. :thumbup:
  13. Hi DownInSocal, I have had an abusive relationship in the past and thats why I wrote my blunt earlier reply. I agree with what you have said. The divorce papers and the changed locks comment set me off. I too would have said FINE. My DH would never threaten me like that. But my previous B/F would have been right at home with that sort of attitude. Really life is too short to waste it with someone who doesn't value you IMHO. Both parties could find someone more suitable and then everyone would be happier. I worry that ilovethesun has a BMI of 50. That is seriously life threatening. Her husband should be helping her to solve her health crisis, not sniping from the sidelines. Women tend to take too much cr*p cos they tend to be nicer. Sometimes you need to put yourself first. Thats my rant done.
  14. I don't think I would put up with that level of indifference and nastiness from my husband. Get the surgery, lose the weight and then find someone nicer is my advice.
  15. Hi Daisy, why don't you bake or something and just turn up with offerings. They surely can't leave you on the door step?? Force yourself in, otherwise you will be sidelined. Good luck and keep your chin up. Hugs, Jane
  16. Jane_J

    Cure for Head Hunger

    Its not long till you can join them in eating chicken so just hang on in there
  17. I'm Englisg so for me it's tea. I have just gone for it. No one said anything about tea being not allowed !!!
  18. Our local sainsburys has an instore bakery and the smell of the donuts makes me feel sick now. Before it made me hungry!!
  19. Steph, you are so right about the depression thing. I think its really like a diabetic situation except for me it's seratonin, so I do need SSRIs from time to time.
  20. Hi, they contain papain but that is for tenderizing meat, so the enzyme breaks down Protein. To break down cellulose you would need cellulase which is produced by bacteria in a ruminents stomach or more easily for the OP is produced by fruit when they ripen. Drinking ripe raspberry/blackberry smoothys or ripe advocado mush should break it down over time, but you would have to neutralise the acid in the stomach to an acceptable ph between 5 and 7 which should be possible with a PPI. Basically it might be easier to hoik it out under sedation.
  21. I think they do from my internet research.
  22. Hi, I think they are caused by taking PPIs which suppress the acid. This is a good reason to wean off of them as soon as possible. I thought I had something like this recently but it seems to have resolved itself. I am also a suggestible hypochondriac with access to the internet, a bad combo!
  23. Hehehe brilliant I want to be able to scuba dive again, and in fact succeeded in this a couple of weeks ago on holiday. It was great. I have the usual list of buying clothes because you like them rather than they fit and don't look as awful as the alternatives. I would like someone to develop a pash for me, that would be an ego boost. I would like to feel better at job interviews and I would like to retire and do more travel with my DH. I want to knock our house down and rebuild it too. Have had the plans ready for 4 years now! I would like to be 20 again but that's not gunna happen :crying: I am so glad I have met you all, I feel much more sane and normal realising I am not the only one going through this. Loads 'o hugs, Jane
  24. Hi Banlai, please keep your hopes up. One day you will look back on this and see it was worthwhile. I hope you feel better soon and I know you will feel better in a few months. Love Jane
  25. Mine has thinned too. I expect it to reverse in a couple of months. I think its the shock of surgery and the diet change.

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