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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TXMom38

  1. TXMom38

    Just hanging out around the house...Down 121 lbs.

    Wow! You look great! These pictures are really encouraging.
  2. Hello, Well i just i attended my first appointment which included the seminar, doctors visit, psych consult and consult w/the nutrionist. I went in thinking i wanted to have the lap band surgery and came out thinking i should have the gastric bypass. I weigh 317 and my bmi is 50. So the doctor said there was a time he wouldn't consider doing lap band on someone with a 50 bmi. I felt like my consult wasn't enough.,I got nervous and didn't ask enough questions and they were extremely busy that day. I couldn't believe how many people were there. Anyways, he also mentioned that if you have sweet cravings that the gastric would be better because that surgery wouldn't allow you to eat sweets (people apparently get a very upset stomach). So now my husband is scared of me having the surgery and i feel confused. I know i need to lose this weight but i just want to make the right decision. Is there anyone who weighed over 300 lbs and had the lapband with success???
  3. Hey kiddow, Don't let your friends and family discourage you. Once you lose all the weight, they're probably going to wonder what they were talking about. This is your health, your body and your life. Your the only one who knows what struggles you may go through because of the weight. Others may not understand those things because they don't experience them. Oh also, if you have any questions that you've been thinking of, write them down so you can ask at your first appointment. I had my first appointment on 03-07-09 and got nervous and didn't ask enough questions. So good luck!!
  4. Thanks for the replies, I have lots to think about. I've always said to go for your first instinct and my first instinct was the lap band. Only because it feels it would be the safer choice. Not to mention i knew of someone who had the gastric bypass and she was out of work on several occasions due to problems. She also lost the weight so fast that she looked unhealthy. I know everyone is different but i don't want to look older, tired and unhealthy. So that's another thing i've been thinking about.
  5. thanks Jaffa Steve, Unfortunately, the gastric sleeve is only on a self pay basis and so far I've been told that the gastric bypass and lap band should be covered by my insurance. I've been reading on lap band vs gastric and many people here seem to feel that lap band is the better choice. I'm wondering how long the lap band has been around and if anyone who's had it for over 5 years if there's been any problems.
  6. Hey Kiddow, I originally had my consultation appointment scheduled many months ago, Sept. 08 and I cancelled it because I let someone discourage me. I think to myself, i could have possibly already had the surgery if i didn't let that person discourage me. So I finally rescheduled and tomorrow is my appointment. I'm so excited because I feel that I have hope now to get rid of all my unwanted weight. So if anything we are doing a great thing to improve our health and have a better lifestyle. So i will let you know how it went after my appt. Good luck!!
  7. Hello, i was searching for information regarding the lap band procedure and came upon this forum. I wanted to read what others were saying about it. My first appt will be this Saturday for consultation. I'm not exactly sure what to expect yet. I guess my main concern for now is if my insurance will cover this procedure. I have United Healthcare. Well., i will come back after my first appointement.
  8. TXMom38

    Hope to be banded

    Hi HSJ, Wow, 4 weeks is that the normal amount of time to wait? I guess i'm starting to feel a little anxious. I had originally scheduled my appt many months ago and i cancelled. I unfortunately let someone discourage me and now i wish i hadn't. I quit my job in December because i was so unhappy and always felt stressed out and now i don't even want to consider a new job until i've lost some weight. I guess that's why i feel a little anxious.
  9. Hi Holly, I'm also considering lap band.,that is if my insurance will cover it. My first appt is this saturday. I'm 38 years old and have been overweight since i was a kid. I have lost weight before but have always managed to gain the weight back plus more I have felt hopeless many times.,but that's why now i'm wanting to do the lapband. Oh., i weigh 315 and im about 5'4. So lets keep in touch. This will be a great journey!

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