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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ereshkigal45

  1. Hi, my name is Lisa, and I was banded on February 27th. I've only lost 15 pounds total, including the one week pre-op diet. I'm starting to get really discouraged about this whole thing, especially when I see the amount of weight others have lost in a similar amount of time. I started at 267, and am now at 252. I've had my first fill of 1.2 ml in early April, at which point, I had lost 12 pounds, mostly from the pre-op, and then the post-op restrictions. The first fill didn't really seem to have any effect, and my eating was pretty unrestricted. I had my second fill to 1.6ml in May. Again, I didn't really feel restricted, and my weight loss remained at 12 pounds. At the beginning of June, I got my third fill, and went from 1.6ml to 2.6ml. After three days, I couldn't even keep Water down, so I was unfilled to 2.1ml. Last week, I went back up to 2.4 ml. Now I definitely feel restricted, but I'm also throwing up a LOT. I almost always throw up the first couple of bites of food, no matter how much I chew them. A lot of air comes up when I throw up, and after that, I'm able to eat, but I still have that pain in the esophagus that feels like a massive stuck burp. It's gotten so that I really don't enjoy eating because it hurts, even when I can keep it down. I could use encouragement and advice on the following issues: 1. Lack of significant weight loss. 2. Throwing up the first couple of bites of food. 3. Sticking this fill level out until it eases up enough not to hurt, rather than caving to the pain and getting unfilled again. 4. ANY advice on getting rid of the air in my stomach before I start eating. I've tried drinking right before I eat, and it doesn't really help. Thanks for listening.

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