Currently down 99 lbs from the start of my journey last year. Banded May 1, 2009. I'm upset with myself because I have not been exercising...lots of excuses. I would be at my goal weight had I been exercising. Journey has been relatively easy. I do tend to still over eat causing me to vomit to get relief. That is the only bad part of the surgery for me. I don't really get a full filling when eating. I immediately get the pain in my chest feeling from eating, which I guess must be the full feeling. I need to start watching my caloric intake and not just rely on the high protein diet. There are too many good sugar-free low carb products out there which are not necessarily low in calories My cholesterol level is a little high so I need to get that in check as well. Scars are nicely healed and you can barely see them. Jury is still out on excess skin. Keep up the great work everyone. :thumbup: