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LAP-BAND Patients
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About kennedysj427

  • Rank
    I?m just another girl
  • Birthday 01/06/1984

About Me

  • Biography
    I’m a 25 year old wife and mom of two . not banded yet and my current weight is 245 my goal is 170 . I just got done with my 6 month diet reg. and now waiting on paperwork and approval . fingers crossed .
  • Interests
    Enjoying life / kids
  • Occupation
    Care taker
  • City
  • State
    new mexico
  • Zip Code

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  1. Good lordy, you're quite gorgeous! I can't remember if I ever stopped by to say that or not. I'm finally on track with my band. I got banded 12/30/08 but I picked up my fast food habit with my last semester of college and only lost about 30 lbs over the spring semester. I finally gave up fast food two weeks ago, now that I have time to prepare meals at home, without the stress of senior year, (YAY graduation!). I'm still looking for breakfast ideas, though. Eggs don't really sit that well with me anymore. And I have yet to find a perfect protein shake recipe I love. Suggestions?!


    Thanks for the reminder to update my profile, lol! I actually took some photos last night. I don't have any "before and after" since I'm down 50 lbs and am only a little over 1/3rd of the way done with my weight loss, but I'm gonna play around with different before pics and progress pics to make the side-by-side ones I love to see. :)

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