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LAP-BAND Patients
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About sfreeman03

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/16/1968

About Me

  • Biography
    I'm 40 years old, been married for almost 19 years. I have 3 wonderful boys
  • Interests
    Dancing, cooking, reading good books, spending time with my family
  • Occupation
    Postpartum Doula/Baby Nurse
  • City
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  1. Happy 45th Birthday sfreeman03!

  2. When did you have the surgery? Dr Hollis is my dr too, I am about 3 wks away from my last visit before we go to insurance approval. How did you like him?

  3. sfreeman03

    Houston Area Fills

    Wow! that is a lot, what Insurance do you have? I have United Healthcare and my copays are 25.00. Dr. Hollis performed my surgery at the True Results Center. Give them a call 713-796-9666 in Houston. Hope you find someone more reasonable so you can continue to succeed.
  4. sfreeman03

    Home Excercise Options

    I am a Baby Nurse I work nights its better to just pop in my home DVD when I get in in the morning. love to dance so I purchased Hip Hop Abs. Shaun T makes you move and it doesn't feel like I'm excercising sometimes I do 2 or 3 hours because I have so much fun. I was banded in Oct of 2008 I have lost 40 lbs 60 more to go. I also do Tae Bo with Billy Blanks.

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