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About Jems1_84

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/23/1984

About Me

  • Biography
    24yrs old, living in Qld Australia. 24 of March 2009 is my Gastic Sleeve operation day.
  • Interests
    Reading, music, movies and eventually exercise :)
  • Occupation
    Government Support
  • City
  • State
    Queensland Australia
  1. Happy 29th Birthday Jems1_84!

  2. Happy 28th Birthday Jems1_84!

  3. Jems1_84

    The story so far.

    Hi, so this is my story so far..... I have been trying to lose weight for my whole life. I was always the chubby one and for a long time that was ok. I took refuge in food it was my friend and it always made me feel better, and i never felt guilty because I didn't know that it was a bad thing. Surfice it to say as I became older the name calling became worse and i realised that i was fat and appartently it was my best friend making me fat .... that being food. I didn't realise that the food i ate contributed to my size it just didn't click but its true with age comes great knowledge that or rather a slap across the face. So knowing that my best friend (food) was now my enemy, i decided that i didn't care and stayed were it was comfortable and really i was only chubby at least thats what my mum said... I was an active kid rode my bike everywhere and played outside untill it was dark. So when we moved to another town after my partents split did the weight then really start to pile on... My eating stayed the same but I wasn't riding my bike any more nor was i outside playing. This point of my life was crucial in the sense that instead of shakeing off old habbits and starting new i used my predicament as an excuse and decided to handle everything by not... I was invisiable for my teenage years, not too many friends, no boyfriends just reading books and eating to cover up how lost and insecure i was feeling. I first really started to lose weight seriously ... 5 years ago... everyother time was just fickle and stupid and was me wishful thinking. So five years ago I was 120kgs at my heavyest ... I'm only 160cms tall (5'2) I lost 10 kgs in 3months with just walking but then winter hit and l hybernated and then winter would end and i would need to find the motivation to do it all over again. This has happened over and over again over the last 5 years and in totally i have lost 20kgs, which people keep telling that's still pretty good yeah but not if you look at all the times that i put on weight that i had already lost so really its not 20kgs but rather 60-80kgs.... stupid huh. I started researching Gastric banding and Sleeve surgerys about 18mths ago... i really didn't want to resort to wls but i felt that i was unable to control my hunger and food itself
  4. Jems1_84

    The story so far.

    Hi, so this is my story so far..... I have been trying to lose weight for my whole life. I was always the chubby one and for a long time that was ok. I took refuge in food it was my friend and it always made me feel better, and i never felt guilty because I didn't know that it was a bad thing. Surfice it to say as I became older the name calling became worse and i realised that i was fat and appartently it was my best friend making me fat .... that being food. I didn't realise that the food i ate contributed to my size it just didn't click but its true with age comes great knowledge that or rather a slap across the face. So knowing that my best friend (food) was now my enemy, i decided that i didn't care and stayed were it was comfortable and really i was only chubby at least thats what my mum said... I was an active kid rode my bike everywhere and played outside untill it was dark. So when we moved to another town after my partents split did the weight then really start to pile on... My eating stayed the same but I wasn't riding my bike any more nor was i outside playing. This point of my life was crucial in the sense that instead of shakeing off old habbits and starting new i used my predicament as an excuse and decided to handle everything by not... I was invisiable for my teenage years, not too many friends, no boyfriends just reading books and eating to cover up how lost and insecure i was feeling. I first really started to lose weight seriously ... 5 years ago... everyother time was just fickle and stupid and was me wishful thinking. So five years ago I was 120kgs at my heavyest ... I'm only 160cms tall (5'2) I lost 10 kgs in 3months with just walking but then winter hit and l hybernated and then winter would end and i would need to find the motivation to do it all over again. This has happened over and over again over the last 5 years and in totally i have lost 20kgs, which people keep telling that's still pretty good yeah but not if you look at all the times that i put on weight that i had already lost so really its not 20kgs but rather 60-80kgs.... stupid huh. I started researching Gastric banding and Sleeve surgerys about 18mths ago... i really didn't want to resort to wls but i felt that i was unable to control my hunger and food itself
  5. I don't start optifast untill the 10th of march as my surgery day isn't until the 24 of March, so i haven't started it as yet but i can honestly say that I am dreading it ... a friend of mine is on the optifast diet at the moment her surgery date is the 16th of march and she's been doing so well, but she getting the band

  6. Hey congrats on getting the sleeve, don't really know as much about that as the band but know it works, my date is the 17th for the band and do you hate optifast as much as me? Lol

  7. I'm in australia optifast is what My Surgeon has put me on before my surgery, so there is less stomach fat and they are able to see more. Optifast is shakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner you are only able to eat a salad at lunch and vegies at dinner. No dairy products allowed or meat and absolutely no fatty foods

  8. what is optifast ?

  9. Jems1_84

    VSG and Pregancy?

    Well, my Super came through yesterday and I've got an apt with my doctor tomorrow to get everything finalised so I'll be setting the date for my sleeve cant wait, excited and to tell you the truth a little scared. Any advice and clue ins on what to expect going into the surgery and the feeling post op....???
  10. Jems1_84

    VSG and Pregancy?

    Good point ... I think my main concern is the fact that i may be able to stretch the tube.... my problem with food is that i get full quickly but I'm still so hungry and will just keeping eating ... i can't eat alot on one thing but can eat small amouts of alot of things ... that's why the sleeve appeals to me, the fact that it takes away physical hunger..... I just need to deal with the head hunger, which is going to be a task and a half ...
  11. Jems1_84

    VSG and Pregancy?

    Thanks for the info.... i keep getting the whole "the bands better because it's reverisable" and the whole "The Sleeve is great there's no inadament object in your body" ... and its extremely confusing, and i dont want to make the wrong decision.... So your information has helped. Thank you again
  12. Jems1_84

    VSG and Pregancy?

    Thanks.... that helps, im just so worried that i may stretch the sleeve and not be able to lose the excess weight that i may gain during the pregnancy.... I spose its a lot of what if's ..... Thank you again.
  13. Jems1_84

    VSG and Pregancy?

    Hi, I'm looking into vsg as my wls tool, but I'm concerned about whether or not its feasable as i do want to have children... I've researched and investigated and also discussed with my doctor but no one can give me a straight answer.... can anyone shread some light on this matter ... thanks

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