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About pearson14872

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 05/19/1956
  1. Happy 57th Birthday pearson14872!

  2. Happy 56th Birthday pearson14872!

  3. Surgery was March 5. All ok until March 9 (Day 5 after surgery). Sharp pains, like knife stabs left chest above larger incision. After 2 days of increasing pain, I experimented today. If I don't drink anything at all, I'm fine. Moments after taking first sips, the pain starts and only the narcotics take the edge off the pain. Is anyone else experiencing this? I have an appt. with my surgeon, but would like to have any feedback from any of you-especially if you had feedback from your surgeon on this issue-before I see him. Otherwise I have been fine: up walking up a storm the day after surgery...no vomiting... no nausea. Everything was fine (except the usual incision site pain) until day 5... so strange and worrisome. Thanks for any feedback!
  4. Becky... Ok, I think I'm going to keep 3, 7 and 10 days in mind as a benchmark--it seems to be fairly common. Would the pain meds have even helped with the gas? And I wonder if I get a headache if I can just call in and ask for a different med... I'm reading a lot--- and it's all helping. I will start my pre-op diet tomorrow: one week on liquid Protein. I've done it before, so this doesn't worry me. Now, let's see if I'm singing the same tune in a week! I'll remember to walk, walk, walk. Thanks for checking in--its nice to hear from you. :thumbup: Pearson
  5. Lellow~ LOLOL...it's all good and thanks especially for taking time from work to write back! Back to the grind now! :)Pearson
  6. Lellow~ Thanks for you story--it helped. I'll keep looking for your progress updates; I think you'll do well. By the way, Becky is a wonderful gal who has also responded to me. My name here is Pearson, and thanks so much again for taking the time to write!
  7. Hi, All~ Ok, it just took me about an hour to catch up on this thread. So, from what I can see, we are "Lucky Loosers". I like it-cute. I think I counted 3 others who have my "lucky" date of March 5-a week from tomorrow. I'm in Minnesota. Lots of chatter about liquid diets. I'll start mine with my surgeon tomorrow. I've been on one of these (Optifast) for about six months, so I think I know what to expect. I was sort-of goofy the first day, and a little faint, so I don't recommend driving on the first day. But from that point on, it was just fine. I don't know what protein mix he'll put me on. I bought Body Fortress (at Target here in the midwest). My dietician suggested it for taste over about 20 other options. It also has a high protein to carb ratio. I'll use that starting day 4 after surgery. I have read that "gas" seems to be a common discomfort in the week after surgery, so bought LOTS of Gas Ex melt-aways today. Someone also suggested taking lip balm to the hospital-- dry lips I assume from mouth breathing. Can't wait till we all turn the corner on March and start sharing results! Best to everyone!
  8. Becky~ Thanks so much for getting back to me with your honest assessment, and encouragement. You are a great help. I had my pre-surgical today, and then went out to buy everything I think I'll need for the first 2 weeks. I do have a question for you and for anyone else who has had the surgery..... how long was it before you were back to mildly functioning and fully functioning? I'm wondering how long to keep my calendar clear....... Thanks again, Becky!
  9. Becky, Thank you for your note. I am your age, and I hope I have your success. If you have just a moment more...I think I know what you mean by "it has been work" but could you elaborate for me? Is it something beyond the careful eating and exercise I'm anticipating? Is there something more I should be mentally preparing for? Thanks in advance, and thanks again for responding. My, you are a kind and helpful group!
  10. Many thanks to all of you for your notes of encouragement. I am feeling much better as the evening wears on. I hope I don't have port problems, but I'll manage what comes. You have been the inspiration I was hoping for. I'll follow your stories, so please keep posting, and thanks again.
  11. Thanks, Dperson--- What great weight loss...I'm feeling better by the minute :smile:
  12. Jachut: THANKS so much for your quick reply and wonderful success story....it lifted my spirits immensely. I think I'm in your original ballpark with a BMI of 36, so perhaps I can look forward to similar results. Boy, I hope so! Thanks again for the great details.
  13. Hi, all~~ This is my first posting~I'm new to the site. I'm having my surgery on March 5th at Unity Hospital in Minneapolis, Mn. with Dr. Baker. Tomorrow I have my pre-surgical visit with my doctor, and then I'm off to buy everything liquid! I've noticed many of us refer to ourselves as "banded"---does that make anybody else feel a little like a pigeon? :smile: I think I'm here because I may be feeling a little chill in my feet, and I'd love to hear some happy success stories. So if you've read this, and care to drop me a line with your story, I'd love to hear it--and thanks!

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