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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by mscarly

  1. mscarly
    I was on a road trip from Tue-Sat. Before I left, I was struggling - weight loss was flat for many days.
    So naturally I was concerned about taking a road trip - where would I eat? when? what could I eat? dinner at conference? etc
    To my surprise and delight - I came back and had lost 4 pounds!
    I found that Cracker Barrel was actually a pretty good place to eat for someone 3-4 weeks out. I could choose the vegetable platter and had some good choices: applesauce, cottage cheese, green beans, mashed potatoes.
    Also, Ruby Tuesday's salad bar had good choices - cottage cheese, edamame, garbanzo beans, parmesan cheese, diced ham, beets, etc.
    Kept the water consumption up - and avoided all the bad stuff - worked out pretty good!
    My big emotional victory - went from 267 (highest weight) - thru the 260s, 250s, 240s, and now am in the 230s ... finally. The farther I get from that top weight the happier I am.
    Also, have gone from size 24 jackets and slacks to 18-20 jackets and 22 slacks. It makes a big difference already.:cool:
  2. mscarly
    Last week I had my pre-op testing, which included a chest xray.
    The results came back that I had a "nodule" in my lung. (What the sam heck is a nodule?!) My doctor said it had to be tested further before she could sign off on my surgery.
    So, for SEVEN DAYS I've been waiting to get in for a CT scan and get the results back - sweating out a cancer scare, on TOP of all the emotions of this surgery. :smile2:
    I was out of my mind, worried not only would I not get a "second chance" at life with this surgery, but I'd be facing a serious illness that would have made the last 6 months useless - that I'd be getting chemo instead of fills ...
    On the eve of starting my pre-op diet, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY I got the call from my doctor tonight the tests came back COMPLETELY NEGATIVE - no sign of cancer whatsoever - just an old scar from a childhood respiratory illness. :tt2:
    I swear, Bandster Hell will be a cake walk after this harrowing experience. Whew!
  3. mscarly
    This morning, after the first 2 full days of my pre-op liquid diet, I'm down 6.6 pounds already.
    I am very much at peace with this decision. Not eating isn't bothering me in the least. I'm not hungry. It's very easy.
    Of course, after my cancer scare earlier this week ... liquid diet? No problem!
  4. mscarly
    The skin on my upper arms isn't very pretty - little pink bumps.
    Some years ago, when I asked my (rather insensitive) dermatologist, he responded to his medical intern (like I wasn't even sitting there), "We see that a lot in overweight people."
    I hope as the weight comes off, and with some TLC skin care, I'll have decent upper arms ... even if they'll be a little flabby.
  5. mscarly
    One of my big treats was to get a new hair cut and color this past Mon, to get ready to go back to work on Wed.
    Went to the beauty parlor, and sure enough a skinny minnie hair dresser worked on me. (Like a dummy) I blabbed about my surgery. She regarded me with a thin veil of contempt.
    When I got out to the car, to my horror, my hair was a completely different color than I had requested (it must be most dimly lit beauty salon in Chicagoland), and I had a blotch of mismatched color by my left temple.
    I went back in to complain, the manager was in a meeting offsite, so the receptionist begrudgingly took a message
    Hours and several phone calls later, the manager *still* hadn't gotten back to me, so I went back to the salon in person.
    I raised particular hell about the lousy hair color, and the poor customer service on top of it. I demanded my money back, and got it - but the rub was the snotty receptionist acting contemptuous of me, too.
    At the risk of sounding paranoid, I can't help but think if I was a skinny minnie like them, they would have been a lot more apologetic about my hair. When you're overweight, you're a throw-away person in society. You can just read their thoughts.
    Chalk up another reason to do the Lap-Band. Still smarting, gotta get over it ... :crying:

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