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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by mscarly

  1. mscarly
    I can't **count** how many people have come up to me and had the GALL to say, "You know who you look *exactly* like?!" [i grit my teeth, 'cause I know what's coming ... wait for it ...] "Kathy Bates!!!"
    I say tersley, "Well, she's a great American actress, so I'll take that as a compliment.":sneaky:
    If you can't say "You look just like Nicole Kidman" - then keep your thoughts to yourself!
  2. mscarly
    My physical therapist said something encouraging to me tonight. She said she estimated I'd be in about 90% less pain once this weight is off.
    Her comparison: she wears a 20-lb weight vest when she walks on the treadmill. She says it feels SO GOOD to just be able to unzip that vest and take it off at the end of a workout.
    Just think about MULTIPLES of that vest. What we're doing isn't quite as quick as being able to unzip a "fat suit" - but the next best thing!:biggrin:
  3. mscarly
    My internist strongly advised a couple other things today:
    1) GET LOTS OF SLEEP in the next few weeks before band surgery [Jun-3]. It's one of the things that will boost your immune system and stave off getting sick so close to the date. Avoid people as much as you can (trains, etc); and wash your hands a lot / use hand sanitizer.
    2) USE YOUR CPAP MACHINE and TAKE IT WITH YOU TO SURGERY OVERNIGHT. I quit using my cpap machine a few weeks ago, thinking tra-la-la it's just a little while before surgery and not having to use the darned thing at all anymore.
    But she said that's incorrect thinking. I'm staying at a hotel downtown Chicago after outpatient surgery, and engaging the services of a nurse to stay with me overnight. Again, my doctor said to BE SURE TO BRING THE CPAP along, because additional drugs in the body with surgery can really effect your sleep.
    3) Check your meds. Some are crushable, some are not. Some have liquid forms, some not. If you have a lot of pain issues like me, you need to plan for your pain management ahead of time. Also, she advised to wean off of Lexapro (antidepressant) before the surgery. I really don't need it that much, just take it as a hormone therapy substitute instead of estrogen - but she looked it up and it's not the greatest thing to be on if you're having surgery. Also, Celebrex isn't that great to be on before surgery, either.
    Of course, consult your own physician - but these are a few things I learned today that are worth asking questions about. - mscarly
  4. mscarly
    I have to say, this has been the easiest thing to do. When your mind's made up, when you're committed, when you've visited this tremendous supportive site about a million times in 6 months, you're ready.
    My surgery is Wed Jun-3. Got a pretty French pedicure today as a treat. Got all my chewable vitamins ready and waiting, C-PAP machine ready to take with me. Nurse and hotel are arranged. All that's left to do is pack my bag and show up.
    Made a cut and color appt for next Mon, so the hair will look nice when I go back to work on the 10th. My plan is to grow out a great mane of hair in the year+ it takes to lose the weight. Whole new look for a whole new me! :biggrin:
  5. mscarly
    Got banded on Wed Jun-3. It was a great experience. Went to Day One surgery in the Bloomingdale's building downtown Chicago. Surgeon was Carlos Galvani. Everybody was top-notch, the surgery center was excellent. Galvani fixed a Hiatal Hernia I didn't know I had, also.
    After surgery, we went to the Whitehall, a charming European style hotel right across the street from the surgery center.
    We had a really nice room (much nicer than a hospital - fluffy white pillows and bedding). The nurse that was on my surgical team also stayed overnight to watch me - take blood pressure, pulse, blood gasses, etc. She was WONDERFUL - I would have never received that kind of 1:1 treatment in a hospital.
    BTW, while I was getting ready for surgery, the nurse told me about one of their patients who got up at 3a on the MORNING of her surgery and had a HAM SANDWICH! Good grief. Obviously she didn't get a band.
    The sweetest words I heard the second I woke up from anesthesia - "You have a lap-band!" the anesthesiologist told me in a loud voice so I'd understand (still woozy). All the pre-op dieting was worthwhile.
    I am doing great, except for the left shoulder pain everybody here talks about. But that'll pass soon - nobody said it was going to be easy!
    Thanks to all my great bandster buddies on this site for all your support. Pretty tired, gotta get to bed.
  6. mscarly
    Got my first fill on Jul-1. No problem, didn't hurt a bit. Dr. Galvani uses some sort of pneumatic anesthetic pen, then inserts the needle. 3ccs in a 10cc band.
    Down 31 lbs since the beginning of my journey. Started size 24 jackets and pants - now 20.
    I still have a lot of aches and pains with the hip and arthritis, but people are telling me that I'm getting around better - so that's good.
  7. mscarly
    Great site - lots of inspiration here!
    I'm also looking for others who were born with congenital hip disorder. It's been a long downward spiral - lots of extra weight on a bad hip and back, very painful. Expecting to get banded in Apr 09.
    Starting BMI 45.3
    Weight 264
  8. mscarly
    I received a *glowing* reference today from one of my physicians regarding Dr. Carlos Galvani at Day One in Chicago, who is going to perform my lap band surgery.
    She was kind enough to ask around, so I take that as very comforting info as my Jun-3 2009 surgery date approaches.
    Also, one of my colleagues, who is very knowledgeable about the healthcare industry, reviewed his CV and was very impressed with his qualifications. :thumbup:
  9. mscarly
    Date tentatively set for Jun-3 2009, pending final pre-op testing. Hope I don't come down with the swine flu in the meantime
    Thanks to the kind words from visitors to my blog. I have had company for a few weeks and need to catch up with my "correspondence" on this wonderful site.
    Keep up the good work, Bandsters!
  10. mscarly
    I'm a little down in the dumps ...
    Haven't lost much post Jun-3 surgery.
    Logged into my lap-band (Allergen) site today and realize I'm only consuming about 900 calories a day.
    I am following my program quite well - mostly protein shakes, soft foods - think I'm in plateau of sorts - have lost 23 lbs since pre-surgery diet. Kind of hungry, but not bad.
    Gotta do better with the water, though.
    Am hanging in there - I'm sure the scale is going to change in a couple of days. :confused:
  11. mscarly
    Two things have about trashed my month of July - as well as my fragile lap-band routine.
    At the risk of sounding like making excuses, we've hosted three teenage grandsons for the last three weeks - nice kids, but very hard to manage everything with house guests. Eating out a lot, no down time, no organization time. This was not a good event, starting just days after my first fill.
    Also, have been working early and late on a big project (many 12-14 hour days). In combination with above, did not do a good job of bringing healthy lunches / dinners.
    That being said, have managed to manage my weight - about 235 (down 32 total since starting program in Nov 08). But so disappointed, wanted to have made more progress by now, almost 2 months post-surgery.
    Also, am just plain overwhelmed. Made a list of all the things I'm stress over, and it is very long. DH isn't a worrier, and can't figure out why I worry about things I can't control. We have a strict policy: I worry about everything, he worries about nothing. No wonder I tend to overeat.
    Visited the "Struggling" section tonight. I'm not feeling like a failure, but I can see one could fall off the grid very quickly - especially after the tremendously long build-up to surgery.
    I think my other problem is I need a fill. I have 3 ccs in a 10 cc band. Virtually no restriction. Was going to wait until Sep, but will call and go asap in Aug - why wait.
    Got to jump restart. Hope FitDay is fixed by now on this site, need to drink the water religiously, get back to walking more.
    Well, signing off for now. Be back tomorrow, I know that helps a lot, too.
  12. mscarly
    Just like others have said, I got a case of left shoulder and neck pain with post surgery gas.
    My wonderful husband went out and bought me a "husk bag" - one of those buckwheat / lavender bags you warm in the microwave for a couple minutes - shaped like a neck pillow you'd have on an airplane.
    The warm, moist heat chased the pain away in minutes - amazing!
    Thanks, DH!
  13. mscarly
    Just like others have said, I got a case of left shoulder and neck pain with post surgery gas.
    My wonderful husband went out and bought me a "husk bag" - one of those buckwheat / lavender bags you warm in the microwave for a couple minutes - shaped like a neck pillow you'd have on an airplane.
    The warm, moist heat chased the pain away in minutes - amazing!
    Thanks, DH!
  14. mscarly
    I read an article last night on Kirstie Alley in the recent issue of People magazine.
    I feel sorry for her. She may be rich and famous, but why-oh-why she just doesn't get a lap band and be done with the chronic yo-yo dieting thing is beyond me. :ohmy:
    Now she's creating her own diet and writing a book about it. It might make her some $$, but it doesn't take a crystal ball to see she'll be right back where she is a couple of years from now ...
    There is peace in knowing you're moving past "just one more diet" - "just one more book" - "just one more gym membership" and that you're getting a tool that can help you permanently.
  15. mscarly
    Went to my final appt today before surgery.
    Met with anesthesiologist and surgeon.
    I asked the surgeon the merits between Lap-Band and Realize. He said, "You're the first person who's ever asked me that."
    He said they do both. That I should research and decide which one I want. Most of it seems to be about web-based after care.
    Any thoughts / experience? Surgery is Jun-3.
  16. mscarly
    Went for my pre-op testing today with my internist (standard questions and tests such as blood pressure, blood work, EKG, chest xray, etc).
    She said typically an INTERNIST can give cardiac clearance before surgery; but she looked closely at the order and called to make sure - my surgery center requires a CARDIOLOGIST to give the clearance.
    This is usually even more the case when you're having ELECTIVE surgery, she commented. They are being very sure to have complete due diligence on you ...
    Word to the wise - it would be a heck of a note to not have that correct on surgery day. When in doubt - CALL! :ohmy:
  17. mscarly
    I'm taking a few minutes to think about being a Mom and my dearly deceased Mom ... and food and Moms ... and work and exercise and Moms ... and getting older as a Mom ... and why the sam heck didn't I do this earlier as a Mom ... (because it wasn't there in the US 10 years ago, Mom!) ... and how lucky the younger people are on this site who are going to have many better years of feeling great as MOMs and WIVES and DAUGHTERS and SISTERS and the GUYS that will *be there* for their MOMs and WIVES because they got a Lap Band that saved their lives. [whew!]
    Next year, I know I'll feel lots better and will be able to go out and see the lilacs and tulips in bloom at Lilacia Park on foot, without a wheelchair or a cane. That's a good thought to hold on to.:biggrin:
    God bless all the wonderful nurturing energy in the people on this site who share and care and make a difference in each other's lives every day. - mscarly :crying:
  18. mscarly
    Went back for my 1-week post-op visit today. Dr. Galvani says I'm doing great. Just have one little incision that's healing up nicely.
    First fill will be Jul-1.
    He estimates I'll be down 50-60 lbs by the time the weather turns cold again, if I stick to it, so that'll be good for my bad old hip.
    It's hard to imagine being that much lighter - but I know it'll happen!
    Went back to work today to lots of hugs and nice comments.
    Had my first mushy food today, a scrambled egg with a little shredded parmesan and a little cottage cheese - about 1/2 cup in total. Tasted good :crying:
  19. mscarly
    I think on-stage nudity is disgusting, shameful and damaging to all things American. But if I were 22 with a great body, it would be artistic, tasteful, patriotic and a progressive religious experience.
    - Shelley Winters

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
