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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mscarly

  1. mscarly

    20-lb weight vest

    My physical therapist said something encouraging to me tonight. She said she estimated I'd be in about 90% less pain once this weight is off. Her comparison: she wears a 20-lb weight vest when she walks on the treadmill. She says it feels SO GOOD to just be able to unzip that vest and take it off at the end of a workout. Just think about MULTIPLES of that vest. What we're doing isn't quite as quick as being able to unzip a "fat suit" - but the next best thing!:biggrin:
  2. mscarly

    Surgery in June

    Debbie - I don't know about good advice - but my date is Jun-3 too! Let's keep in touch! - mscarly:w00t:
  3. mscarly

    20-lb weight vest

    My physical therapist said something encouraging to me tonight. She said she estimated I'd be in about 90% less pain once this weight is off. Her comparison: she wears a 20-lb weight vest when she walks on the treadmill. She says it feels SO GOOD to just be able to unzip that vest and take it off at the end of a workout. Just think about MULTIPLES of that vest. What we're doing isn't quite as quick as being able to unzip a "fat suit" - but the next best thing!:wink:
  4. mscarly

    Got a date today -

    Date tentatively set for Jun-3 2009, pending final pre-op testing. Hope I don't come down with the swine flu in the meantime Thanks to the kind words from visitors to my blog. I have had company for a few weeks and need to catch up with my "correspondence" on this wonderful site. Keep up the good work, Bandsters!
  5. mscarly

    Got a date today -

    Date tentatively set for Jun-3 2009, pending final pre-op testing. Hope I don't come down with the swine flu in the meantime :wink: Thanks to the kind words from visitors to my blog. I have had company for a few weeks and need to catch up with my "correspondence" on this wonderful site. Keep up the good work, Bandsters!
  6. mscarly

    Got approved

    Got the phone call from the surgery center yesterday! It's wonderful to hear that the long nightmare is just about over. :smile2:
  7. mscarly

    Got approved

    Got the phone call from the surgery center yesterday! It's wonderful to hear that the long nightmare is just about over. :scared2:
  8. Thanks - you gotta laugh! Good luck with your journey, too! - Carla

  9. ... and it has to do with Kathy Bates :smile2: Go bandsters! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/blogs/59020
  10. mscarly

    #1 Thing I Won't Miss

    I can't **count** how many people have come up to me and had the GALL to say, "You know who you look *exactly* like?!" [i grit my teeth, 'cause I know what's coming ... wait for it ...] "Kathy Bates!!!" I say tersley, "Well, she's a great American actress, so I'll take that as a compliment.":sneaky: If you can't say "You look just like Nicole Kidman" - then keep your thoughts to yourself!
  11. mscarly

    Last appointment tomorrow!

    Thank goodness this six-month wait is going to be over - really gets long between four and six. Got all my paperwork together, hopefully it's full steam ahead :thumbdown:
  12. mscarly

    Last appointment tomorrow!

    Thank goodness this six-month wait is going to be over - really gets long between four and six. Got all my paperwork together, hopefully it's full steam ahead :thumbdown:
  13. Dear tmg333 - great pics, it's going to be fun to watch your progress. Keep me posted! - mscarly

  14. mscarly

    3/25/09 Get Your Head In The Game

    "Last Supper Mentality" - you hit the nail on the head! As the days before banding (finally) get down there - I'm finding myself doing more night eating (8-11p), which would probably be characterized as "Last Snacker Mentality". Thank goodness lapband, as a tool, will help prevent that. Keep your head up! - mscarly
  15. Dear Band Groupie - how exciting, hope to hear good news about your date soon! Thanks for the forum tip, I'm still learning about this site. I think this 6-mo process is a little too long, it really gets to be a long wait ... 4 or 5 mos would be plenty. I'm sure we're as ready as we're ever going to be. Thanks for becoming my first friend on lapbandtalk. You're cool :D

  16. Dear Band Groupie - I know you're getting closer to your surgery date. I admire that you clearly are a good friend to all on this site. We're all in this together - keep your head up! mscarly

  17. mscarly

    First post -

    Great site - lots of inspiration here! I'm also looking for others who were born with congenital hip disorder. It's been a long downward spiral - lots of extra weight on a bad hip and back, very painful. Expecting to get banded in Apr 09. Starting BMI 45.3 Weight 264
  18. mscarly

    First post -

    Thanks for the good advice, BG - we should check in, I think we'll be banded right at the same time. Just think, a year from now how much better we're going to feel! - mscarly
  19. mscarly

    First post -

    Great site - lots of inspiration here! I'm also looking for others who were born with congenital hip disorder. It's been a long downward spiral - lots of extra weight on a bad hip and back, very painful. Expecting to get banded in Apr 09. Starting BMI 45.3 Weight 264

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
