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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mscarly

  1. mscarly

    Done and done

    Got banded on Wed Jun-3. It was a great experience. Went to Day One surgery in the Bloomingdale's building downtown Chicago. Surgeon was Carlos Galvani. Everybody was top-notch, the surgery center was excellent. Galvani fixed a Hiatal Hernia I didn't know I had, also. After surgery, we went to the Whitehall, a charming European style hotel right across the street from the surgery center. We had a really nice room (much nicer than a hospital - fluffy white pillows and bedding). The nurse that was on my surgical team also stayed overnight to watch me - take blood pressure, pulse, blood gasses, etc. She was WONDERFUL - I would have never received that kind of 1:1 treatment in a hospital. BTW, while I was getting ready for surgery, the nurse told me about one of their patients who got up at 3a on the MORNING of her surgery and had a HAM SANDWICH! Good grief. Obviously she didn't get a band. The sweetest words I heard the second I woke up from anesthesia - "You have a lap-band!" the anesthesiologist told me in a loud voice so I'd understand (still woozy). All the pre-op dieting was worthwhile. I am doing great, except for the left shoulder pain everybody here talks about. But that'll pass soon - nobody said it was going to be easy! Thanks to all my great bandster buddies on this site for all your support. Pretty tired, gotta get to bed. -mscarly
  2. mscarly

    Done and done

    Got banded on Wed Jun-3. It was a great experience. Went to Day One surgery in the Bloomingdale's building downtown Chicago. Surgeon was Carlos Galvani. Everybody was top-notch, the surgery center was excellent. Galvani fixed a Hiatal Hernia I didn't know I had, also. After surgery, we went to the Whitehall, a charming European style hotel right across the street from the surgery center. We had a really nice room (much nicer than a hospital - fluffy white pillows and bedding). The nurse that was on my surgical team also stayed overnight to watch me - take blood pressure, pulse, blood gasses, etc. She was WONDERFUL - I would have never received that kind of 1:1 treatment in a hospital. BTW, while I was getting ready for surgery, the nurse told me about one of their patients who got up at 3a on the MORNING of her surgery and had a HAM SANDWICH! Good grief. Obviously she didn't get a band. The sweetest words I heard the second I woke up from anesthesia - "You have a lap-band!" the anesthesiologist told me in a loud voice so I'd understand (still woozy). All the pre-op dieting was worthwhile. I am doing great, except for the left shoulder pain everybody here talks about. But that'll pass soon - nobody said it was going to be easy! Thanks to all my great bandster buddies on this site for all your support. Pretty tired, gotta get to bed.:wub: -mscarly
  3. mscarly

    Lap-Band Eve!

    6a Wed surgery. All set - see you on the other side:thumbup: - MsCarly
  4. mscarly

    Lap-Band Eve!

    6a Wed surgery. All set - see you on the other side:thumbup: - MsCarly
  5. mscarly

    Quotable quote -

    I think on-stage nudity is disgusting, shameful and damaging to all things American. But if I were 22 with a great body, it would be artistic, tasteful, patriotic and a progressive religious experience. - Shelley Winters
  6. mscarly

    Quotable quote -

    I think on-stage nudity is disgusting, shameful and damaging to all things American. But if I were 22 with a great body, it would be artistic, tasteful, patriotic and a progressive religious experience. - Shelley Winters
  7. Good luck - we have a very exciting week ahead! We're all in this together :)

  8. mscarly

    Almost done with pre-op diet -

    I have to say, this has been the easiest thing to do. When your mind's made up, when you're committed, when you've visited this tremendous supportive site about a million times in 6 months, you're ready. My surgery is Wed Jun-3. Got a pretty French pedicure today as a treat. Got all my chewable vitamins ready and waiting, C-PAP machine ready to take with me. Nurse and hotel are arranged. All that's left to do is pack my bag and show up. Made a cut and color appt for next Mon, so the hair will look nice when I go back to work on the 10th. My plan is to grow out a great mane of hair in the year+ it takes to lose the weight. Whole new look for a whole new me! :biggrin:
  9. mscarly

    Almost done with pre-op diet -

    I have to say, this has been the easiest thing to do. When your mind's made up, when you're committed, when you've visited this tremendous supportive site about a million times in 6 months, you're ready. My surgery is Wed Jun-3. Got a pretty French pedicure today as a treat. Got all my chewable vitamins ready and waiting, C-PAP machine ready to take with me. Nurse and hotel are arranged. All that's left to do is pack my bag and show up. Made a cut and color appt for next Mon, so the hair will look nice when I go back to work on the 10th. My plan is to grow out a great mane of hair in the year+ it takes to lose the weight. Whole new look for a whole new me!
  10. mscarly

    A quotable quote ...

    What some call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't much better than tedious disease. - George Dennison Prentice
  11. mscarly

    A quotable quote ...

    What some call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't much better than tedious disease. - George Dennison Prentice
  12. mscarly

    Lap-Band vs Realize Band?

    Went to my final appt today before surgery. Met with anesthesiologist and surgeon. I asked the surgeon the merits between Lap-Band and Realize. He said, "You're the first person who's ever asked me that." He said they do both. That I should research and decide which one I want. Most of it seems to be about web-based after care. Any thoughts / experience? Surgery is Jun-3.
  13. mscarly

    Lap-Band vs Realize Band?

    Went to my final appt today before surgery. Met with anesthesiologist and surgeon. I asked the surgeon the merits between Lap-Band and Realize. He said, "You're the first person who's ever asked me that." He said they do both. That I should research and decide which one I want. Most of it seems to be about web-based after care. Any thoughts / experience? Surgery is Jun-3.:devil:
  14. mscarly

    Something else I won't miss ...

    The skin on my upper arms isn't very pretty - little pink bumps. Some years ago, when I asked my (rather insensitive) dermatologist, he responded to his medical intern (like I wasn't even sitting there), "We see that a lot in overweight people." I hope as the weight comes off, and with some TLC skin care, I'll have decent upper arms ... even if they'll be a little flabby.
  15. mscarly

    Something else I won't miss ...

    Thanks for the tip - I'll try them!
  16. Dear Band Groupie -


    It's always fun to check out your blog - glad you're doing well! - mscarly

  17. mscarly

    Something else I won't miss ...

    The skin on my upper arms isn't very pretty - little pink bumps. Some years ago, when I asked my (rather insensitive) dermatologist, he responded to his medical intern (like I wasn't even sitting there), "We see that a lot in overweight people." I hope as the weight comes off, and with some TLC skin care, I'll have decent upper arms ... even if they'll be a little flabby.
  18. mscarly

    So far, so good -

    This morning, after the first 2 full days of my pre-op liquid diet, I'm down 6.6 pounds already. I am very much at peace with this decision. Not eating isn't bothering me in the least. I'm not hungry. It's very easy. Of course, after my cancer scare earlier this week ... liquid diet? No problem!
  19. mscarly

    So far, so good -

    This morning, after the first 2 full days of my pre-op liquid diet, I'm down 6.6 pounds already. I am very much at peace with this decision. Not eating isn't bothering me in the least. I'm not hungry. It's very easy. Of course, after my cancer scare earlier this week ... liquid diet? No problem!
  20. mscarly

    Scared out of my mind -

    Last week I had my pre-op testing, which included a chest xray. The results came back that I had a "nodule" in my lung. (What the sam heck is a nodule?!) My doctor said it had to be tested further before she could sign off on my surgery. So, for SEVEN DAYS I've been waiting to get in for a CT scan and get the results back - sweating out a cancer scare, on TOP of all the emotions of this surgery. :smile2: I was out of my mind, worried not only would I not get a "second chance" at life with this surgery, but I'd be facing a serious illness that would have made the last 6 months useless - that I'd be getting chemo instead of fills ... On the eve of starting my pre-op diet, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY I got the call from my doctor tonight the tests came back COMPLETELY NEGATIVE - no sign of cancer whatsoever - just an old scar from a childhood respiratory illness. :tt2: I swear, Bandster Hell will be a cake walk after this harrowing experience. Whew!
  21. Thank you, I'm still coming down off this stress trip! Nice to have an army of supporters on this site. -mscarly

  22. mscarly

    Scared out of my mind -

    Last week I had my pre-op testing, which included a chest xray. The results came back that I had a "nodule" in my lung. (What the sam heck is a nodule?!) My doctor said it had to be tested further before she could sign off on my surgery. So, for SEVEN DAYS I've been waiting to get in for a CT scan and get the results back - sweating out a cancer scare, on TOP of all the emotions of this surgery. :cursing: I was out of my mind, worried not only would I not get a "second chance" at life with this surgery, but I'd be facing a serious illness that would have made the last 6 months useless - that I'd be getting chemo instead of fills ... On the eve of starting my pre-op diet, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY I got the call from my doctor tonight the tests came back COMPLETELY NEGATIVE - no sign of cancer whatsoever - just an old scar from a childhood respiratory illness. :cool2: I swear, Bandster Hell will be a cake walk after this harrowing experience. Whew!
  23. mscarly

    What I Wish I'd Known Before Being Banded...

    Excellent post - I'll heed your good advice. Thanks for sharing! - mscarly
  24. mscarly

    Kirstie Alley -

    I read an article last night on Kirstie Alley in the recent issue of People magazine. I feel sorry for her. She may be rich and famous, but why-oh-why she just doesn't get a lap band and be done with the chronic yo-yo dieting thing is beyond me. :ohmy: Now she's creating her own diet and writing a book about it. It might make her some $$, but it doesn't take a crystal ball to see she'll be right back where she is a couple of years from now ... There is peace in knowing you're moving past "just one more diet" - "just one more book" - "just one more gym membership" and that you're getting a tool that can help you permanently.
  25. mscarly

    #1 Thing I Won't Miss

    I can't **count** how many people have come up to me and had the GALL to say, "You know who you look *exactly* like?!" [i grit my teeth, 'cause I know what's coming ... wait for it ...] "Kathy Bates!!!" I say tersley, "Well, she's a great American actress, so I'll take that as a compliment.":sneaky: If you can't say "You look just like Nicole Kidman" - then keep your thoughts to yourself!

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