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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ediesmeedy

  1. Ediesmeedy

    Anyone hypothyroid with the LB?

    HI, I was banded on 3/20/09. I am down 26 lbs so far. I was wondering if you meant wieghtloss wise? Since if your Thyroid does not work so well. I can be harder to loose wieght. I do take synthroid for it. Can anyone share thoughts on that?
  2. Ediesmeedy

    Less than 24 hours!!!

    Mine is tommorow at 9:30! I am excited!
  3. Ediesmeedy

    Am I the only March 20th??

    Ahh yes a twin! some one in the same boat. The doc said because my BMI is high, and then theres the smoking thing. I am cutting down as much as I can.
  4. Ediesmeedy

    Am I the only March 20th??

    Hi Hotmama. you are not alone. I am being banded on the 20th as well. My preop is 3/17. I am in my second week of the optifast diet. My doc required 3 weeks. Ugg! I am used to it now. I think it will help me in the long run though.
  5. Hi all, My surgery date is March 20th. I have to do 3 weeks of the liquid diet. Ugg, it's hard. I have noticed that everones BMI seems to be lower than mine :wink: It's worth it. Anyone else on the 20th? Also, how soon do you do preop before surgery?

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