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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Rukhshandah

  1. Hi Everyone, I would like to introduce myself to this forum. I'm from the UK mother of 4 working full time. I've struggled with my weight since I've had the children and tried numerous diets it's always the same old thing lose some and gain twice as much back. Then I started to look into WLS and wanted to have the band but with the band there are a lot of complications after which i read up on and decided to have the Sleeve. On the 24/03/2009 I had the sleeve in Czech Republic through Cosmetic Bliss as in the UK you have to go through a company to have surgery because you could not go direct to a surgeon. Any way so far I'm doing good I have been doing regular exercise as well and managed to lose 42 pounds since. My weigh loss has slowed down now and I don't know if that is normal or not. I am happy with the results so far there would be no way i could have done this on any diets. Anyway thanks for reading and if you have any questions or advice for me please let me know. I'll be more than happy to reply. Take care. Rukhshandah
  2. Rukhshandah

    Introducing Myself to Everyone

    Hi Elisabethew, It looks like you had the sleeve after me so how much weight are you loosing each week. I think I worry too much because I have tried so many diets and failed. I'm just scared of not reaching my target weight. I know I should be positive but I just want to get to my target weight. Anyway keep me posted of your weight loss. Take care. Rukhshandah
  3. Rukhshandah

    Introducing Myself to Everyone

    I hope I can get to the target weight I want. I'm still in my early days and I'm working hard, watching what I'm eating and doing my exercise on regular basis. I'm doing a bit of both cardio and weight training because I want to tone up as well.
  4. Hi, Well done on your weight loss so far. Keep it up I'm sure you will do well as you have done so far. I had my sleeve on the 24/03/2009 and have lost 42 pounds since. I hope I have the same success as you. Take care. Rukhshandah
  5. Rukhshandah

    Sleeve Date Set- Newbie

    Hi Shanda, I had my sleeve on 24/03/2009 and it was the best thing I ever done. I always struggled with my weight even though my family are not over weight. I tried numerous diets and the weight kept coming back with a bit more..... If you have got any questions I'll be more than happy to answer them if i can. Take care. Rukhshandah
  6. Hi Jane,

    How are you doing? Not heared from you since the op, how is your weight loss coming on?

    How has your recovery been after having the stitches out?

    What are you eating now?

    I'm asking you so many questions I hope your ok.

    I'm really happy with the weight loss it has slowed down now I don't know why as I'm doing exercise as well cause I want to tone up as well I don't want to have flabby skin.

    But I'm happy as other people have started to notice. Keep in touch.


    Take care.




  7. I'm so happy toady I've weighed myself and managed to lose more weight than I expected in such a short time. Before the surgery I had heared that you lose so much weight but till you don't have the surgery yourself in the back of your head you have doubts if it is going to work or not. As you have done so many diets and failed and gained more weight after the diets. I'm from the UK and had my sleeve in Czech Republic through Cosmetic Bliss on the 24/03/2009 since then I have dropped 2 dress sizes and lost over 2 stones in weight and I'm jumping with JOY.
  8. Rukhshandah

    Jumping With Joy!!!!!!!!!

    Hi MacMadame, Thanks so much. Looking at your results you have had a great succes in weight loss surgery too. I cant wait to hit target on my weight. Take care Rukhshandah
  9. Rukhshandah

    Jumping With Joy!!!!!!!!!

    Hi Vegasangel, Thanks for the encoragement and yes it does sometime feel like I'm walking on clouds. The result has been amazing beyond my expectations. The great feeling you get when some makes a comment on how much weight you loss and how good you are looking. I cant explain the happiness inside me that at last that something I suffered from most of my life and now I'm getting results. Anyway cant wait to see your resluts on here. Take care Rukhshandah
  10. Rukhshandah

    Jumping With Joy!!!!!!!!!

    Hi Elisabethew, Thanks for the encouragement. How is your weight loss coming on. I've begin to get a lot of heart burn when I eat is that normal for every one. Anyway thanks again. Take care Rukhshandah
  11. Rukhshandah

    Jumping With Joy!!!!!!!!!

    Hi Lynn I could not decide whether to have the band or the sleeve but when I looked into it more with the band you can have more complications after than with the sleeve, so I had the sleeve. Which ever surgey you go for there will always be a way around it but what you got to remember this is a tool and you have to use the tool as you pay so much money to get this surgery in the 1st. place. Anyway I used Cosmetice Bliss as in the Uk you cant go and find your own surgeons you will always have to go through a company. Cosmetic Bliss have 1 surgeon Dr Cierny who specialises in this area and him and his team were fantastic. I had my surgery on the 24/03/2009 and from the start to return home they were brilliant. i would recommend them to anybody. If you have any questions for me please don't hestitate to ask me any question. Take care. Rukhshandah
  12. Rukhshandah

    Skinny time!!!!!

    Hi I'm from the UK and I had my surgery in Czech Republic on 24/03/2009 and its the best thing I've ever done, I wish I had done it earlier now. I'm sure you will be fine. All the best for the surgery. Take Care. Rukhshandah
  13. Rukhshandah

    Hello from Scotland.

    Hi Curvy, My name is Rukhshandah from Manchester. I've used Cosmetic Bliss and had the sleeve on the 24/03/2009 It's the best thing I've ever done. I went on my own and was very nervous till I met Michael & Deborah at Stansted Airport and they are a great couple and made feel at ease straight away. The experience I had was great, I was well looked after, Deborah is there everyday with you and gives you plent of advice on what to do and what not to do. I would recommend "Cosmetic Bliss" to anyone as the staff is great there. If you have got any questions for me just let me know and I will try my best to reply them for you. Take Care. Rukhshandah
  14. Rukhshandah

    Hello from Scotland.

    Hi Kath, Well done on you weight loss. I'm from the UK from Manchester I've used Cosmetic Bliss too and had the sleeve on 24/03/2009 Since then I have lost over 2 stones which, I'm really pleased about. My experience with Cosmetic Bliss was brilliant from the time I met Deborah & Michael at the Stansted Airport to having the surgery and the day I was discharged. I only have 1 regret I wish I had done it earlier. Anyway it would be nice to keep in touch with you if that's ok with you. Take care. Rukhshandah
  15. Rukhshandah

    I Need a Boost-Me-Up- Please Help

    Hi Rose, This all sounds like my family a month ago when I went for my sleeve. I'm from a big family and told my family that I was going abroad to have the sleeve, one by one I got told off by everyone. I'm from the Uk and on 24th March I had the sleeve in Czech Republic through Cosmetic Bliss. WhenI was leaving even my husband said this is you decision I don't want you to do this. I think he was worried if anthing happened to me out there he will not be able to live with it which, is understandable when you've been with them for a long time. I still went ahead and it's the best thing I ever did I wish I had done it earlier and now my family are all happy with me as they can see the difference in me. Don't worry about it they will all be happy when they see the difference in you as mine did. All the best Rukhshandah
  16. Rukhshandah

    Nearly 2 wks in Lost 14.5 kg

    Hi there, Thanks for the encouragement. Your doing great there as well.
  17. Hi Everyone:smile2:, My name is Rukhshandah and I'm from the UK. I've had the sleeve on the 22/03/09 in Brno, Chez Republic. The 1st. two days of the op where very pain full but I guess as they say no pain, no gain. :thumbup:I'm ok now and also as I see the weight is coming off you forget about the pain that you been through. I'm still on liquids as it has not been 2 weeks yet, I start mushy foods nest week I'll just have to wait and see how I get on with that. If anyone has any questions regarding the sleeve or advice please drop me a line.
  18. Rukhshandah

    Nearly 2 wks in Lost 14.5 kg

    Hi there, I'm knew to this which, is the sleeve section?
  19. Rukhshandah

    Gastric Sleeve

    Hi there I wonder if you could give me some feedback on the surgery as how did go for you and how much weight have you lost since because I'm going for the sleeve at the end of the month

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