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Posts posted by Rukhshandah

  1. Thank you for sharing your story. My weight loss slowed for a few weeks even though I was eating right. That passed and now I am steadily losing.

    Hi Elisabethew,

    It looks like you had the sleeve after me so how much weight are you loosing each week.

    I think I worry too much because I have tried so many diets and failed.

    I'm just scared of not reaching my target weight.

    I know I should be positive but I just want to get to my target weight.

    Anyway keep me posted of your weight loss.

    Take care.



  2. I think for most people weight loss is very fast in the very beginning and it slows down with solids. We also get a little more comfortable with food as time goes by. Your weight loss is great!

    What kind of exercise are you doing? Cardio? Weight training?

    I hope I can get to the target weight I want. I'm still in my early days and I'm working hard, watching what I'm eating and doing my exercise on regular basis.

    I'm doing a bit of both cardio and weight training because I want to tone up as well.


  3. Hi Everyone,

    I would like to introduce myself to this forum. I'm from the UK mother of 4 working full time. I've struggled with my weight since I've had the children and tried numerous diets it's always the same old thing lose some and gain twice as much back. Then I started to look into WLS and wanted to have the band but with the band there are a lot of complications after which i read up on and decided to have the Sleeve.

    On the 24/03/2009 I had the sleeve in Czech Republic through Cosmetic Bliss as in the UK you have to go through a company to have surgery because you could not go direct to a surgeon.

    Any way so far I'm doing good I have been doing regular exercise as well and managed to lose 42 pounds since.

    My weigh loss has slowed down now and I don't know if that is normal or not. I am happy with the results so far there would be no way i could have done this on any diets.

    Anyway thanks for reading and if you have any questions or advice for me please let me know. I'll be more than happy to reply.

    Take care.



  4. August 2008 I received my VSG which was to be the first stage of a two stage DS procedure.

    I've since decided I won't need the Switch stage and the issues it brings with it.

    At my highest weight I was over 450 (that's as high as our scale would go)

    I am now at 285 and still losing on a regular basis.

    My goal is to reach 220 and be less than half the man I used to be.

    I am down to 1 HBP from 3, no longer have any sleep apnea issues, no longer pre-diabetic, glaucoma is much improved, and I no longer take the 14 Advil per day for joint pain. I still have some joint problems, but I've only taken 3 Advil total since my surgery over 9 months ago.

    I spent nearly1000 hours researching what I thought would be the best surgery for my SMO condition, and found out I only needed half that procedure.

    Good luck and good health on your wellness journey.

    I've found this to be a fun trip, and think it's the best gift I've ever given myself.


    Well done on your weight loss so far. Keep it up I'm sure you will do well as you have done so far.

    I had my sleeve on the 24/03/2009 and have lost 42 pounds since. I hope I have the same success as you.

    Take care.



  5. Hi Shanda,

    I had my sleeve on 24/03/2009 and it was the best thing I ever done. I always struggled with my weight even though my family are not over weight. I tried numerous diets and the weight kept coming back with a bit more..... If you have got any questions I'll be more than happy to answer them if i can.

    Take care.




    Hi Vegasangel,

    Thanks for the encoragement and yes it does sometime feel like I'm walking on clouds. The result has been amazing beyond my expectations.

    The great feeling you get when some makes a comment on how much weight you loss and how good you are looking. I cant explain the happiness inside me that at last that something I suffered from most of my life and now I'm getting results.

    Anyway cant wait to see your resluts on here.

    Take care



  7. WOW! You lost over 45 pounds in 1.5 months? I'm amazed... congratulations!

    Hi Elisabethew,

    Thanks for the encouragement. How is your weight loss coming on. I've begin to get a lot of heart burn when I eat is that normal for every one.

    Anyway thanks again.

    Take care



  8. Hi girls, it's interesting I found this thread as I have been thinking about surgery with CB. The very few people I've spoken to online are very pleased with them and their surgery with mr cierny.

    I'm just not sure if vsg is right for me and they only offer it or the band which is out. Thing is you can 'eat around' any surgery if you're determinded enough so maybe it's a chance I have to take.

    Just need by passport!

    Hi Lynn

    I could not decide whether to have the band or the sleeve but when I looked into it more with the band you can have more complications after than with the sleeve, so I had the sleeve.

    Which ever surgey you go for there will always be a way around it but what you got to remember this is a tool and you have to use the tool as you pay so much money to get this surgery in the 1st. place.

    Anyway I used Cosmetice Bliss as in the Uk you cant go and find your own surgeons you will always have to go through a company. Cosmetic Bliss have 1 surgeon Dr Cierny who specialises in this area and him and his team were fantastic.

    I had my surgery on the 24/03/2009 and from the start to return home they were brilliant. i would recommend them to anybody.

    If you have any questions for me please don't hestitate to ask me any question.

    Take care.



  9. I'm so happy toady I've weighed myself and managed to lose more weight than I expected in such a short time.

    Before the surgery I had heared that you lose so much weight but till you don't have the surgery yourself in the back of your head you have doubts if it is going to work or not. As you have done so many diets and failed and gained more weight after the diets.

    I'm from the UK and had my sleeve in Czech Republic through Cosmetic Bliss on the 24/03/2009 since then I have dropped 2 dress sizes and lost over 2 stones in weight and I'm jumping with JOY.


  10. WOO-HOO!!!!!!

    financing in place and surgery scheduled for June 12th with Dr. Aceves. So it looks like Ruthgrosvenorcox, my DBF and I will be headed to Mexico to change our lives and our health. :eek:

    Looking forward to it being over and finally being able to get this weight off and keep it off for good! Anyone else having surgery around that time? Let us know -- we'll have a party to Celebrate :glare:


    I'm from the UK and I had my surgery in Czech Republic on 24/03/2009 and its the best thing I've ever done, I wish I had done it earlier now.

    I'm sure you will be fine. All the best for the surgery.

    Take Care.



  11. Hi everyone,

    I'm 42 and from the Scotland in the United Kingdom. The Gastric Sleeve is so new here but it is showing a lot of interest as an alternative to other weight loss surgeries. I was banded 4 years ago as the only option offered to me because of my low BMI (37) was the band or the RNY gastric Bypass. I didn't fancy the RNY and still don't, but am very interested in the Gastric Sleeve. I lost 5 stones with the Band but have since regained it due to having the band deflated because of severe tightening. Scotland only has one fill provider and he has a 3-6 month waiting list, which as you can imagine, is utterly useless. I went to his emergency clinic for a defill that day but he couldn't defill it and i had to fly over to Belgium where i was originally banded in order to get defilled. I have no wish to ever have my band inflated again as it is too unpredictable when there is such a severe lack of aftercare available to deal with problems in this country. In Belgium the port is placed deeper in the body onto a muscle whereas in Britain/UK it is placed just under the skin. Bariatric doctors here are only taught how to access the surface ports, leaving us bandsters with deeper ports struggling for fills and unfills. I only went to Belgium in the first place because it was a third of the price compared to the UK.

    However, when i was banded 4 years ago, the Gastric Sleeve was not even known about and was not mentioned in any of the research articles i saw on the internet. I wish it had been as i feel it would have been more suitable for me as the serious lack of aftercare with the band here has been the main failing with my surgery.

    I'm thinking of going to have the Gastric Sleeve done in the Czech Republic with a company called "Cosmetic Bliss". I've heard only good things about them and their prices are less than half the price in this country. They mainly cater for British people and seem to be getting an excellent reputation. Has anyone heard anything about them, good or bad?

    Hi Curvy,

    My name is Rukhshandah from Manchester.

    I've used Cosmetic Bliss and had the sleeve on the 24/03/2009 It's the best thing I've ever done.

    I went on my own and was very nervous till I met Michael & Deborah at Stansted Airport and they are a great couple and made feel at ease straight away.

    The experience I had was great, I was well looked after, Deborah is there everyday with you and gives you plent of advice on what to do and what not to do.

    I would recommend "Cosmetic Bliss" to anyone as the staff is great there.

    If you have got any questions for me just let me know and I will try my best to reply them for you.

    Take Care.



  12. Hi,

    I also went to Brno with Cosmetic Bliss and their service was excellent. I paid £4990 which is a really good price, considering hospitals here are charging £10,000. It was very reassuring to have their personal service. They travelled with us, came to the hospital and Deborah was there with every step of the way, for the pre-op tests and was there when i woke up in ITU. She visited every day. Personally, i thought it was worth every penny, especially travelling abroad on my own.

    The surgeon, Dr Cierny was excellent, I saw him and his team 3 times each day. The nurses were lovely and very efficient and the place was spotless. i'm a nurse myself so am a bit fussy but I couldn't fault it.

    I had sleeve in November and have lost just over 3 stone, which I'm very happy with.:unsure:

    Kath x

    Hi Kath,

    Well done on you weight loss.

    I'm from the UK from Manchester I've used Cosmetic Bliss too and had the sleeve on 24/03/2009

    Since then I have lost over 2 stones which, I'm really pleased about.

    My experience with Cosmetic Bliss was brilliant from the time I met Deborah & Michael at the Stansted Airport to having the surgery and the day I was discharged.

    I only have 1 regret I wish I had done it earlier.

    Anyway it would be nice to keep in touch with you if that's ok with you.

    Take care.



  13. Well, my parents found out my plans to get the Sleeve in Mexico with Dr. Aceves. Wow did I get a full attack.

    I feel so bad right now. They got on me about going to Mexico, that I am crazy. I tried to explain that I've researched and have been talking to all of you and I am confident in the doctor and hospital. Still they came back saying the internet is all lies. They argued that anyone on these chats and forums could be by people who are paid to promote it. I offered all my research and for them to view Dr. A's website, but it was no use.

    They went on and on about how I may have complications in the future and why am I going to risk my life for this.

    Can you believe they even attacked my husband. He is the greatest man ever and he supports me 100%. They feel he doesn't realy love me if he's going to let me do this; he must only care about looks. That is NOT true. My husband loves me no matter what size I am. I am doing this for me; for my happiness and health.

    I know my parents are just being parents and they love me. And I know I am an adult and the most important opinions are from me and my husband. But I've always been a family girl, and the fact that they are fighting me and see this surgery as only resulting is a negative way really hurts me.

    Now I am even doubting myself. Am I doing the right thing. Is Mexico and Dr. A right (I can't afford it here in the states). Will this decision make my life Hell later due to problems. My heart says GO for it, but now my head is swimming.

    I really need a boost right now.


    Hi Rose,

    This all sounds like my family a month ago when I went for my sleeve. I'm from a big family and told my family that I was going abroad to have the sleeve, one by one I got told off by everyone.

    I'm from the Uk and on 24th March I had the sleeve in Czech Republic through Cosmetic Bliss. WhenI was leaving even my husband said this is you decision I don't want you to do this. I think he was worried if anthing happened to me out there he will not be able to live with it which, is understandable when you've been with them for a long time.

    I still went ahead and it's the best thing I ever did I wish I had done it earlier and now my family are all happy with me as they can see the difference in me.

    Don't worry about it they will all be happy when they see the difference in you as mine did.

    All the best



  14. Hi Everyone:smile2:,

    My name is Rukhshandah and I'm from the UK. I've had the sleeve on the 22/03/09 in Brno, Chez Republic.

    The 1st. two days of the op where very pain full but I guess as they say no pain, no gain.

    :thumbup:I'm ok now and also as I see the weight is coming off you forget about the pain that you been through.

    I'm still on liquids as it has not been 2 weeks yet, I start mushy foods nest week I'll just have to wait and see how I get on with that.

    If anyone has any questions regarding the sleeve or advice please drop me a line.


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