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About Dsnodgrass

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/07/1985

About Me

  • Biography
    Recent Wife, College Grad and Employee at a Bank. I have always been overweight and I feel like now is as good a time as any to do something more. I have been on many different diets, joined Weight Watchers and failed royaly at them all.
  • Interests
    Reading, Criminal Shows and My two Puppie Dogs
  • Occupation
    Customer Service for 401ks
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Single Status Update

See all updates by Dsnodgrass

  1. I'm alright. We're up in Ashevegas today. I present at senior seminar next Wednesday and although my paper was 19 pages and not yet finished, I have to go back and rework a good half of that. Guh!


    I ordered a chicken quesadilla from room service last night because I knew I couldn't handle the bread from a sandwich. I ate a quarter of it last night without a problem. About 10 minutes ago, however, I ate a whopping three bites of a quarter and I'm hurting! Oowww.

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