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golden girl

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by golden girl

  1. it's so great for me to read these thoughts from everyone, because i've stopped losing too. Banded on 5 march, lost 8 lbs in a few days, and nothing more for the last 6 days. I'm able to eat just about anything and quite a lot of it, so now i'm back to relying on willpower, which was never my strong suit. I'm glad i'm not the only one waiting for the healing and first fill to come. It's just hard when you see people reporting big weight losses from day 1 on!

    this is my first message.i was banded aug.2007 and have only lost 38pounds. My band fill is 4.2 in a5cc and i am still looking for food.. My dr. Says the band just dont work for every one . Any adviese?

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