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LAP-BAND Patients
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About radiogirl

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 05/04/1956
  1. Happy 57th Birthday radiogirl!

  2. Happy 56th Birthday radiogirl!

  3. I can't remember the exact name of the book, but it was written by Khalia Ali, Mohammed's daughter. I had just had my 2nd fill when I read the book and in her book she described exactly what I was going thru. Needless to say, I couldn't put the book down. I've recommended to friends who are considering the band.
  4. radiogirl

    Getting Stuck Alot-Please Help.....

    Oh Wow!! I had to re-read your post and make sure I hadn't written it myself!! I am experiencing the same exact things you've mentioned in your post! Last night I had a little ground beef for dinner and even though I chewed well and waited patiently between bites, I found myself over the sink. Today the same thing happened with tiny bites of chicken. I believe my problem is that I'm eating too fast. On Monday I ate a small plain burger with no problems. The difference was that I ate lunch at my desk at work and it took me over an hour to eat the burger between answering the phone, making copies, etc. I do at least 30 minutes of cardio daily and have the same 2 lbs. either up or down... I had a fill of 2 cc on the 18th of August, and then went back the following day for a half cc unfill...I was too tight. The half cc made a better difference and I can definitely feel it. Since the fill(unfill) I did lose 4 lbs and then two more which go up or down...and I so wanted to be under 200 by Labor Day. Oh well...back to the treadmill.
  5. radiogirl

    Normal? Ups and Downs?

    Hi guys! This is the story of my life...ups and downs (on the scale). I'm not too worried about it because I'm seeing better results in the inches department. I thought I'd lose more after my first and only fill, but found that in the month since the fill I've been able to eat just about anything without the feeling of fullness. It actually doesn't feel like I'd been filled at all. I'll discuss it with my doctor when I go back. In the meantime though, I know that by eating less and working out more, the weight will come off, slowly or not, I'm ok with it.
  6. radiogirl

    How much food can you eat?

    Try adding a bit of sugar free Jello powder and a little fat free whipped topping to your cottage cheese. It becomes a tasty dessert :scared2:
  7. radiogirl

    Decaf Coffee

    I have a cup of decaf every morning and flavor it with Coffeemate's sugar free french vanilla powder (not the liquid one). YUMMY!! My surgery was on Monday, March 16th and I've had absolutely no complications and losing weight steadily. :thumbup:
  8. Today was my first day of mushies. For lunch I drove thru Wendy's and picked up a small chili w/ cheese. I pureed it in my "Magic Bullet" and had a yummy and filling lunch. The small cup is enough for two meals. Tonight I had mashed potatoes with fat free gravy and 3/4 c of cream of broccoli soup (Campbell's). For dessert I'll have lowfat cottage cheese sprinkled with Sugar Free jello powder (any flavor). I used to make this dessert while on atkins and added fat free whipped topping but I don't know if we can have whipped topping after being banded.
  9. radiogirl

    I've got questions...

    My surgery was at 11:30 am and I was home by 3:30 which is unusual because my surgeon usually has his patients stay overnight, but since I was doing so well post op, he ok'd my going home. Once home I found a comfortable sleeping position and slept most of the rest of the day. By Thursday, I was so bored at home I drove myself to work to catch up on stuff. I had a long relaxed weekend and did everything the doctor told me. Clear liquids for 48 hours, full liquids until day 7 and today I started on pureed foods. I blended Wendy's Chili for lunch!! To be honest, I feel sooo good!! I've had very little gas, hardly any discomfort and I'm NOT starving. My weight loss is steady and I'll go back to see my doctor on Friday. Absolutely and positively no regrets!! I'm scheduled to have my first fill approximately one month after the surgery...so around April 16th or so.
  10. radiogirl

    Any March Bandsters...

    I'm all set to go on Monday, March 16 @ 10 am. WOO HOO!!!!!
  11. radiogirl

    I've got questions...

    I'm sorry. I posted these questions in the wrong place. Excuse me as I learn my way around
  12. Hi everyone! I'm from South Texas and anxiously awaiting my surgery scheduled for Monday, March 16th. My surgeon has answered all my questions regarding the surgery itself, but I'd like to know more about how some of you felt right after your surgery and in the days following the surgery. These are my questions: 1) Did you ever feel like you were starving during the initial clear liquid diet? 2) How did you sleep when you got back home? Were you uncomfortable sleeping in your favorite position? 3) Did you have any regrets? 4) Would you do it all over again?
  13. radiogirl


    Thank you guys so much for all your insightful replies. I spoke to the dietician and she says that coffee with a little coffee mate shouldn't affect me in any way. One more week to go and I'm anxious to start my new way of life.
  14. radiogirl


    Hi everyone! I've been reading these forums in anticipation of my own surgery which is scheduled for March 16th. I apologize if this topic has been mentioned before, but I wonder how many of you drink coffee? I have given it up for my pre op diet and I know I won't be able to have it initially, but I'd love to have it eventually. I drink mine with a teaspoon of non dairy powder and a packet of splenda or sweet and low.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
