Hi fellow brother and sister sleevers. I am a little sacred and am hoping you might be able to help me out. I am four weeks and 3 days post op. Three days ago the dietitian moved me to 'soft foods' and wanted me to start consuming Protein at every meal like deli meat, tuna, canned chicken, tofu...I have been fine with Soups, cream of wheat, mashed veggies, and all purred foods (including deli smoked turkey and chicken breast) but I am having extreme nausea and lots of discomfort with any sort of meat. I am beginning to feel like ill have to eat only purred foods for the rest of my life...Did any of you experience this? I am getting quite blue and a kind of scared:scared0:. Up to this point I have been doing well but this is like really upsetting. And I have been chewing and chewing and measuring....
Thank you for any suggestion or just reassurance you can provide that someday I will be able to eat somewhat normal food again.