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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lemonhed84

  1. Anyone interested in joining a fitness boot camp?

    I think we need to have one sponsored by Miles and Schmitt to get people motivated. Can someone discuss this with Veronica? I don't know her really well. Maybe she can set up some kind of weight loss boot camp fitness thing.

    They have camps for women and men. I am not extremely athletic, and I think this is something that I can use to push myself. I'm probably going to join the June 22 camp. Let me know what you all think! I don't feel like being tortured by myself... so join me! :-)

    Birmingham Adventure Boot Camp - Birmingham

  2. I went shopping at Cato the other day. They have two different sides to the store. One is for overweight women and the other is not. I generally walk in and go straight to the left (overweight side). I picked up a top, and held it against myself... too big. I pick up a smaller size... too big. It was the smallest size on the overweight side. I HAD TO GO TO THE SKINNY SIDE TO BUY A SHIRT!!!

    Guess what?!?!?! I fit into a regular woman's size LARGE... not XL, or XXL... but LARGE!!!! YAYYYYY!!!

    I haven't dropped but one pant size since surgery and people keep asking about how many sizes I've dropped. I always felt bad saying one. Now I can tell them about my shirt sizes. lol.

    You can do it if you try!!!


  3. I had my first fill on Monday. They put in 4 ccs in a 10 cc band. I thought that it seemed like a lot, but they said the Realize Band is different (whatever...). I still don't feel much restriction, but it looks like my plateau is over (with the loss of 2 more lbs.). I have been stalled for the last two weeks. I was banded on March 12th, and have lost 18 pounds since then. Anyone else stall out like that?


  4. It's been a while since I've posted! I went to the last meeting and came in a bit late. I can't wait to actually get to meet everyone. I've lost 18 pounds since surgery on March 12th, and I have lost 33 pounds total. I got my first fill this past Monday. I was really shocked when they put in 4ccs! Everyone keeps talking about small amounts, such as 1 or 1.5 ccs for their first fill. I still haven't met with the dietitian for my 6 week check-up, but I am hoping to do that sometime after school gets out. Is it worth going to see her?

    I hope to see you all again at the next meeting!


  5. I was banded on Thursday by Dr. Miles. It hurt a lot more than I thought it would!!! The only people left in the Same Day Services center at the end of the day were the two of us who were banded by Miles. I'm not sure who the other girl was, but I wish her the best of luck. We both seemed to be having a hard time. I am feeling better today, after some much needed relief of built up gas in my abdomen. THANK YOU GAS-X for your fabulous strips! lol! I hope to see you all at support group.


  6. So... I was banded on Thursday! It was a lot more painful than I expected, but I'm making it. I'm slowly getting my fluids down for the first time today. It was hard yesterday, and the pain is getting better. I'll keep you all posted!

  7. So, tomorrow is the big day and I am SUPER excited! I am not too thrilled with the mega laxative I've just taken but I know that it's all worth it!!!! :crying:

    On my pre-op diet I've lost 11 pounds (though, with this laxative it may be more by surgery time tomorrow!). My pre-op diet consisted of 2 Protein shakes a day and a salad for dinner. :lol:

    Everyone in my family is calling and asking about me... but it's getting old fast. I know that they care, but their worrying is making me nervous. :thumbup:

    I hope it's not too painful... I really can be a sissy when it comes to pain.

    Wish me luck! I'll write back ASAP!


  8. I had an NSV today! I was able to clean most of my house today without getting really winded! I have been working out lately and it's been helping my overall stamina. I'm being banded in 4 days and I have already made huge progress toward my goal.

  9. Hello Everyone, I had my band surgery on wed. march 4th. So right now i am 2 days post op and feeling a little better then yesterday.. Yesterday i was really sore, the tylenol and ibuprofen were not really killing the pain... I have lost a total of 5 lbs post op and 7 lbs on the pre op diet. So i am down a total of 12 lbs...

    yeah ME! Good luck to everyone!:laugh:

    Be careful not to take any Ibuprofen... it can cause ulcers in your pouch. My doctor said that's one of those meds we can never have again.

  10. I am being banded the 12th! I cannot wait. I have a goal of LBJ...leather by January! I know that they don't match anything, but I've always wanted to fit into some leather pants! LOL! I hope everyone has a great experience and I'll keep you all in my prayers. I've lost 9 pounds on my pre-op diet so far, and a short term goal for me is 15 before surgery!

    Good luck!


  11. My most embarrassing moment was at my step-sister's wedding. It should have been a really happy moment for everyone. I thought that I looked great in my cute skirt and top! At the reception, right before the food was passed out my step-grandmother looks at me (drunk and probably on some kind of pain killers... as usual) and says, "My GOD, you're getting big... I don't think you should eat what we're eating." I swear, it took almost everything in me to not tell her off right there in front of everyone, but I just said excuse me and left. I went back to the condo and cried. It sucked because half of my family came up to the room and kept begging me to come back down. They treated me like it was my fault and that I was acting childish. I never did tell them why I left or why I wouldn't go back, because it was too embarrassing. Needless to say, step-grandmother didn't DARE show her face at my wedding, and it was the best time of my life!

  12. HI! I'm being banded this Thursday by Dr. Miles. I am so excited, but also scared to death. I do not think I will regret this decision, but thinking about eating regular foods with the band is what makes me nervous. I have set some goals, and I hope that I don't let myself down (again). I always hate setting goals because of the HUGE letdown that I get afterward. I think I'll be able to make it with the band... but in the back of my head I'm still hearing the, "Yeah right!" voice. Any suggestions for getting rid of the mean fat girl inside?



  13. One NSV I've had is that all of my nice jewelry now fits. I got a Tiffany's Bracelet for Christmas and it was too tight to wear at first. I've lost about 10 pounds and I've been wearing it every day! My rings keep sliding around on my fingers and it's driving me nuts, but it's a good thing!

    Have a great day everyone!


  14. I had to tell almost everyone. I teach 105 6th graders every day, and kids are brutally honest. I am getting banded the 12th (right before Spring Break) and I told them I would be out for two days for surgery. Because kids feel no shame when they say something rude, I told them to keep them on my side. I showed them that I've started drinking massive amounts of Water, and I've shared my liquid Protein diet with them. They really enjoy watching me moan and groan with a smile about the sour chewable Vitamins that I eat at lunch and Breakfast. I get lots of questions about how long I'll have to do this, and all I say is forever. Instead of having them talk negatively behind my back, I'm having them ask positive questions to me and each other. I told them about my battle with my weight and I told them that I didn't feel I was giving up because I am still going to be the one doing most of the work.

    I didn't want to tell them, and I wish I could have kept it a secret... but they would have noticed and even when kids talk about you behind your back it still hurts.

    A lot of my Facebook and myspace friends do not know and I am trying to hide it from my husband's family. I like the hernia idea!

    Thanks for listening!




  15. I go for my pre-op appointment and nutrition class this Wednesday for my surgery on the 12th!

    I have lost 5 pounds this week on the Liquid Protein diet. I think my husband is unknowingly sabotaging my efforts. We don't have any kids and he doesn't know how to cook or feed himself without fast food. He does not like anything that I am eating either. He's so picky!

    Anyone else having this problem?



  16. I am scheduled for the 12th. I have already lost 5 pounds on the pre-op diet. It's getting me psyched and pumped up! I bought a fancy scale this week that measures weight, body fat, body hydration, BMI, and bone density. It's awesome. It remembers what I weighed the last time I stepped up (if I choose to save it). I'm hoping that because of this scale's multiple readings, I'll use it to see my overall health rather than focusing on the big number.


  17. Getting used to my CPAP was a challenge. I opted for the whole face mask so that my mouth would be with my nose. I have to have it for surgery too, because my doctor wouldn't let me have anesthesia without knowing that I would wake up. It takes about 1 week to get used to it.

    Keep trying!!!

    I've had my CPAP for about a month now, and now I can't even take a nap without it.

    Good Luck!


  18. I am getting my band on March 12th. I go for my pre-op appointment on March 4th. I decided to start a liquid diet today (a bit less than 3 weeks pre-surgery) in order to get the hang of it. I want to do the best that I can, and getting control of my addiction to carbs and sugars will be a challenge. I am excited and nervous at the same time.

    I've been drinking the right amount of Water and it's been killing me at work. I teach, so getting to the bathroom is a real challenge. I find myself hanging out at the door of my classroom just to find someone to watch my kids while I run to the restroom. Everyone at school knows what's going on, and they've been really great about helping me out. I think my biggest problem will be weaning myself off of the cafeteria food FOREVER!

    I hope to hear your banding tales!


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