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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by odanielle

  1. HI all -- I am worried! So I am one month post-sleeve revision (from the band) and today was my first "food" day. Being the contrarian type, I decided to "test" the waters, as it were, by eating "more than I should"....but I am not feeling restriction!! Here's what I had: Believe me, this will not be a habit, and I've asked hubby to throw away all tempting food items. I started with chicken - about 1.5 oz....went down great - in fact, in my 3 years banded, I was never able to get chicken down. So I was glad. BUt I still felt "hollow" so I went on...had some cherries. WOrked out great. Then had some of my son's salad (with croutons and cherry tomatoes). Still great, a bit hollow. Then, I lost it! I was feeling so "good" -- and worried about it (why can I eat so much!!) that I had a granola bar, graham crackers, little PB cups and mini chocolates my poor son brought back from a birthday party -- and still, not FULL!! I know I'm not "supposed" to eat this stuff, but I thought I'd get restructoin (you know, the negative reinforcement??) WHAT GIVES??? Is this supposed to happen?? It's also my 2nd day of monthlies, and while on band, the monthlies usually triggered total openness and ability to eat (except for chicken). But I Thought the sleeve operated differently? Thanks in advance for your thoughts! I'm really worried.... Danielle
  2. odanielle

    Oh me oh my - why no restriction??

    Thanks -- yes, I have tried my physician through his assistant -- so far, she's focused on my nutrition and compliance, but not on my bigger worry that I feel I can tolerate too much! So I'll keep pushing.... The "good" news -- I ate 1 turkey meatball (big one) yesterday that was so good, I had to try another one -- but I knew after a bite that I'd be way overfilled if I tried -- so I stopped, and then realized what Tiff was saying -- my belly felt uncomfortably full. FINALLY!! So now I know my limits and what to stay away from....
  3. odanielle

    1 year out today

    Tiffy, I just have to say -- you look amazing! Also, you're such an inspiration to so many people on this board (and OH!) Thank you for being there and offering such sound advice. By the way, I couldn't help but laugh at your 12 year old's comments -- my 9 year old keeps telling me that he preferred me fat because I was much cushier! Yesterday we were playing frisbee and he "ran into" my hip bone and complained that the band and now the VSG are giving him blacks and blues all over his body! :lol0: Danielle
  4. odanielle

    Oh me oh my - why no restriction??

    What a great post - thanks so much! I guess I never realized how much I was relying on my band to keep me out of trouble! Here it's back to the old will power, and I"m not so good with that! Honestly, if I could have stuck to eating Proteins and veggies first before the sleeve, I wouldn't be here in the first place.... but c'est la vie, and I need to accept this tool for what it is and isn't - and consider myself lucky that I have relatively low restriction, as opposed to too much. The bougie size was 36 -- I had Dr. Aceves and I believe it's pretty standard. He does the folding over the staple line which is why I believe he doesn't do 32. You're probably right on the money about the meat! I was rarely able to eat meat on the band so I was extra careful and chewed until it was total mush. Very interesting about the stomach nerves being cut....I didn't know that, so it makes sense. My whole stomach area is still completely numb to the touch as well.. feels weird. I'm lucky (touch wood) that I've not slimed, foamed or vomitted at all since this surgery, and I'd like to keep it that way as much as possible. I am good with days - but as usual, nights are my challenge...and at the moment, graham crackers are my latest drug of choice. I don't eat many (2) but I think I should just stay away from any non-nutrional carbs until I reach my goal. So anything carbs is being given away, slowly but surely -- soon my 9-year old will have a "Sleeve" diet to contend with, poor guy! Thanks again -- really helpful!! Danielle
  5. odanielle

    Oh me oh my - why no restriction??

    Not really -- I tried a burger yesterday, and made it all the way to at least 4 oz without restriction. I don't want to push it -- i think I could have eaten more... I'm feeling kinda bummed - didn't realize how many things are considered "slider" foods? All carbs are sliders? I haven't tried bread, bagels, etc. but I heard those are considered sliders too? :scared0: Thanks for asking... Danielle
  6. odanielle

    Oh me oh my - why no restriction??

    Okay, I wrote this friendly happy email, and it got lost in cyberspace :crying: HEre's what it said in a nutshell -- I hope my mail didn't come across as mad at posters! I am grateful, really, just mad at myself -- and to some extent "wishing" I had the restriction of others! But you know, I'll take this over the band -- and definitely over having nothing! I just have to know what to keep away from. The silver lining, as I told my long suffering husband, is that if/when I want to "eat", I know I can! As long as it doesn't become a habit.... Thanks again - really, you're very helpful!! Danielle
  7. Hi - I had a band to sleeve revision a month ago and a large hiatal hernia removed at the same time. Probably same notion? I had my gallbladder removed a little over a year ago - was in the hospital for aspiration pneumonia from a too-tight band and they discovered that I had large gallstones as well. You should probably be able to do it all at once - I'm not a doc, though! danielle
  8. odanielle

    Oh me oh my - why no restriction??

    Thanks--- I will try to be more "compliant" -- I never had the band unfilled (except day before surgery) so have had 3 years of hardship then this surgery - just wanted to test limits. Am sobered by the fact that I can actually eat more with the sleeve in one sitting than with the band, even on its loosest days! Still prefer this since it seems less capricious, but man, I do wish I had more tightness like others!
  9. odanielle

    Oh me oh my - why no restriction??

    I know what I'm supposed to do. I was just shocked by what I could do. If it were as "easy" as staying away from foods that aren't good for me, I would have done that without having the sleeve. I ate all of it pretty quickly -- again, being the contrarian, I just wanted to test out the sleeve's limits. NEver felt close to full! By the way, I moved from the band to the sleeve when I was already near normal BMI. Am now normal BMI and I'm trying to figure out how this works. Still want to lose some (10-15lbs eventually) but not in a huge hurry. Thanks, Danielle
  10. Hi everyone, First of all, I must say how happy I am with the band! With all the "troubles" (pretty bad reflux), I wouldn't change anything for the world. It has changed my life - from a sz 16 pant to a sz 6 - top still needs work (8/10ish). I need some advice, and I know the great people here can help. Here's my fill situation: I received a 3.8 fill on a 4 cc band last Feb (almost a year!?!) - as a result, I lost most of my weight - finally felt the sweet spot. Interestingly though, as I lost weight, I began to feel tighter than I probably should. Some days, I could only have mushies It would come and go, but I loved it because I was so rarely hungry. Unfortunately, I developed pretty bad reflux and after an upper endoscopy plus barium test, it was determined that I was too tight. I should say I have a regular fill doctor in NY (Dr. Ren/Fielding's office) and my band was done by Dr. Ortiz in Mexico - whose office also performed the last barium test. As a result of the test results, Dr. Ortiz' office unfilled me completely! It was interesting, because even after the unfill, the Dr. showed me how swollen I still was after swalloing liquids - the Water would just sit, think about it, then go down in a woosh. the Dr. in Mexico says that I should wait for 3-4 weeks before getting refilled, and then only refilling a bit at a time (e.g., 2 Ccs to start). The problem is that my serious hunger is back! I'm white knuckling it, but it's realy hard. Here's my question: Is the slow refill schedule really all that necessary?? Has anyone gone from a complete unfill to a refill back to one's sweet spot (I imagine mine must be around 3.7 ccs although not sure) The other problem with the slow refill schedule is that I live 2+ hours away from my fill doc - need day off from work and $150 train ride to do it. Thanks for any help!! Danielle
  11. odanielle

    Question re: unfill then refill

    Thanks for your response! That's a good idea re: the doctor. I will let him know. I really need a good fill because I can eat anything at the moment - and as much as I try not to, the jekyll/hyde pesonality is returning and the hunger is constant. The good doctor who unfilled me said "just use your self-discipline" -- HAH! If I could do that, I would NOT need the band in the first place! Good luck with your fill/fullness! It really feels amazing to feel free - even though I have 20 lbs, 60 lbs isn't chump change! I just don't want to reverse the trend... Thanks, Danielle
  12. odanielle

    New from Philly

    Hi all! I just posted in the NJ thread as well for Southern NJ folks as well. I will be banded in Mexico in a few short days (8/29!) :whoo::omg: and the more I read, the more I realize how critical after care support is with others who've done this. Learning how to eat, what to eat, how to deal with emotions, what to do at work, social situations, etc. There are a few support groups I could join with clinicians present, but they're not close to my area (NYC is the closest I could fine) So...I am taking matters into my own hands! So far, I have someone else from Philly interested (she's from another board) and now someone from South NJ. Any others??? I don't think we have to be that close to each other -- if we could just meet once a month on the weekend, and combine it with something that I INTEND on becoming fun (e.g., mall shopping!!) then I think we could all meet somewhere. What do you think? Any thoughts appreciated -- those who want to join, let me know! Thanks, Danielle
  13. Hi all! I was happy to see this thread. I live in Center City and was banded about 6 months ago (has it been that long??) in Mexico by Dr. Ortiz. I've lost over 40 lbs, and feel great, although I'm still struggling with what to eat and not on my band. Every fill is a revelation! For fills, I contemplated the Mt. Laurel Ctr, but when I checked into it, the doctor had "only" done about 50 fills, and I was too nervous to go there. So I chose Dr. Ren's office as well, although it is a trek. Witha full time job and a 7-year old, it doesn't thrill me to take vacation time to go there, but that office is absolutely worth it! Not sure what I'll do after a year, but already my rate of fills has gone down (I think my last one was my fourth - I"m at 3.8 on a 4CC band!!) I would love to look into a group of fellow bandsters to discuss! I could probably meet 1/2 way - say Media? Of course, if you want to trek into CC, I'd be thrilled to! My next goals are to 1) start exercising (UGH), 2) lose another 30 lbs, and 3) learn to eat healthy (most important, I think!) I look forward to possibly getting together! Best Wishes, Danielle
  14. Hi -- I go to Dr. Fielding/Ren's office for Fills! I come from Philly, but it's worth the trek for me. So far, I have gone to almost everyone in the office (except Dr. Fielding) and they are so fabulous! I feel next to nothing, it's fast, and they sure know what they're doing! I had the surgery done Question for the original OPer: This is March 15?? Isn't that a Sat evening? If so, I will DEFINITELY be there! Best, Danielle
  15. I'll add to the comments -- I was banded by Dr. Ortiz on 8/29 (wasn't it great!!) and found a practice in NYC that's very well known for its lap band doctors (Drs Fielding and Dr. Ren). Even though I commute monthly from Philly to NYC, I committed to myself that my first year, I'd go to the best for everything (includng Dr. Ortiz for the operation), and they've been great. Have had several fills to-date, by Dr. Ren, and then 2 different nurse practioners in their office, and they've all been fantastic. You had a quack -- and a greedy dishonest one at that. I hope that you find someone better -- it can only get better, really! Best, Danielle
  16. Hi all -- I was hoping to revive this thread to see if a) others share this issue and any solutions exist that work. I take generic zoloft (sertaline), and have had terrible problems since the band -- more so since the band started working well. My symptoms are intense heartburn and dry heaves -- can't get anything out and it feels like my whole stomach is trying to get out of my belly! I'm pretty tolerant to pain -- Getting stuck, PBs and Sliming are merely irritants to me, although not the most pleasant feeling, for sure -- but the pain to Zoloft is intense enough that I am getting worried. So far, I've been taking it at night, cut in 1/2 - then I started taking only 1/2 dosage. Still painful. Next, I'll try taking it in the morning with some yoghurt - and may well try liquid form. Anyone else with this? In case it doesn't get better, what subsitute has worked for others? Thanks in advance for your thoughts! Danielle
  17. odanielle

    Fills in Philadelphia?

    Hi all! I just wanted to say hi -- I had my band done in Mexico at the end of August (Dr. Ortiz) - great experience -- and for the first year, decided to do my fills in NYC because of Dr. Ren's reputation. So far so good -- the fills are effortless (except for the train ride/cost!), and on my third, then fourth, reached that elusive non-hunger level. It goes away pretty quickly when I lose weight though - so that can get expensive! By Year 2, I will probably start using the Mt. Laurel fill center for convenience and because I've heard a few good things about the doc. Challenge is, the Ren office has support groups which I've found informative -- they include dinners at restaurants where you learn how to eat ( haven't made it to one of those yet!) Has anyone found/started a support group in the Philly area that Mexico bandsters can go to? Nothing heavy -- just going out with folks, even to cafes/restaurants, who can commiserate with the glacially slow pace of eating that we must undertake! Anyhow, glad to meet some other Philly "Phillers"!
  18. odanielle

    Lost my PB virginity

    That's funny! I've been pbing regularly this week since my 2nd fill (can't seem to get the hang of this and/or am a glutton for punishment) And the most evident physical reaction, even when I try very hard to hide it at work, is a red face. I wonder how common that is! But this is really getting old...every time I eat, I literally have to close my door at work, crawl under my desk over the garbage can, and well -- you know! Ugh. (
  19. odanielle

    DO I need an unfill

    I'm a bit in the same boat - I had 1.5 CCs put in for a first fill and because I felt nothing, this second fill was for 2.7ccs last week -- now every time I eat, out it comes with quite a bit of pain beforehand. But I'm wondering if it's the rate at which I'm eating and what I've chosen to eat. It's so hard to figure it out, isn't it? I don't know about you, but my "silver lining" is that in the week since I've had this second fill, I've lost 6 lbs (not a fun way to lose it, but hey, if I'm gonna suffer, let's let go of some poundage!) I hope you figure your band out as well! Danielle
  20. I am 8 weeks post-op and had my first fill last week. Before the fill, once I was cleared to eat, I could eat anything -- I mean, anything -- and did. :faint:So naturally, I gained all pre-op and most post-op weight back. So I was really looking forward to the fill which happened a week ago. At first, it looked like I could eat anything again. So I called and made another fill appointment for next week. It's a big deal for me, because I need take a day off work to travell from Philly to NYC (at cost of over $120 both ways) plus the cost of fills (I'm self-pay). But I was willing to do it because I wanted my band to start working for me. Incidentally, I must plug Dr. Ren in NYC -- I felt NOT A THING with the fill!! Back to my dilemma -- this morning, I started on my 1/2 bagel with light cream cheese -- and after a couple of bites, I started to feel quite gross -- I had slime, funny burping sounds (sounded like the Emergency Broadcast system!) It hurt quite a bit, then out it came after about 1/2 hour of writhing and squeaming. So clearly, I have some restriction. But I'm still hungry! Question is: should I still go for my fill? I like the negative reinforcement of eating improperly, but I'm still physically hungry -- I don't have that filled feeling at all. I wonder if just a tad more would do the trick - allows me restriction to the point of losing hunger without causing overfilling? I'd love to experience the sweet spot!! Your advice/experience would be very welcome! :clap2: Danielle
  21. I have been looking and looking for a post I had seen a while back that said how much Dr. Fielding/Ren's fills are in NYC - can't find it anywhere, so I'm hoping someone on the Board can help. I will be banded in Mexico (Dr. Ortiz) and I can tell from this forum and others that post-surgical care is critical. I also wanted to know if it was possible to join that practice's support groups (Wednesdays once a month?) I'll happily pay a fee if that's possible. They sound great - including going to restaurants to see how to eat, and learning tons of new things. I am willing to come up from Philadelphia as often as I can, but would like to know if it's feasible. Thanks in advance for any help! Danielle
  22. odanielle

    Band Slipped - Insurance Denied Coverage

    Hi -- I spoke to my doctor about this - and he asked me "how would they know if a previous insurance (or co-insurance, like with a spouse) hadn't covered the claim? In other words, say you had a pace maker inserted with a previous insurer and then with your "new" insurance, you had problems with the pace maker -- unless there was a pre-existing insurance clause, wouldn't they be required to pay? Either way, I would definitely appeal -- there are threads here and in Obesityhelp.com that talk about appealing through third parties - that seems to get better results. Good luck!
  23. Hi all -- I lost 6 lbs before surgery (not exactly compliant, I must admit!) and since surgery, I've lost about 12 lbs. Surgery was Aug 29. I don't go for a fill until Oct 17 and have been in bandster hell since 4 days post-op!! I'm hoping that moving to solids (in 5 days!!!) will help me control my hunger. Danielle
  24. Help to those with experience! I'm at almost 2 weeks post-op (feels like 2 months!!) and I went out to "lunch" with coworkers. I had the chef blend me the Soup to make sure it wasn't solid - it was a black bean soup, and it was pretty liquidy! All afternoon, I felt awful! My middle part, right in between the bottom of my ribs had this dull yet really unpleasant pain that just made me want to lie down. As a matter of fact, walking helped a little, and I even kneeled in front of my computer for some relief! It's as if I had a REALLY tight girdle squeezing me right in my upper middle below my chest. What is it???? Ugh, I think I might have felt the same thing with a yoghurt, although less intense? Although it was the weekend and I could lie down, so maybe it would have been as bad. Your thoughts would be infinitely appreciated! Danielle:faint:
  25. odanielle

    Ouch!! Pain in the middle

    Hi - thanks for the reply. Is a a PB possible on "soft" (if not liquidy) foods? this was a blended black bean soup - even before blending, it was pretty mushy - and after being blended, it had only 1-2 pieces of mush. And can PB also be a dull heavy pain? I thought it would be sharp, like a heart attack would feel (I imagine!) This took all afternoon (from 2 until 5 or so) and there was no sliming (that I can tell - never had it). Can it still be a PB -- "milder" version?

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