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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by katielaco

  1. I was banded on 3-24-09. I have not felt sick, but I'm very worried because I'm hungry and have eaten. I've measured my food and am not exceeding 4 oz and am satisfied, but I'm scared that I'm on the road to failure, after all it's only day 4. I plan on calling my Dr. on Monday, but right now I feel panicked. I have no nausea and no vomiting, on the contrary I feel great. But shouldn't I have no appetitie and have little interest in food. I'm hoping that it's just a matter of an adjustment and then things will get better. I'm disappointed in myself and how it's going so far. I wanted this so bad & I just feel that I'm not feeling at all what is described in my book.

    I am RIGHT THERE WITH YOU! I got banded on the 19th and was told that i was hungry because my stomach isnt swollen and after the first fill I should feel more restricted. Hopefully thats what will happen. i am also able to eat more than 3/4c of food....I dont know what to tell you but I thought it might help you to know that someone else was in your shoes!

  2. I was banded on the 19th and same thing was happening to me--------the gas pains were there totally....then I realized I was just really getting hungry. So you should be able to eat something and by the end of the day the pains should be gone.

    Hello all. I was banded on March 17th. Everything went fine but for the past couple of days my stomach has been making strange noises and today these gas pains are killing me. I've been walking around and taking gas-x but nothing is working.

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