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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by katielaco

  1. Thank you for your positive post on my forum! It made me feel hopeful!!!!!!!!!

  2. well, luckily you shouldnt be in PAIN. you will feel sore, and uncomfortable, but I wouldnt call it pain. i bet you are excited though!

  3. omg you cheated!! lol, bad girl! i didnt cheat at all...so its been exactly 3 weeks since any kind of solid food in my stomach....and i have gotten used to it! weird huh? I had surgery on thursday and it gone okay. I have some horrible bruising....but it will be worth it. Very sore and uncomfortable but not in a lot of pain. btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  4. Thank you!!!!!!!! I will let you know how it goes!

  5. I am doing great! A lot of energy. I got on the scales today and have lost 20 lbs in 10 days! yay! I am only drinking water and the shakes (optifast). I think you are allowed to drink black coffee and crystal light. But I have gone this far without it, so might as well keep going with out it!

  6. why is it postponed??? oh no........

  7. Good luck!! I get banded on the 19th. how are you doing on the liquid diet?

  8. good luck with your surgery! we should keep in touch since ours are so close! are you doing the liquid diet? I started it one week ago today. I have lost about 15lbs so far...so thats a good start. Anyways, good luck!

  9. Hi! Thanks for you pic comment. i havent been banded yet. those are all prebanded. I have the surery next thursday the 19th. i have been on the liquid diet for a week and already lost 15lbs or so. Good luck and keep in touch!

  10. Hey! You look amazing. Congrats on doing soooo good, so fast! I get banded in 2 weeks. I start the optifast tomorroW! Can you give me some tips on what has made you so successful this far???



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