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About JENNIFER7375

  • Rank
    Bariatric Evangelist
  • Birthday 07/03/1975
  1. Happy 38th Birthday JENNIFER7375!

  2. Happy 37th Birthday JENNIFER7375!

  3. JENNIFER7375

    the after

  4. I know exactly how you fell. You've come so far so fast. The change is truly dramaitic.Just the thought of gonig back to the fat depressed girl i was is terrifying. I think once we've had time to mentally adjust to our new bodies it wil easier to maintain without worrying so much. you look beyond fantastic!!

  5. I too have tried adipex just gain back and be seriously disapointed. I was 225 when I was banded. I've reached my goal weight of 150 and I'm wearing size 8s and 6s. I'm also 5'4. I might try to get off another 5 pounds or so but I'd look like a skeleton at 125. Just my body type I guess. My 1st question is have you had your thyroid checked? Maybe there's a medical reason you are having so much trouble losing. It could also be between the adipex and low carb your metabolisms all out of wack? That being said if I weighed 175 and could maintain it I don't think I'd be banded. The key word being "maintain" were all capeable of losing it's the keeping it off we suck at. And I'm by no means judging I lost weight both on adipex and low carb just to gain back each time. Hopefully you can figure out what's gonna work long term for you. Whatever you decide keep us posted!!
  6. im so worried about maintaining...scared to death...i wasn't scared i wasnt going to lose...i just worry everyday about keeping it off...i really do...

  7. Sweetie you look fanfreakingtastic!!! you have been great motivator to everyone who crosses your path! you definitely helped motivate me to goal!! Cant wait to see how you look after a year of weight training!! im gonna be starting myself soon! i have a good friend thats a trainer thsat offered to help me for free. I start as soon as i kick the rest of this nasty flu!! i love you and you look great!!
  8. Good luck!! keep us posted on your progress. You will do wonderful!!!:wink2:
  9. JENNIFER7375

    Will I Ever See the REAL ME??

    The self image thing has definitely been hard for me. sometimes i just can't picture myself as a thin person. I'me a size 6 or 8 now and sometimes still find myself looking at 16s and 18s. sometimes its hard just to get over the way people treat you. men in particular. Anywhere i go now doors get opened. drinks get bought by guys who would'nt have paid me any attention 75lbs ago.That and a whole lot of my girlfriends are funny acting now. They were all happy and supportive until i got smaller than some of them. Now they say i look anorexic and need to eat. i think just the difference in the way people treat you is so dramatic at times its no wonder some of us are insecure. a big step for me was besides tshirts and work out clothes i gave away everything in my closet that was too big.It was harder to get a good look at the new me in clothes 6 sizes too big. but it does start to get better. Ive taken a lot of pics along the way. so when i feel insecure and fat i can look and see the difference. thats helped a lot. and another thing im trying to learn is how to take a complement. we all need to learn that. So when someone says how great i look now i just say thank you, instead of saying no i dont. or that im still fat. We all need to learn this. and ladies you all look fantastic!!
  10. unfortunately, there is never gonna be away to stop stress, hormonal eating and the things that trigger them. But you did a great job stopping yourself. That is a success and you handled it properly. Just like eating in certain social situations like birthdays and weddings stress eating situations are going to happen. Even our girlfriends that have been thin life long crave chocolate when they PMS or wanna eat ice cream when they fight with their boyfriends. When this happens to me i generally indulge but only to a certain extent. I have 2 or 3 oreos instead of the 12 i previously would have had. one of the things i love about the band. Even when i screw up the band only lets me screw up to a certain extent. I have a 1/2 cup of ice cream instead of a half gallon now. part of my general approach to this has been not making any food forbidden. for me telling myself i cant have a cookie is a sure way to make sure i end up eating half the bag before the nights over. but i also have a rule now that anything i eat over today im gonna make myself work off in the next few days. my best advice to a slip up is be over and done with it after it happens. I don't let mondays Cookies be the reason i feel so bad i eat chips on tuesday anymore. realistically slip ups are always gonna happen from time to time. Its just a matter of now a binge is 500 calories instead of the 2500 or so it probably used to be.
  11. JENNIFER7375


    No way! I find tattoos in the right spots to be a major turn on. but no piercings!! ouch!!!!! what if it got stuck!!! lol
  12. JENNIFER7375

    Feb. '09 bandster

    Hey february ladies!! things are going great so far. i've lost 76 pounds and im down to wearing a medium shirt and jeans in an 6 or an 8. I never thought id make it so far so fast. i was just fortunate to reach my sweet spot in only a few fills. you guys all seem to be doing great!! :wink2:
  13. Thanks, i thought i was gonna hate it at 1st. but im really loving it. I always said i was gonna cut my hair short if i ever got thin! Im the same way you are ,still losing but not really trying! i love my band. congrats on your 1 year. cant wait to see where i am in february!!

  14. i'm loving ur new hair...i'm thinking about cutting mine off 2...congrats on getting in2 a 6!!!!!!!!!!! i keep losing without even trying...my year will b here oct. 6th....hopefully i'll stablize soon!!!!

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