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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JENNIFER7375

  1. JENNIFER7375

    Seriously curious

    so i can exchange Water for rum as long as its clear bacardi?
  2. JENNIFER7375

    Seriously curious

    it is never too early or late to start drinking! but stick to the hard stuff. dont you know you can stretch your pouch from 3 sips of beer!!
  3. JENNIFER7375

    Seriously curious

    Only if you eat the chicken strips in the ghetto!
  4. Then just keep on coughing and deep breathing as much as you possibly can to break it up. Then push the clear fluids to help thin them out
  5. If you think it's from congestion then you absolutely need to be using the incentive spirometer they gave you as often as you can. Every hour while your awake. It may hurt but coughing and deep breathing to break up the congestion are extremely important right now. That and get up and walk as much as possible. It's the only way you're gonna break up the congestion. Not only is this going to keep you from ending up back in the hospital with pneumonia but it's also the only thing that's gonna get rid of the phlem that's making you so nauseated. You may also want to back down to only clear liquids until it clears. Milk and other full liquids tend to make your phlem thicker and harder to break up. And I know it's the weekend but if you feel at all like you may be getting pneumonia you need to go to the hospital to be treated
  6. Theres no chunks in the cinnamon roll or the cherry cobbler. The apple turnover does have some small chunks though. They are fat free and not sweetened with sugar
  7. If you can have yogurt then try yoplait. They've got some wonderful new flavors. The cinnamon roll and apple turnover kind tastes great and are only 100 calories. I'm actually sitting at work having 1 now.
  8. Im not really sure about the yogurt but I think that might still be considered a mushie and a bit too much for your stomach right now. But what about sugar free popcicles. They taste good and help with hydration. I almost lived on them my 1st few days post op.
  9. JENNIFER7375

    Who measures food?

    i measured quite a bit at 1st, just to get an idea of what a true portion is supposed to be. now i've done it enough that most things i can kind of eyeball up. i didn't do it so much as counting calories or dieting. just to make me more aware of what i was putting in my mouth. it made me realize how truly out of control my portions used to be.
  10. JENNIFER7375

    No Pre Op Liquid diet

    Good you guys who had to just do low carb pre-op. my liquid diet sucked. even after 5 months just the thought of a sugar free carnation instant breakfast makes me sick! just as long as you are following your doctors ordered diet you should be ok. congratulations on being approved and good luck with your surgery:thumbup:
  11. JENNIFER7375

    What do you think the doctor means

    i think i t all depends on how quickly you gain proper restriction. im a little over 5 months out and have lost all but 15 pounds of my weight. but everyones band and body are different. there are people who get it after only a fill or two and others it takes a while for. but just because it takes you awhile to gain restriction dosent mean it wont happen. just ask restlessmonkey, it took her a long time to get to the right spot but she toughed it out and is now doing extremey well with her band. there can be a lot of trial and error involved in gaining restriction.( a definite drawback of the band) it also requires al ot of follow up care for fills. if thats something you are gonna have a hard time you might wanna weigh your other options before making a final surgery decision. good luck
  12. JENNIFER7375

    Let's get ready to rumble...

    your mama's so fat she laid on the beach and greenpeace tried to push her back in the water
  13. JENNIFER7375

    Let's get ready to rumble...

    i wanna play, your mama's so fat when she stepped on the scale it said, to be continued
  14. JENNIFER7375

    TV shows about obesity; Ruby, Big Medicine, Brookhaven - etc.

    the diet detectives shows called I want to save your life. I've only seen a few episodes but i really liked the few that i've seen
  15. JENNIFER7375

    seriously effed up body image issues

    i think a lot of us go through very similar feelings. last night i was in the tub. just staring at my stomach and the loose skin made me almost cry. im still much happier than i was fat. but sometimes its hard to believe how i can look so good in clothes but so awful naked. my boyfriend thinks im nuts, he says im hot naked or dressed, but then hes also never been overweight. my doc told me not to take any plastic surgery until id hit goal and maintained for a while. he says the skin will tighten up more than i think. im hoping so, but i too am already trying to figure out a way to finance my surgery when the time comes
  16. JENNIFER7375


    Misty thanks for the link. I forwarded it to a friend who's thinking about WLS. I've had good luck with the band and I've told her so. But I don't want her choosing the band just because it's worked for me. Were both very different as far as what and how we eat. I've told her to do a lot of research and go to support meetings . But I also think the article would be very helpful. And to the OP just weigh all your options carefully. You need to trust not only your own judgement but also that of your medical team. Whether you band or bypass you are still gonna need follow care with a medical that you trust has your best interest at heart. If necessary make follow up apts with the nutritionist and psyciatrist to discuss what they've recomended and why. Make a list of any questions and concerns you have and make sure everyone of them is answered before you make a decision. It's your body and you have to live with the outcome. So don't be afraid to schedule as many apts as you need to get all of your questions answer so you can make the right choice. Good luck!
  17. you look absolutely amazing!! whats your secret?

  18. JENNIFER7375

    Help, Jachut, are you out there?

    mimi i suggested the tylenol just to help with general discomfort. when i get in that puking cycle my throat and chest end up hurting like hell. the pain makes me more anxious, then i end up throwing up more. thought it might help get you on the right track since you've already thrown the ibuprofen up a few times. and kglovers right on with the chicken broth. i keep a jar of boullin cubes around all the time. i hope you feel better soon
  19. JENNIFER7375

    Help, Jachut, are you out there?

    Mimi i've had a rather nasty swelling issue myself a few weeks ago . The more I tried to eat or drink the more I threw up. It was awful but I didn't want an unfill either. I didn't get an unfill but finally put myself on clear liquids for 3 days then gradually increased my diet. I'd take a few sips of something wait at least 5 minutes before another sip. I've finally come to the conclusion i was not only super swollen but at least somewhat dehydrated. It dosent take too long to become that way. I'd also suggest switching to liquid Tylenol. But truthfully if you still can't keep anything down in the morning you should probably go back to your doc. I know not what u wanna hear but it's your safest route.
  20. JENNIFER7375

    glimpse at my future body!!!

    good for you!! i know the exact feeling you are talking about. no were never gonna have the body of a 16yr old again. but with hard enough work we can still be smoking hot.
  21. We've all been had our weight loss surgery the obvious health reasons. and a lot of us probably kicked the idea around for a lot of years. but at what moment or event did you decide. last august was the 9th anniversary of my mom's death. god i cant believe tuesday will be 10 years since shes been gone. my mother spent her life battling weight loss and depression . she was 52 when she died and she was only 5 ft tall and well over 350lbs. my mother was an amazing person, smart , beautiful, kind. . she hated being heavy, the staring of strangers, not being able to walk more than a few feet at a time. she had rheumatoid arthritis and was in constant pain. but in the end the struggle was too much for her. she committed suicide, august 4th 1999. well i was devestated at the time, my sisters were only 8 and 15. ive raised them the last 10yrs. well back to the point , when i looked at her picture. all i could see was my face looking back. no i wasnt as heavy as she was, but i was well on my way. i was 33 with extremely high blood pressure. the reality of my weight problem ending my life just kind of smacked me in the face. my sister that was 8 when my mom died has never gotten over her traumatic death. the idea of leaving my children and sisters over being obese scared me to death. i made an apt with a barriatric surgeon the next day. so far i've never regretted. and i often have to think how different the life of my family would have been if my mother would have had more options to her. sorry to ramble on, i guess my moms been on my mind a lot lately. but i guess i was just thinking about my break through moment and wonder what kind of things finally motivated others into action.
  22. JENNIFER7375

    What made you do it.

    I just want to thank all you ladies for sharing your stories. I guess we all have different motivations for our decisions. And I guess no matter what our reason it's all about having the strength to make the decision to no longer our weight issues rule our lives.
  23. thanks for the picture comment, that dress is now mine and my boyfriends favorite!!

  24. JENNIFER7375

    Why do women have anal sex?

    I just can't get past the idea that it's probably gonna hurt like hell.
  25. JENNIFER7375

    WooHoo! Mini victory!!

    Good for you! Soon enough there won't be a lane Bryant tag left in your closet!

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