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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JENNIFER7375

  1. JENNIFER7375

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    Because I can put my jeans in the dryer again! I'm actually drying them to shrink them cuz there too loose! I'm not hanging them up to dry knowing that if they shrink just a little bit I might not be able to squeeze back into them . Now that's a great feeling
  2. Im just getting to the part of my diet where I can advance to more solid food. So far I've tolerated everything pretty well. But so far every time I try chicken in any form I end up puking. Anyone else have problems with chicken? Any suggestions?
  3. my surgey was 2-24 and at first i was losing weight rapidly.but the last several days since i feel almost no restriction so i've been eating like crazy. well tonight i eat a piece of chicken with dinner. needless to say it didnt go very well. i spent the next 2 hours sliming! god that was gross. by the tine 10:30 rolled around and it was time for work i was still sick. so i ended up heaving into a bag while driving to work. so much for thinking i could eat cuz i havent been filled. so to all my other newly banded friends who feel no restriction be careful. i know were all hungry as hell but theres a reason they have us advance our diets so slowly.
  4. JENNIFER7375

    trouble with chicken?

    thanks, i think ill try that this week. how much chicken and how much salsa do you use?
  5. JENNIFER7375

    Breastfeeding in public:

    i breastfed all 3 of my kids, and always found a modest way to do it in public. but how can you modestly breast feed a child thats 3 1/2?
  6. JENNIFER7375

    trouble with chicken?

    have you tried pot roast ? I made it in the crock pot a few days ago. It was so tender I had no problems keeping it down. I'm actually online looking for chicken recipes to make in the crock pot now. Maybe that will get it tender enough to be tolerated . My best friend had the band done in October, she eats alot of canned chicken but says she can't tolerate any other way. A few people have suggested purred chicen to me. But just the thought of purred meat is enough to make me gag
  7. JENNIFER7375

    trouble with chicken?

    i've tolerated beef a few times as well as shrimp and grilled fish. it just feels weird to not be able to eat chicken. the funny thing is that almost any diet you go on pushes grilled chicken breast and now its the one food i cant even tolerate
  8. i definitely understand where you are coming from. im 33 and have spent most of my life fighting my weight. my highest weight was 225. and my goal is 150. my family history played a major role in my decision to get the band, my mother died morbidly obese at the age of 52. my older sister died from a heart attack 2 weeks after her 40th birthday. ive spent the last few years struggling with my weight terrified of ending up like my mom an my sister. my other siblings are ovewrweight as wekk. im actually the smallest adult in my family. for me it was a decision based more on the weight i could end up as opposed to the weight i was currently at. it is a hard decision but so far its a decision im very happy with. i dont expect to be thin over night but even in the 4 weeks since my band was placed i already feel so much better. not just physically but mentally as well
  9. I had my surgery 2-24 and have done really well. i feel great and i've lost 18lbs. the only problem is the last few days i feel hungry all the time i've been having a really hard time not eating eating and i am really getting frustrated with mtself.. is this normal? my 1st fill isnt until 4-3 and i dont wanna gain any weight back.
  10. im having the same issues. i feel almost no restriction at all. and have been having a horrible time not eating for the last week or so. my 1st fill isnt until 4-3
  11. JENNIFER7375

    how are the feb banders doing

    glad everyone seems to be doing so well. i was banded on 2-24. i've had my post op check up but i dont go for a fill until 4-3. i cant weight . ive lost 18lbs so far. the first 15 just melted off. but i have very little restiction so the last few days its been really hard not to eat. but besides being hungry all the time i feel great!!
  12. JENNIFER7375

    Excited, but scared to death

    im about 3 weeks post op and i've lost 18 pounds already. and like you i was never really sick or had any major health problems before. and trust me i was terrified. but i feel fine i went back to work after 2 weeks. now im not gonna lie and say its not gonna hurt i was pretty miserable for a few days. but after you start moving you back to yourself fairly quickly. the good thing is you sound to be in pretty good health already and thats gonna help you heal faster. good luck to you and i will definitely say a prayer for your safe surgery and speedy recovery:thumbup:
  13. JENNIFER7375

    My first fill

    im scheduled for my 1st fill april 3rd. glad yours went so well. i hope mine goes as well
  14. i also dont believe in the card. i have friends that are naturally thin and always eat small portions, they dont get to ask for kids prices just cuz they have smaller appetites
  15. JENNIFER7375

    February '09 bandsters?

    I had my surgery on the 24th and i'm feeling pretty good. The only incision that hurt was the port site but even that one is tolerable now. I'm supposed to stay on liquids for 2 weeks post op. I noticed some of you guys were allowed mashed potatoes or yogurt on your post op diets. How have you tolerated that. I'm starving and don't wanna screw up and go nuts eating crap cuz I'm so hungry . I'm so sick of liquids a yogurt would seem like a steak right now!
  16. my surgery scheduled for tomorrow 2-24 well technicaly i guess its tomorrow already, but i cant seem to shut my brain down so i can sleep for a few hours. all the random thoughts are going through my head. ive had a life long fear of anesthesia. ive had 3 kids and wouldnt even have epidurals during labor.i keep asking myself is this the right choice, the right time? at one point i thought about going to the fridge eating whatever i want and calling the whole thing off. thank god i didnt do it. i just have to keep reminding myself of all the reasons that this is the right decision for me. i just wanna say thank you to all of you who have posted your stories and for your encouraging kind words. reading them tonight has reinforced in my mind what a positive tool this is going to be in my life. i just guess were all afraid of change sometimes, even if we know its for the better :w00t:
  17. I'm having my surgery at Hamot hospital in Erie Pa. My surgeon is Dr.Arreolla. Less than 24 hours to go. I can't wait! Where is yours?
  18. Most of my family knows im getting it done. My younger brother keeps giving me grief about it. He's afraid ill have the same problems as people with bypass. :thumbup:my sister's cant wait for me to get it done since 2 of them are considering getting it done. Most of my co-workers know. It seemed stupid to lie. They know im taking off work for 2 weeks, hopefully im gonna come back dropping a signifigant amount of weight. Im a nurse so it would have been silly to lie to other nurses, they'd have figured out the truth pretty quick. They have been pretty supportive. 2 of the nurses i work with are quite a bit bigger that i am, they keep telling me im nuts and that they'd kill to be the size i am now. I just tell them they don't have to live in my body.
  19. My surgery is also scheduled for 2-24-09. Im nervous about the anesthesia. But man i cant wait to be done with the pre-op phase. my doctor didn't have me do clear liquids. but ive been resticted to sugar free carnation instant breakfast and sugar free jello and popcicles. ive done pretty well. ive cheated a couple times but limited the cheating to just to soup and mot more than once a day. so ive stuck to the liquids successfully pretty well. im afraid of waking up and having them say no band cause my liver didn't shrink enough. that would suck!! i took 2 weeks off of work and had to make alot of special arrangements to be off
  20. JENNIFER7375

    3 days to go

    im sitting here at work with just 3 nights to go before my banding. and i have to say i am SCARED to death. ive never had any form of surgery or anesthesia before. and aside from being nervous im feeling like an idiot for eating myself to a point that im having surgery to help me lose weight. i have a million random thoughts. do i really wanna do this? what happens if i do? what if i dont? im sick of not wanting to see myself naked in the mirror. tired of the constant guilt over every bite i put in my mouth. tired of felling like a failure for not being able diet successfully on my own. my mom died almost 10yrs ago at the age of 52. after years of suffering severe depression and being morbidly obese most of her life she committed suicide. my deepest fear since my mother's death is ending up as miserable and depressed as she was. i dont expect this surgery to be a magic cure. i know it wont solve all my problems overnight. i just hope its worth. that its really a tool that i can implement to make a positive change in my life. im a nurse and worked in a rehab center for a time. lately ive come to realize that food is truly an addiction just like cocaine or heroine. but its an addiction to a substance that you cant remove from your life completely.thin people tell me all the time to just stop eating so much and ill lose weight. would i have been able to tell one of my heroine addicts to just cut back a bit? to have 3 bags a day instead of 5? as afraid as i am right now i really think this surgery is the right step for me. to be able to utilize a tool that will help me be truly successful.
  21. JENNIFER7375

    February '09 bandsters?

    my surgery is scheduled for 2-24-09, im getting very nervous. i've never had any form of anesthesia before and im extremely worried.ill be very happy to have it done and over with!! besides the pre-op diet sucks
  22. JENNIFER7375

    3 days to go

    im sitting here at work with just 3 nights to go before my banding. and i have to say i am SCARED to death. ive never had any form of surgery or anesthesia before. and aside from being nervous im feeling like an idiot for eating myself to a point that im having surgery to help me lose weight. i have a million random thoughts. do i really wanna do this? what happens if i do? what if i dont? im sick of not wanting to see myself naked in the mirror. tired of the constant guilt over every bite i put in my mouth. tired of felling like a failure for not being able diet successfully on my own. my mom died almost 10yrs ago at the age of 52. after years of suffering severe depression and being morbidly obese most of her life she committed suicide. my deepest fear since my mother's death is ending up as miserable and depressed as she was. i dont expect this surgery to be a magic cure. i know it wont solve all my problems overnight. i just hope its worth. that its really a tool that i can implement to make a positive change in my life. im a nurse and worked in a rehab center for a time. lately ive come to realize that food is truly an addiction just like cocaine or heroine. but its an addiction to a substance that you cant remove from your life completely.thin people tell me all the time to just stop eating so much and ill lose weight. would i have been able to tell one of my heroine addicts to just cut back a bit? to have 3 bags a day instead of 5? as afraid as i am right now i really think this surgery is the right step for me. to be able to utilize a tool that will help me be truly successful.
  23. JENNIFER7375

    CPAP crap!

    im a nurse and i have a lot of BIPAP/CPAP experience. my 1st suggestion is to call your respiratory supply company and see what options are available. there are masks available that go into your nose. its alot smaller and you dont get claustrophpbic having your whole face covered. its helped alot of my patients in the past. and taking a mild over the counter sleeping pill might help you relax enought to get throught the 1st few nights while you are adjusting to it. i know it sucks but if you stick with it you will find a way to sleep with it on.
  24. JENNIFER7375

    Last Meal???

    all im saying is if he is gonna cheat to do it now and get it over to have that 1 thing and be done with it while he still has the next few days to do the pre-op diet properly. slot of surgeons only require 3-4 days of the liquid diet anyway. as hard as its been i havent cheated on my pre-op diet. im at work sipping on a protein shake thats part of my diet. one of my co-workers just walked in the room with pizza. i told her id kick her skinny butt if she didnt hurry up and get it away from me. lol
  25. JENNIFER7375

    Last Meal???

    id have the cheeseburger, my best friend had her surgery the end of oct. and she didnt start the diet until 2days before her surgery. hers went great. i wouldnt push it much furhter that tonight though

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