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Everything posted by JENNIFER7375

  1. JENNIFER7375

    1st Fill -When?

    my surgeon has a minimum of 6 weeks post op before the 1st fill. then about every 4 weeks afterwards
  2. JENNIFER7375

    How many do you have?

    i,ve broken my weight loss into gols as weel. i started off at 226. my 1st goal was to get below 200 hundred.. my next goal is to hit 175 by my birthday on july 3rd. that 1 might be a bit harder. but i've only had 1 fill and have very little restriction. i havent really started exercisinh the right way yet. so im hoping that once i add in more exercise and get a few more fills ill be able to kick it back into gear to meet my birthday goal. ultimately id like to be around 140 but ill just take that one when it comes. i know ill get there eventually
  3. congratulations! i hit onederland about a week ago. it was the best feeling. i've been there many times before but this time feels different. i think knowing that we have the band to help us stay there makes it an even better feeling
  4. im so happy! i weighed myself earlier this week and finally made it below 200. i keep weighing myself over again thinking my scale was wrong but its actually gone down more! i was 196.6 this morning. i've been below 200 hundered many times before but have never been able to maintain it for long. you diet for a few months and as soon as you eat again it creeps right back up. but just knowing i have this tool to not only keep losing now but to keep it off forever makes me feel so much better than any weight loss ever has!
  5. so far i've had very bad luck eating chicken. i've tried cooking it different ways and using thighs instead of the breasts i used to use. but every time i end up puking and sliming after a few bites. is there anyone who tolerates chicken? if so how long did it take after banding to tolerate it. any ways to cook it that are more tolerable?
  6. JENNIFER7375

    LeAvE Me AlOnE!!!!!

    GIRL YOU LOOK GREAT! but people get weird when someone that used to be really big starts getting small. i think they get so used to treating us like the office fat girl that they dont know how to treat us anymore. and it makes it worse when you are so pretty, its ok to be the big fat girl with the pretty face. but put that pretty face on a hot body and the haters come out!!!
  7. JENNIFER7375

    Ephedrine Anyone?

    've taken it before with ok redults. but it can really dry you out so make sure you drink lots of water while you are taking it!
  8. i was very open with my co-workers about my surgery. im a nurse and figured why lie? they aren't dumb and i consider most of them friends. and for the most part they've all been very supportive. i,ve lost 25 pounds in the 5 weeks since my surgery. i just had my 1st fill last friday so being that i've had little to no restriction i feel pretty proud of myself. needless to say i've got that one co-worker who has only nasty things to say. (to be honest she's kind of the office bitch and very thin) . everyone has complimented me on my weight loss besides her. on more than one occasion i she made comments to me that my weight loss really isn't a big since i cheated to lose weight by having surgery. i generally speak up for myself but i let her get away with this a few times. well she said it tonight and i told her off. i asked since she thought my surgery was cheating what does she consider the 2 packs of cigarrettes and 12 cups of coffee she has everyday instead of eating? she literally lives on caffeine and nicoteine. if thats not cheating then i dont know what is. i also told i'd rather gain 50 more pounds and be happy then be a miserable skinny bitch! that seemed to shut her up pretty quick. has anyone had any similar problems? how did you address them? my method might not have been the most adult but it sure felt good! to anyone who reads this thanks for listening. i really needed to vent about this
  9. JENNIFER7375

    being accused of cheating

    thanks alot for all the supportive replies. and let me just say i had to see her at work today and didny here her make 1 nasty comment to me or anyone else for a change!!
  10. JENNIFER7375


    i tried phentermine about 5 years ago, i did lose quite a bit of weight with it but gained it back fairly quick after stopping. if it works for you it should give a pretty nice jumpstart to get back on track
  11. i have the 10cc band. i had a 1cc in at surgery and 2cc put in when i had my 1st fill last week.
  12. JENNIFER7375

    can anyone tolerate chicken?

    as far as beef goes i tolerate pot roast the best of all. i've been making almost once a week . its worked out really since my kids love and dont mind having it regularly either.
  13. JENNIFER7375

    blood in urine

    are you drinking enough to stay hydrated? blood in your urine can be a sign of a severe UTI. i know post op it can be hard to get enough fluids in to properly hydrate
  14. JENNIFER7375

    Treadmill or Eliptical?

    I vote eliptical. They burn more calories. And more importantly place significantly less stress on your joints
  15. JENNIFER7375

    who supports right to choose

    and that's the problem with the pro-life movement they're more concerned with proving that they are right concerning the right to live than they're concern for the actual life .
  16. JENNIFER7375

    who supports right to choose

    Let me just say that the life of anyone spent without love and in constant pain and suffering is not to be rejoiced in. No one can convince me that a loving god meant for any of his children to suffer in such away.
  17. JENNIFER7375

    who supports right to choose

    let me just say i sympathize with rodriguezequals. i checked out your myspace and your son is obviously a beautiful boy who is well loved.happy and cared for. but let me also sat that i've been a pediatric home care nurse for 12 yrs. and let me just say that all children are not as well loved and cared for. i've cared for multiple children with shaken baby syndrome. these are children who live with constant seizures and pain. as well as children countless other profound medical problems. that little to no quality of life. i understand that some believe that all life is sacred. but what about a life spent in constant suffering?
  18. JENNIFER7375

    Standard fill?

    i had my 1st fill on friday. my doctor put in 2 ccs
  19. JENNIFER7375

    Walmart & Death Bites (aka Popcorn chicken)

    For some reason chicken seems to be the most difficult thing to eat. Last time I tried it I was on my way to work and super hungry. Needless to say I spent the drive to work throwing up and sliming into a plastic bag. Gross. I've tried chicken a few other times and had similar problems. I think I'm just gonna stay away from it for a few months.
  20. JENNIFER7375

    Being told I"m the smallest!

    i was also banded at a lower BMI. and trust me i got lots of comments. i even had a co-worker say that i must have got my doctor to lie on my pre-op paperwork. i also had several hospital staff comment that i was one of the smallest people they'd seen have WLS. i have to say every most of the people that made comments were signifigantly heavier than i was. i just tell people that its none of there business. they have no clue what my family history is. they dont know that im only 33 and have been on BP meds for years already. ive been struggling with my weight for years and come from a family where every adult is morbidly obese. i applaude anyone who has the sense to figure out the unhealthy path they're on. that has the sense to take control of the food issues they have nstead of letting food continue to control us. for alot of us its not the size we are now but size we know were gonna reach if we dont get our weight under control.
  21. JENNIFER7375

    Does the fill hurt??

    dont worry, it really wasnt that bad. it only took a few seconds. it was over before i knew it. and trust me im every bit as afraid of needles as you are. it will be over before you know it
  22. JENNIFER7375

    Does the fill hurt??

    i will also tell you not every surgeon believes in lidocaine to numb the site. i know mine dosent!
  23. JENNIFER7375

    Carbonated beverages

    carbonated beverages can cause excess gas which can not only be uncomfortable.( not too mention embarassing) . but can also stretch . id suggest if you really have to have an occasional soda taking some phazyme with it to prevent excess gas
  24. JENNIFER7375

    Does the fill hurt??

    i too am very afraid of needles. i had 3 kids without an epidural cuz i was so afraid of needles. i had mt 1st fill this past friday and it wasnt too bad. the needle was bigger than i expected but im thinking a small one wouldnt go through the port properly. now im not gonna lie and say it was painless. but it wasnt that bad and was not sore for a long time afterwards either. and i keep reminding myself that a needle poke every few weeks is a pretty small price to pay for how great my jeans look today!! good luck!
  25. JENNIFER7375

    Why can I eat so much!!!!

    i was banded on 2-24. i was the same way. felt very little restriction and had a hard time not pigging out. i know its hard but try to stick to the post-op diet. but dont beat yourself up if you mess up. i ended up really down on myself cuz of the over eating. i had my 1st fill on friday(thank god) and finally feel some restriction. just tought it out and it will get better eventually

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