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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JENNIFER7375

  1. just had to post about this. i went out with my girlfriends this weekend and i just got a chance to look at some of the pictures. i almost didnt recognize myself in them. if i werent the only redhead id have sworn it wasnt me! (i put 1 up in my album for anyone who wants to look.) then i look at some pics i took in jamaica in november. what a major difference. i was so heavy, not to mention miserable. those were almost the only pics i took on vacation cuz i felt so fat. i almost cant imagine how hot ill be when i get to goal. lol i just had to post on here. some things only my band friends understand. i am so much happier than i've been in years. i am really getting back to me. i np longer think people stare cuz im fat.i actually fel like people look now cuz im attractive. the band has given me the best gift i've ever recieved and that gift is the real ME!
  2. JENNIFER7375


    you may want to try kenalog in the cream form before you go with the injections. ive sen some pretty good results with it. hopefully soething works for you.:thumbdown:
  3. JENNIFER7375

    Have finally joined the banded

    i was banded in february and had the same problem. mine quickly went away after i transitioned to the mushies. hopefully yours goes away as fast. and good luck and congratulations on being banded!
  4. JENNIFER7375

    Who is this girl?

    thank all of you so much. and all of you guys are doing great. hers to the skinnier, happier and healthier people we are all becoming!
  5. thanks jane, i really didnt care to keep arguing with those people any longer but ive never been one to step down to a bully in my life. if people dont do that their behavior will only get worse. and the things that were said to me were polite compared to things ive seen them say to others,

  6. JENNIFER7375

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    thanks for somoene else aknowledging the unecessary rudeness directed at people on this and other threads. i've learned that there are certain people you just cant win with. they attack if they dont agree with there views. then when defend yourself you get accused of being a liar and trying tp play the victim. some people just cant debate without reverting to shoolyard bully tatics so im going to amke an effort to just avoid such nasty individuals in the future. im well able to defend mtself but ive seen other posts that made the sings said to me look like compliments. i just hope something is done to curb such nastiness in the future. i love this site. ive met lots of great people here. its been reassuring to me to have been to go when i need help on this journey. whether its a pat on the back because of done well or kick in the pants because ive slacked off, whichevers been needed someone here is always able to help. this is a great place to come to get advice or voice an opinion. but if people cant do this with without fear of being attacked they will no longer come here. im not one of those people that thinks everyone has to be friends with or agree with everyone. but everyone does deserve a certain measure of respect no matter what there opinions are and what other people think of them. i just want this to remain the positive place it should be.
  7. JENNIFER7375

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    Be done but you've resorted to nastiness and accusations yet again just shows your own ignorance and plain out lack of respect for anyone who challenges you. And if you'd like I'd happily provide you my nursing license number to verify my 12 years of nursing experience. I voiced the same statements over and over again yet you keep trying to twist my opinions to suit what you want them to be. I never bashed anyones choices or spoke rudely to anyone. And anyone who is truly right dosent need to reduce themselves to the level of nastiness that you have. I've never disrespected any of your views or stated they had to be wrong. Your opinions don't deserve any more or any less than mine. And when people ask for peoples advice and experience everyone has the right to give there's. I've never lied or exaggerated just given my honest opinion. And haven't had to pick other peoples posts apart nor be rude or disrespectful of anyone. Bottom line other peoples opinions aren't CRAP just cuz they aren't yours!! For whatever reason you and several others have decided that your point of view are the only wants that count. God all this nonsense cuz I had the nerve to give my opinion on a post that asked for. And by a person who's already banded for crying out loud. All I ever said is that I personally knew people that were banded or sleeved that had significant regain and that my discussions with them helped me make my choice. And Id say I'm sorry that that statements seems to offend you so much but I truly don't care. You do have valid points and information but the way that you treat people that don't agree with makes your attitude the focus not the information you have to share. So I will now wish you the best of luck and be happily done with this as well .
  8. JENNIFER7375

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    headhunter do you even know who you're arguing with anymore? Although I did consult more than 1 doctor to find the 1 i'd be most comfortable with I never claimed to have consulted 14 doctors. I also never quoted a medical journal or website ever and never discussed any specific seminars I attended either. I don't know who that came from but it was not me. again Ive researched all of the surgeries I just chose to use the input of real life people as well as research into my choice. People are not uninformed or ignorant just because they don't draw the same conclusions as you. I'm not an idiot again just someone that used real life people as we'll as research to make my decision. And yes I do agree that spending thousands of dollars on a surgery is a just to sabotage yourself is I a stupid act. I certainly don't have money to burn like that. But it also just proves that having type of surgery before you are mentally prepared isn't going to work. And I will stand by my statement that I'm properly informed of the WLS surgery choices. I'd never had any form of surgery so I made it a point to know what I was getting into and what other potential options were out there.
  9. JENNIFER7375

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    Steve I do know banders that have regained I said so a bunch of times earlier. One of my best friends had it done. She hasn't regained a whole lot at this point. She dosent have a bunch of medical issues just dosent really have the right eating habits. But I also know banders that have gained and relost again. I dont know anyone personally that had there bands removed.The bypass was the one surgery I was dead set against for myself. And that's because I knew a few people that had very nasty post-op problems. And I met sleeved and banded people and not 1 of them had any major medical problems post-op. I did a lot of research and know there are major differences between the bypass and the sleeve. If I hadn't been banded I'd have chosen the sleeve. And if I had to have my band removed for whatever reason I'd get the sleeve. But the research I did lead me to being banded at this point . And so far the bands worked really well for me. I don't knock anyones choice of surgery cuz just making the decision is a big step for anyone regardless of what they chose. I have a lot of friends and co-workers that are considering WLS. I tell all of them to do as much research as they can and attend support groups before making a decision. I also tell them the same thing that I've said on here, that if they aren't willing to give up there old eating habits and relationships with food that none of the surgeries is gonna work for them. The choice that we love ourselves more than we love food is the hardest part of the choice to make.
  10. JENNIFER7375

    Is eating Cereal a bad thing?

    I think as long as you tolerate it there's no reason you shouldn't have it. I eat cereal from time to time with no problems. I really don't think eating carbs is a bad thing. I just try to eat healthy for the most part. And I like Jackie pay more attention to calories than I do anything else. As long as you are burning more than you take in you should be ok. Good luck
  11. JENNIFER7375

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    Steve did you really read my earlier posts on this thread. All I was doing was responded to whether or not on wished I'd been sleeved instead of banded. And I simply gave one of the reasons why I was happy with my choice. I said that I knew of people that had the bypass and the sleeve that had significant weight gain. I never gave medical specifics or websites to look up. I simply gave my opinion based on real life people that I sat and talked to not quotes of a website. And in my opinion I'll take real life people over websites. And yes I did read plenty about all WLS before I decided to be banded. And who I think I am is someone who has a right to speak about my experiences and opinions without being called a liar just cuz they aren't there own personal experiences and opinions. And this is supposed to be a support group not somewhere people come to get nasty and rude when they can't get people to tell them they are right.
  12. 2 more days til surgery! good luck. give us an update as soon as you feel up yo it.

  13. thank you toptier. im on my way there. i cant wait to see myself in another 20-30lbs.

  14. JENNIFER7375

    look at me now!!

    From the album: making progress

  15. JENNIFER7375

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    Bubblebutt you are a rude, condesce nding person. You aren't right and the people that have been going back and forth with you all day are never gonna change there minds. You've been nasty to me more than once. On 2 occasions indidcated I was a liar. If you think bandsters are such idiots why not just go elsewhere. This is a group we come to for support not to called liars and talked to like fools. That kind of nasty attitude and negativity are truly not wanted here.
  16. the funny thing is ive jusr been saying the same set of facts based on people i actually know, and they keep pulling up websites and getting madder

  17. JENNIFER7375

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    what pity pot? ive been sticking to the same basic facts all day. that i know people that HAVE REGINED ON ALL 3 SURGERIES. and whether it stretches to the exact same size as pre sugery or 1/2 the size it was or 2/3 the size for that matter its still stretching and signifigant weight was gained back. thats my point. now wheres your website that say that you cant stretch the sleeve and gain weight back?
  18. theyre making jerks of themselves. i dont take kindly to being called a liar either. and im pretty much done posting with them cuz you are right no matter what we say theyre gonna cont. to find ways to make themselves right.

  19. JENNIFER7375

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    well wasabubble butt this is truly my last response to your attacks. since you enjoy website hunting on the sleeve so much why dont you find one that says there is no potential risk of weight gain or stomach restretching? cuz i sure as hell cant find one. and many of them say that you may eventually need further surgey( doudenal switch) depending on how obese you are. i never once said any of the surgeries were wrong i simply stated that i personally knew of people that have had all 3 surgeries and regained signifigant amounts of weight back. these are real life people that i've spoken with. and i never once said the sleeve and bypass were the same. only that i knew people that had signifigant regain after them. those are the facts im sticking to. again everyones choice is there own to make i chose the band and im happy with mine. lots of people are happy with their bypasses and sleeves and im truly happy for them as well. now you have a blessed day
  20. JENNIFER7375

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    thank you petalpusher i was starting to feel under attack. the bottom line is that anyone that hasnt made the mental committment to weight loss prior to surgery is gonna fail no mater what option they have chosen. any good surgeon will tell you regardless of what surgeries done there are always gonna be people who fail cuz they just will not give up old habits. i wish everyone the best of luck. it dosent matter what method is that works for you as long as we are lucky enough to have found one that finally has. were all trying to get to the same spot our paths arent just the same.
  21. JENNIFER7375

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    again I gave no specific I simply stated a fact. That I know people that have had all 3 surgeries and had significant weight regained. Period point blank. and sleeve, band or bypass a stomach that goes from being able to hold 1/4 cup of food to a full steak dinner has undergone some significant restretching. And again any of the 3 can fail if someone makes no attempt to change there eating habits. And you stated that " I claimed to be a nurse" where I come from that's another way of calling someone a liar. So on this topic were just gonna have to agree to not see eye to eye on this issue because I really don't care to debate any further with people that need to get to that level to prove a point.
  22. JENNIFER7375

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    i've been a nurse for 12yrs, and the only specific thing i said about band or sleeve patients is that i know people that had both surgeries and gained signifigant amount of weight back. and again i did extensive research on all 3 methods. the band was my choice. and i've read on all surgeries and passed my choice on that, anybody thst the band wasnt righy choice for and i hope they find what does. but plese do not make a back handed attempt at calling me a liar because i didnt come to the same decisions as you. if what you are doing works for you then great, but dont get defensive and attack people who dont follow the path you do. thats why there are different surgery methods, not particular one is the answer for everyone. and i will again say again that regardless of what choice you make if you cont to eat poorly no method will work long term for you.
  23. JENNIFER7375

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    well headhunter for starters the post asked if we wished wed got the band over the sleeve. it was more about the personal choice wed made and if we wished wed made a different choice. i simply gve some of the reasons why i made mine. oh and i also stated that it was a co-worker not a friend that id been. but shes not the only person i know with signifigant regain. and these are both bypass and sleeve people. i know more than 1 of both that have lost and regained. and i too think anybody that would spend that muck money on a surgery just to reverse the effects is stupid. also im a nurse and have seen several patients with the same issues. i did signifigant research on all of the surgery methods. the band was what was right for me. the sleeve or bypass may be whats right for them. the bottom line is that any of the surgeries can fail if the person isnt committed to change. ive seen banders fail as well. so yes i do have a clue and am not just spouting out6 nonsense wuth no knowledge of what i speak. oh and jut cuz someone has failed at weight loss surgery does not make them a moron. considering how many times all of us have dieted and failed that would make us all morons. im sure yourself included
  24. JENNIFER7375


    From the album: making progress

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
