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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JENNIFER7375

  1. JENNIFER7375

    drinking through a straw

    i also use straws with no problem, but be cautious at 1st, just like a lot if things with the band, things that give some of us no problems at all give others big problems. best of luck!
  2. JENNIFER7375


    congrats on onederland, isnt it a great place, oh and if you figure out how to delete a ticker please llet me know, ive been trying to get rid of mine and it wont go away!
  3. thanks sweetie. i think we,ve got similar tastes in clothes, lol. but did you notice it still takes forever to get ready to go anywhere. it used to be i tried on outfit after outfit getting frutrated trying to hide my fat, now its cuz everythin looks so good i cant decide which makes me look the cutest. lol

  4. looking good girl, love the hat!!

  5. sometimes the debates get a little heated but the people on here are all really great, our debates just get a bit heated from time to time!!! but for the most part people just wanna be helpful

  6. good luck on your surgery. and i commend you on taking control of your weight now instead of later. if i could done the same thing at 50lbs overweight instead of a 100 , id have done it in a minute. no one has the right to judge our choices and they certainly dont know what personal health issues or family history that lead us to our choices, best of luck, i know you will do great

  7. JENNIFER7375

    Favorite Band Friendly Fast Food Go To

    I've eaten popcorn a few times and never had a problem with it. I've had pretty good success with tacos as long as they have a hard shell. For some reason the soft ones don't go down well. And I too do not care for protien shakes. Once you get on solids it's easier to find ways to get your protien without them.
  8. JENNIFER7375

    Can my body really become a small size?

    i was banded 02/24/09 so im 4 months post op. i was 225 the day of surgery. and thanks a lot it hasnt always been easy but its definitely been worth it.
  9. thanks for helping the other day, but you should go over to the sleeve site and look at the lapband vs sleeve thread, the people that tried to trash me and call me a liar for saying that not everyone i knew with the sleeve was happy, the people that called me a liar and told me i was trying to ruin peoples surgeries, well they trashed the band, said it was no good, allowed it to be said that the band was a bad a idea for anyone. and wasbubblebutt is a site administrator there, hows that for ironic

  10. you should try going over to the sleeve site, and look at there lapband vs sleeve thread, the band is completely trashed and called a terrible idea for anyone and by all the same peolpe who trashed me for even implying that someone i know had less than perfect sleeve results. wasbbblebutt is even the site administrator,

  11. JENNIFER7375

    Stomach flu with a band?

    call your bariatric office there should be someone on call for emergencies, if that dosent work call your PCP and tell them you need to go to the ER. hope you feel better soon
  12. JENNIFER7375

    Can my body really become a small size?

    indigogirl we seem very similar. I'm also 5'4 I started at around 225. I'm a pound away from my 1st big goal of 174 . That's the number that takes me from obese to merely overweight. And my initial longterm goal is 145 because like you that's the number that's puts me in the normal BMI. And you're in a size 4 now. Amazing. And maybe it is possible for me. Here's another NSV for me today. all of my shortss are way too big. Well last night I picked up 2 pair of size 12 shorts assuming they would fit. Well they do fit but with enough room I'm really thinking they need to go back and be exchanged for a size 10!!!! Me in a size 10 never in my wildest dreams. So maybe a 8 or a 6 is really attainable. Thank you guys so much for sharing your skinny stories with me. I'm really starting to think this thing is really possible.
  13. JENNIFER7375

    Favorite Band Friendly Fast Food Go To

    the chicken bacon ranch salad from mcdonalds. I get the grilled chicken and use the lite vinagrette dressing they have. They're chicken is pretty moist and as many problems as I used to have with chicken I've never had a problem with it.
  14. JENNIFER7375

    "HAPPY HOUR" with the Lap Band??

    bacardi and diet coke have never given me a problem. The rum and the ice get the carbonation to a tolerable level. And diet coke has 0 calories or carbs. There's around 70 calories an ounce in both vodka and rum. I've never been much of a beer drinker but I had a bud light lime the other day. It tasted pretty good and surprisingly went down easily. But I've heard many bandsters say they don't tolerate beer at all. I also make sure I have some chewable anti gas in my purse when I go out. I've never had a problem yet but it's good to be prepared just in case. I don't go out a whole lot so I don't wanna risk having a miserable time cuz something I drank made me all gassy and bloated.
  15. JENNIFER7375

    Frist fill Scheduled

    the fill itself isnt too bad, and this is coming from a girl who hates needles. the best advice i can give you is follow your doctors post fill instructions. some people are fine to go back to regular right after a fill. and more than one has told me they do. my stomach is way too sensitive ive gotta gradually build back to it. kind of like an abbreviated version of the post op diet. if you try solids too soon it can be ugly. you take a stomach thats already sensitive from the fill and get it further irritated from a few bad PBing episodes and you can end up swollen and unhappy for days. this was a lesson i learned the hard way. and im not saying that this would necessarily happen to you as severely, but just listen to your doc and take it easy when first filled. id just hate to see anyone end up suffering the way i did a few times
  16. JENNIFER7375

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    yes it is refreshing to see people who don't have to stoop to name calling and twisting peoples words to try to prove a point. And as far as a moron or a liar I'm neither. Just someone who dosent backdown to rude people and bullies. Any point that's truly valid dosent need that kind of negativity to back it up.
  17. JENNIFER7375

    "HAPPY HOUR" with the Lap Band??

    I've gone out several times since my band and haven't had any problems so far. But just like I did before I got banded I never drink on an empty stomach! I've always been a rum and diet coke drinker and have found I still can. Between the rum and the ice the carbonation goes down a bit. But if you do decide to go out Start slow your tolerance may not be what it was preband. Some people don't drink at all but I've always liked to go out and dance and have a few drinks from time to time. ( ok sometimes more than a few) if you do decide to go out be safe and have a great time. My birthday is next weekend and I'm planning on going out to celebrate.
  18. JENNIFER7375

    de - Gas Tablets

    oh I forgot to add that the chewable are in a lower dose of the pills so you may need to take more than one to get some relief. And you might need a few droppers of the liquid if you chose that route. And again how you feel better soon.
  19. JENNIFER7375

    de - Gas Tablets

    the anti gas pills are generally pretty small and if you've been able to swallow other pills you should be allright to take them. But if you're doctor dosent want you taking even small pills whole they do come in a chewable tablet. You also might try the liquid anti gas medication they make in liquid form for babies. I've never tried the tea but it seems like it would be a good option as well. Best of luck and a speedy recovery.
  20. JENNIFER7375

    Can my body really become a small size?

    you guys are all amazing! I'm in a size 12 now. The smallest I wheight i remember getting down to as an adult is 10. Now that my 12s are getting lose the 10 seems to be in the near future. And to be honest I originally planned to stop at a 10. but my goal weight is 145 could that really put me In an 6 or an 8? Me that small is simply a concept I can't wrap my brain around. It's so weird I'm still at a point where when people look at me I think there staring at the fatgirl. I'm still floored when people I meet out come up to me just to tell me how attractive I am. Me skinny? I'd love to make it there I just don't know if I can.
  21. JENNIFER7375

    Stretched pouch

    I'm 5'4 , 175 and am currently comfortable In a size 12. But I think the difference here comes for a few different reasons. There can be a pretty big gap between a 12 depending on whether its a misses, junior or womens size. Also depends on how tall someone is and how they're built. My BF is almost 5 inches taller than me so she can get into some 12s at 200lbs. whereas at that weight I was still In a tight 16 or an 18.
  22. JENNIFER7375


    I got told no caffeine but just in the pre and post op phases. After that I was told it was ok as long as I was taking in enough other fluids. I too have a iced coffee almost everyday
  23. JENNIFER7375

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    it's also polite and respectful and not the least bit nasty or snide towards others. Much like the posts the majority of others have written. And not once was someone called a moron or a liar. Very impressive.
  24. JENNIFER7375

    What is....

    1. I can't imagine ever having another carnation instant breakfast ever again. They were the staple of my pre and post op diets. Just the idea of one makes me queasy 2. Every once in a while I have to have a reeses cup. I don't have a terrible sweet tooth but when that chocolate fix calls me I gotta have 1 3. And as far as recipes go I've got a recipe for a killed taco dip that I'll happily pass along to anyone who wants it. It's not exactly healthy but it's great to take to summer picnics. I've been making it for years and I get asked to specifically make that for almost any party that I go to. 4. Bandsters must have similar tastes cuz I eat colby jack cheese almost daily. I also do the roll ups with lean deli meats and cheese. I also highly recomend the chicken bacon ranch salad at mcdonalds. I get grilled chicken and the viagrette dressing. I was surprised you could get such a great salad there. It's saved me from making poor food choices a bunch of times.
  25. JENNIFER7375

    LapBand VS Sleeve??

    lellow glad to hear you're so happy with your choice and things have gone well. And congratulations for getting to and maintaining your goal weight. I can't wait to get there myself.

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