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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DianaA

  1. DianaA

    Band too tight??

    its been 13 months since my surgery and I have been doing very well with the band. I am down 84 pounds and am the smallest I have ever been. I had a fill a few months ago and when I got home I knew that it was too much, I had constant heartburn and could barely get water down.. I had some taken out and it seemed like it was not tight enough so 2 weeks ago I had more put in (about half of what they took out) and it seemed fine but the past few nights I have been waking up coughing uncontrollably and major heartburn. It goes away after I sit up for 20 minutes or so but comes back when I lay back down. I also have been getting dizzy when I get uo after sitting down. I have an appointment tomorrow to get some more taken out but was curious as to why it took so long for the symptoms to show up? has anyone else had this happen??
  2. DianaA

    Band too tight??

    its been 13 months since my surgery and I have been doing very well with the band. I am down 84 pounds and am the smallest I have ever been. I had a fill a few months ago and when I got home I knew that it was too much, I had constant heartburn and could barely get water down.. I had some taken out and it seemed like it was not tight enough so 2 weeks ago I had more put in (about half of what they took out) and it seemed fine but the past few nights I have been waking up coughing uncontrollably and major heartburn. It goes away after I sit up for 20 minutes or so but comes back when I lay back down. I also have been getting dizzy when I get uo after sitting down. I have an appointment tomorrow to get some more taken out but was curious as to why it took so long for the symptoms to show up? has anyone else had this happen??
  3. DianaA

    Shoulder Pain

    yeah when I got banded the only pain that I had was my shoulder and I had alot of gas! It was horrible, my shoulder pain did get better but then came back and comes and goes. Good luck!
  4. DianaA

    Shoulder Pain

    I was banded on December 8 08 and I had HORRIBLE shoulder pain for about 3 weeks after surgery. It seems to come back after eating too much or eating too fast, very weird, but it hurts very bad! Nothing I have tried so far has worked, except not overeating or eating fast. Also if I drink alot in one sitting it hurts to and is only the left shoulder. Hopefully someone can figure out why this happens and come up with something to help!
  5. I was banded on December 8th 2008 and so far so good! I have lost about 20 pounds, so far, I just had my band filled again today. My surgeon is FANTASTIC and I highgly recommend him to anyone who is looking into getting the band, his name is Dr Steven Fass. He works out of Austin Tx and I think he has a few different offices that he works from. He is wonderful and is always willing to answer questions or concerns I have. Before the surgery he explained things to me in a way that I understood and answered all of my "dumb" questions!
  6. DianaA

    in need of support

    So, I was at the Dr office today getting my 3rd fill and this nice lady who was waiting there told me about this site. I thought I would check it out and as I was reading some of the blogs I could not believe how many people there are JUST LIKE ME! My struggle with weight and more importantly weight LOSS. I have been looking for some way of getting support through this, my family does not really understand and although I do have a friend who has had the lapband she is not a very supportive person and always seems to turn everything into a competition rather than being open and trying to help. This has made me feel good. I am excited about chatting with new people that have been there!:confused:
  7. That is awesome! I got banded Dec 8th and have lost about 20 pounds.I have more energy. I can go longer on the bike and eliptical machine! it is a slow process I know but I am patient
  8. DianaA

    in need of support

    So, I was at the Dr office today getting my 3rd fill and this nice lady who was waiting there told me about this site. I thought I would check it out and as I was reading some of the blogs I could not believe how many people there are JUST LIKE ME! My struggle with weight and more importantly weight LOSS. I have been looking for some way of getting support through this, my family does not really understand and although I do have a friend who has had the lapband she is not a very supportive person and always seems to turn everything into a competition rather than being open and trying to help. This has made me feel good. I am excited about chatting with new people that have been there!

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