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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by DianaA

  1. I was banded on December 8 08 and I had HORRIBLE shoulder pain for about 3 weeks after surgery. It seems to come back after eating too much or eating too fast, very weird, but it hurts very bad! Nothing I have tried so far has worked, except not overeating or eating fast. Also if I drink alot in one sitting it hurts to and is only the left shoulder. Hopefully someone can figure out why this happens and come up with something to help!

  2. I was banded on December 8th 2008 and so far so good!

    I have lost about 20 pounds, so far, I just had my band filled again today. My surgeon is FANTASTIC and I highgly recommend him to anyone who is looking into getting the band, his name is Dr Steven Fass. He works out of Austin Tx and I think he has a few different offices that he works from. He is wonderful and is always willing to answer questions or concerns I have. Before the surgery he explained things to me in a way that I understood and answered all of my "dumb" questions!

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