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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ktbee1

  1. :confused::confused::confused:I was banded in February of 2009 - lost 45 lbs so far - two fills - one unfill - 2.5 in a 10 band - last fill was 05/20 --- the past week has been awful-I feel sick all the time -can hardly eat anything and if I do I end up throwing up and my stomach make noises all day long and I have a constant feeling of having to burb - I was supposed to have a fill next week but my doc is doing a swallow study instead. I feel awful and was wondering if anyone has exerienced anything like this-days like today make me have deep regrets about this surgery-HELP ME what am I doing wrong!!!!
  2. I go to the doctor today for first follow-up visit. No physical problems, mild discomfort with the cuts however I am an emotional wreck. I am not hungry but feel like crying most of the time. Feel lost without food. Any suggestions???
  3. Thanks for your support. I use pure Protein shakes and lean body shakes from GNC (this is really good 260 cals 40 grams protein 17 ozs) I have been feeling better- went to the doctor and met a patient in the waiting room who really encouraged me and told me I am absolutely right where I am supposed to be. Thank God I am out of work for another two weeks because I am really not in a good space. My family has been very supportive but steering clear. The dogs are all over me because I walked them six times today. Oh and I only lost seven pounds the first week? Am i doing something wrong or is my brain tricking me and it feels like I should have lost twenty pounds?????
  4. thanks I am in therapy going Saturday not full of joy yet pray for patience

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