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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by debbie09

  1. Hi. My name is Deb. I went in January for the 1st lecture at Mercy Capitol. I have went for a sleep study and now have been fitted for a CPAP machine (I just got it last night). I go tomorrow morning to a therapy appointment (mandatory from my doctors office before surgery). I meet with my surgeon in March. I am a little worried because last year I had a blood clot and I'm on an aspirin a day. I don't know until I meet with the surgeon if I will be able to have the surgery. I've been doing as much research as I possible can. I want to make the best decision. Right now I weigh 225 pounds and my back hurts all of the time and I'm so tired I knew it was time for a change. I've been reading all the pros and cons. What can anybody reading this tell me about their personal experience. Thanks for your help!

    Hi There,

    I was banded 12-21-07 and would like to start a group within central Iowa with others who have been banded within 2006 or are still waiting to be banded. Questions, answers, health issues, problems and or accomplishments will be shared, along w/food ideas, exercise tips and more! I am so excited! This group is to support each other on our journey to successful weight loss and to continue by staying within our successful feeling of weight range. I will start by seeing how many others are out there and are interested and we will go from there. I would like a survey filled out to help with how to involve more and a meeting place and such.


    Male or Female


    Single, married, divorced, separated or teen

    Banded date or expected banding date

    Weight before banding

    Your Town

    Where you plan to be or where were you banded and who was or will be your DR.

    What size is your band if you have been banded

    What would you like to know or share before or after the band?

    Do you work? FT or PT (Hr's of work? Days/Nights you work? You can also just address when the best days of the week and times you would be available to meet with others for this group. This is to provide the best times this interest group might be able to meet.?)

    What health problems did you or do you have before being banded? If you have been banded, has your health improved?

    What are you hoping to achieve after banding? If you have been banded have you achieved what you wanted before you were banded or do you have more expectations now?

    Hope there are lots of people here in Central Iowa just waiting for this type of group to get started. Hurry, The sooner I receive a reply, the sooner we can get this going.

    Also, if you just know of others contemplating or would like to know more information, ask them to sign on to this thread and join this group as well. I will start this group, as soon as I get enough for a group.

    Feel free to ask any other questions you may have.


    Posted on the Thread of Lapband Forum

    Poll for starting a Lap Band Support Group

    Poll Preview

    Are you interested in knowing more about Lap banding? If so, please answer the below.


    1. How to go about getting started? Yes/No

    2. What does it take to be a candidate? Yes/No

    3. How long does it take to be accepted as a candidate? Yes/No

    4. Are you a smoker? Yes/No

    5. Are you a drinker? Yes/No

    6. How much caffeine do you consume in a day? _cups/_cans/_mg.

    7. Do you take a Multivitamin daily? Yes/No

    8. Other Vitamins or supplements? Name them___________

    9. Are you? Single/Married/Divorced/Separated

    10. Age Group? Teen/20's/30's/40's/50's/60's/older

    11. How much do you need to lose to be healthy? Les then 50lb's/51-75lbs/76-100lbs/101-150lbs/151-200lbs/more

    12. Do you exercise? Never/Rarely/weekly/daily/sometimes?

    13. What are your favorite types of food groups? Meats/Vegetables/Fruits/Nuts and Grains/Dairy/Junk Food/Variety

    14. List 3-6 favorite Foods/Drinks consumed daily?

    15. Do you think there is a need for this type of group in this in Central Iowa? Yes/No

    16. Would you sign up for this group? Yes/No

    17. Would you like information on complications w/this procedure and post operative? Yes/No

    18. What location in Central Iowa would be best for you to travel to?

    19. How many miles would you be willing to travel to join this group? 10miles or less/up to 25 miles/up to 50 miles/or more?

    20. Would you be willing to share your experiences with others? Yes/No

    21. Would you be willing to share recipes/samples w/others? Yes/No

    22. Would you like your group to be small-15 people or less, medium 30people or less or large-more than 30 people?

    23. Would you prefer to be in the same age group type? Yes/No/Doesn't matter

    24. Would you prefer to be in Men's only/Women's only/Teen's only/Doesn't matter?

    25. Would you prefer to be in a single's group/married group/divorced group/separated group/doesn't matter?

    26. Are you willing to pay to go to such a group to help cover costs of materials/start-up costs/speakers/food samples? Yes/No

    27. How long would you like such a group to meet? 2hr's or less/3-4hr's/all day including lunch & breaks/other?

    28. Do you need assistance w/daycare/familycare or transportation to attend such a group? Yes/No

    29. Optional:If interested please list your name___________

    30. If you would like to be contacted about such, list a phone number you can be reached at__________________

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