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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by erinjoy777

  1. Hi, my husband had lap-band surgery a few weeks ago, and I have discovered that his surgery is greatly affecting me, too! I was just wondering anyone's thoughts on how the lap-band has changed their family life, particularly at the dinner table??
  2. erinjoy777

    Pain in sides?

    My husband got banded on Feb. 17 and a few days ago and then again today he is complaining of pain in his sides...he thinks it feels like pain in his kidneys? The first time he hadn't drunk a lot of Water and after drinking some he felt a little better, but today he has drunk a good amount of water. any ideas on this??? Thanks!
  3. By the way, to all of you folks who are about to get banded, it is a good idea to get the nurse to write down the Product ID for you just in case something like this should ever happen to you! I got my nurse to write down the number on the back of my lap band card that goes in my wallet. If you ever need to file a lawsuit against the product manufacturer, this number will be vital to your case.
  4. You should definitely obtain the product identification number and your medical records. Then call a personal injury lawyer. If the product hasn't been recalled, I don't know if they could do anything for you, but I would still check into it. i work for a personal injury lawyer that deals with medical device malfunctions, and it sounds like that is definitely what happened to you! Please let us know when you find out exactly what band you had. Good luck and blessings in your recovery!
  5. I have kind of had a similar situation, except my husband is the one that got banded. My boss and co-worker say rude things about overweight people alot, so I never mentioned that my husband was overweight (no need to!). When the day of the surgery came I told them he was having an outpatient surgery done. My co-worker finally came out and asked what was going on but I just told her I didn't want to talk about it. That ended the conversation. If anyone should be embarrassed it is them, not me, but I still just feel that it's none of their business. So I understand what you're feeling! It's kind of tough.
  6. Hello out there, I'm new to this site. My husband had surgery yesterday. He only sucked on ice chips after he got home. He tried a couple of bites of jello but said it hurt when he swallowed. I thought this might be because of the breathing tube. Today his voice sounded better and he said his throat doesn't hurt anymore, but his stomach is hurting when he swallows. He tried plain yogurt today. So he hasn't really eaten in two days! I'm a little worried....is this normal?????
  7. yeah we tried opti-fast and he said his back is hurting now. I'm thinking it is the gas thing. If he's still having issues tomorrow we will def call the doctor but I guess it's clear liquids till then! The post-op diet we were given by the doctor said clear liquids on day one and full liquids by day two, but I guess he's not ready.
  8. Thank you all I think we will try the opti-fast then!

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