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LAP-BAND Patients
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About surfergirlwannabe

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/26/1964

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  1. Happy 48th Birthday surfergirlwannabe!

  2. surfergirlwannabe

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    I counted calories in the beginning but like a lot of people I end up deviating from that based on work and life getting in the way. I journaled last week and counted calories because I wanted to center myself. I was only hitting the gym once a week for the prior 3-4 weeks all due to a heavy work schedule. I decided that I had endured enough of putting myself last and went back to journaling in myfooddiary.com (love this site) only $9/month and getting to the gym. It felt great putting myself first for a change...of course...that was last week and this week has proved to be a challenge. I did get my hair, nails and eyebrows done today :thumbup: but didn't make it to the gym! I am determined to stick it out though... I highly recommend myfooddiary.com. It counts the calories, factors in your exercise and gives you a run down of your nutrition i.e. Protein, carbs, sodium et. It makes it easy and they now have a mobile site so you can enter the info from your blackberry or phone. I would like to say to everyone give yourself a break emotionally please....! Each day will always bring it's own anxieties but try to live in the moment. Stop beating yourselves up for past behavior. Work to do better right now...Give yourself credit for the things you accomplish each day. I bet if you write down everything you do in a day you'll be surprised at how much it truly is!!! Remember we have years of experience putting ourselves last so we need to find ways to change that just a little at a time.:thumbdown: We can do this! I hope to see everyone at the meeting in November! Take Care, Tanya
  3. surfergirlwannabe

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    I was nervous about the anesthesia too but they have so many people checking you before and after they are wonderful. Take a deep breath..you are going to be fine. My husband truly regrets not taking a photo of me after surgery when they first woke me up...apparently I was quite hilarious!
  4. surfergirlwannabe

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Sorry BostonLady....I sent my well wishes to Thinkingaboutit77 by mistake... I am happy that your surgery went well!
  5. surfergirlwannabe

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    I think this is how the meetings schedule works month to month. Faulkner - 2nd Monday of the month B&W - 3rd Tuesday of the month October's meetings should be scheduled as follows: Faulkner - Monday, October 12th B&W - Tuesday, October 20th Someone please correct me if I am wrong! I can also email Phyllis if you like...
  6. surfergirlwannabe

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Glad to hear everything went well for you!
  7. surfergirlwannabe

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    I agree the more time off the better. Healing is the most important thing right after surgery. I was lifting weights prior to surgery and was also bummed when I found out I would have to wait 6 weeks. I waited until Dr. Vernon gave me to go ahead to return to my workouts. I returned to working out with my trainer who was very careful with the specific weights and moves that we did for another several weeks. Listen to your body don't try to rush the healing process or the weight lifting. Your body will let you know when you are ready to take on more exercise.
  8. surfergirlwannabe

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Has anyone confirmed if there will be a lap band support meeting at B&W tomorrow night? I didn't see anything in the postings but might have missed it. I sent Phyllis an email a few minutes ago and will let you know if I hear anything. Take Care! Tanya:smile2:
  9. surfergirlwannabe

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Here's Phyllis' info provided to me by Sari... Phyllis Thomason, the dietitian from the Faulkner, will be filling in at the Brigham until someone new is hired. So after August 10, please contact Phyllis with any questions, 617-983-4574, pthomason@partners.org.
  10. surfergirlwannabe

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Hey All - Just received an email from Sari that she is leaving Brigham and Women's. The August 18th lapband support group meeting has been cancelled. :sneaky: I assume there will be a meeting at the Faulkner. Sari's directed me to contact Phyllis Thomason the dietitian from the Faulkner after August 10th. Tanya
  11. surfergirlwannabe

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Hello everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! I usually try to check the posts every week but with work and vacation in July I just logged in today for the first time in a month. I read all of July's posts and wanted to say hi to everyone and hopefully find support to keep going...which I always do! I hope to see everyone at the next support group meeting. I have been working out regularly and would like to ENCOURAGE everyone to move at least 2-3 times a week! I feel so much better than I did last fall, winter or even spring. It's a process but REMEMBER...you don't have to kill yourself to get results. My trainer starting working with me last November 30 minute sessions twice a week. I had serious knee injury and lot's of excess weight. I felt like I would never feel mobile again. I can tell you that I have really taken ownership of my workouts and attend classes regularly now. Yikes me in a class...who would have thought!!! The benefits of exercise go way beyond appearance! I need it for my mind... it's keeps me in line for the most part...even though food still presents issues...but I am working on the part that the band didn't fix as Paige always says "my head"! Miss all of you! Thanks for the constant words of wisdom and support! I appreciate you all more than you know!! Tanya:thumbup:
  12. surfergirlwannabe

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Thanks for the info Singingintherain...I managed to get an appointment with my primary care next week and then hopefully onto the dermatologist.
  13. surfergirlwannabe

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Has anyone had minor hormonal issues related to the lap band surgery? My skin which has always been sensitive will not stop breaking out around my chin area which is usually hormone related...I have tried the usual course of treatment that I follow and some new things from Sephora as recommend by an Esthetician but nothing seems to be working...let me know. I am making an appointment with my primary care physician but am wondering if I should contact the surgeon's office as well. Hope everyone is well! Happy to see that you are banded singingintherain!
  14. surfergirlwannabe

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    It was great to see everyone tonight! I almost didn't stay today because my fill was at 3:30 so glad I changed my mind. I feel uplifted and ready to face the challenges before me! Mel and Paige thanks for your inspiration and information. I'm so thankful to have successful banders as part of the group to guide me. I think I can speak for the group when I say we would be lost without you girls! Jay you look great! The last time I saw you was back in February. Hang in there through the fills...we have to find that green zone sooner or later... Have fun in Aruba Paige!:laugh:
  15. surfergirlwannabe

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    The nutritionist at the hospital gave me a 'Beneprotein' it's a whey protein you can buy online at http://www.nestlenutritionstore.com/ I have mixed this with the carnation insant breakfast to boost the protein grams. Mel suggested something call Unjury at the last support meeting. Their website is www.unjury.com.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
