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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Kaka1875

  1. Hie everyone,

    I am new to the forrum. I have made a provisional booking for the 3rd April with Dr Chris in Brussels. I am wondering if there is anyone out there booked on the same day. I am still hung up about seeing the doctor for the first time the morning of the surgery. Does anyone know why he stopped seeing patients on the standard package the night before.

    Hi Hoppe

    my daughter has just "been done" on 6th March and although the surgeon did not see us on 5th his assistant Frederik did and spent around 45 mins with us & others explaining the op and answering all questions. In the morning at the hospital Dr Chris had at least two other meetings with individuals to go over everything once again. So pls don't be too worried that he won't be there on arrival as my opinion is that his assistant seemed to be very qualified and professional (my opinion!).

    good luck for your op


  2. Hi Shoes & kaka

    just want to wish you all the best for next week,,, wow time does fly by so quickly, I'm not to far behind you Ladies... Its really starting to dawn on me also has the time gets nearer.... I booked the plane tickets today

    I'm well nervous too, but im sure we will be fine, this is such a great place for support and encouragement..I know I wouldnt have taken the step if it wasnt for most of the great comments on here.

    Just really looking forward too seeing the new me after years of being overweight..



    thank you very much - i'm passing all your good wishes onto my daughter x

  3. Hi shoes and kaka's daughter, how exciting having your ops this week, im can remember when mine was only days away and i was so excited, hasnt it come round quick? Like gilliian said this time next week you will be fine.. just make sure you get plenty of rest x

    thank you for your good wishes - my daughter is climbing the walls and can't wait!!

  4. Hi Kaka I'm arriving on Thurday evening the 5th and will have surgery done on the 6th, my hubby is coming with me we are staying in the Campanile :blush:

    so are we so hopefully bump into each other - maybe as you and my daughter are getting done on the same day the transport might be shared.

    don't know about you but my daughter is sooooo excited & me for her - its helped me tremendously being on the boards with everyone supporting each other and i think that once she's had the op she will be on here too!!

    see you soon!!

  5. Hi Kaka, I'm finding the low fat diet hard to im get a little stressed about op ,i usual eat more when im stressed, i Know i have to be good because of your liver so i would be afraid to eat something fatty just shows home much we use food as a crouch, im traveling Friday to so hopefully we can meet up, wont be arriving till about 9pm Frederick said he would call to hotel between 9-10 did he tell you he would call,please god this time next week will both be fine and wondering what we where worrying lol x :party:

    yeh, we are travelling 5th and Frederik will see her between 9 & 10 pm he says. she is getting done on 6th so I should be back from the hospital by the time you arrive - where are you staying?


  6. Hi Flirtylass,you should go for it, sure what ou got to lose when you going back over,

    i know i asked you this already but if yo don't mind where did you say WLS is in Ireland,did Frederick tell you he has a nurse here now,x:smile:

    Hi Kaka, hows your daughter doing on pre op diet is she getting nervous, im starting to get very nervous now went to boots today get last few bits feel its really happening nowx:w00t:

    Hi Frerckles,your probably over your op by now hope everything went ok for you, sorry to hear about your mum at least shes over her op and will soon be on the mend,look after yourself look forward to hearing from you when you feel up to it x:smile:

    Hi to everyone, hope your all doing well x:smile:

    hi there, she's so excitied but even so is finding the low fat diet a bit of a challenge!! travel this thursday op on friday so fingers crossed - thanks for asking, hope you're well. kaka

  7. welcome kaka, You've come to the right place, this group will help you and your daughter through your journey.

    My daughter was banded in summer 2007 and has lost 4 st, seeing the results has motivated me to get the band done, I was in the fri 13th group, although i had to put on about 9lb to get my BMI up to 35 it has been so worth it, my main reason was to stop yo yo dieting so who knows it might be you going to belgium in a few years.

    Have you booked the package with frederick, I found everything organised to perfection with no worries, even the taxi drivers he ordered spoke fluent english and were more like limo drivers, even the chamber maids were 100% fluent and offered extra pillows etc.

    thank you for this mmm. thankfully I have managed for a year to keep my weight the same (still one stone over what i should be) but it has taken me 20 years to accomplish that - i did it on Lighter Life. my daughter tried LL too but couldn't stick that or any other diet so off to Belgium we go so fingers crossed for her.

  8. Hi all

    This post might show up in the middle of anothers post as I am unsure at how to do this - so sorry in advance!

    I have been reading everyones posts which I've found really helpful & entertaining!! My daughter is booked with Dr De Bruyne on 6th March & I think we are up to speed with everything apart from the need for "injections" after the op - can someone help me with further info?



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