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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Kaka1875

  1. 8 week check in...would love to hear from Karen or Deb-my surgery mates. I've just hit 32 lbs. lost. YEAH!

    wow, well done you, that's fantastic....you must be cheezin!! i only weigh myself at fill time so first time round i was down 10 pounds, my next one is on 26th so fingers crossed. it's just been the best thing as even with one fill i do feel some difference and it's stopped me bingeing!!

    at work at the mo so need to get back, will speak soon.


  2. Hi homecare ye shes noticed a big difference but then it didn't bother her when i was so big.

    Loosing all this weight has even gave me the confidence to set a date for our wedding last week which i would have never done when i was a my heaviest.So she is delighted.

    Plus i even fitted in to her size 14 skinny legged jeans the other day.Not that i was wearing them out just testing for size .

    Cheers tin and carriejess.

    Well done tin your going in the right direction hopefully you will get restriction and it will be a bit easier.When i started on this site it was hearing other people success stories that gave me the inspiration that it can be done.So i hope it does give others at the start of there journey some encouragement that the weight will come off .I have struggled some months and lost my way a bit but you just have to get back on track and get on with it.

    fantastic weight loss & congrats on your other news too. i am just at the beginning & my daughter is half-way through so as they say....chin up bellies in!!


  3. Hi all,

    so excited to say that I have booked my surgery, I am going through Frederick Dr Chris's assistant, I am booked in for the 17th of November and I cannot wait. Just wondered if there are any others out there going for the same date? Glad you are feeling better DizzyDebs. This is really exciting to feel I will be one of you guys soon. Happy Days regards Mia

    well done, you won't regret it; even though you might think you've been hit by a truck (haha) after the op but this soon goes. nearly 3 weeks for me and already my scars are disappearing (bio oil) rubbed on every night! haven't weighed yet as waiting till first fill on 29th.



  4. Hi K

    Well done to you and your family, that is reassuring to know that having seen other members of your family have this done that it did not put you off. When you say you went to Dr Chris via Frederick, who is Frederick as at the moment I am comparing deals with costs etc. thanks

    Frederik is the assistant to the surgeon Dr Chris De Bruyne and his contact details are:

    Serneels Frederik

    General manager


    Phone: 0032(0)472019091


    He arranged everything i.e. taxis on arrival/departure airport & to and from hospital. He will also visit on the evening prior to surgery to chat though the op. The package i chose was staying at Campanile hotel, which is 10 mins from hospital and cost excluding flights 4070 euros. i'm not sure if you'll find cheaper but i was really going for peace of mind...everything went like clockwork on both occasions.



  5. Hi all, I am seriously considering having this op, my husband has agreed after a lot of discussion. I am trying to look at the positive and negative of this surgery so that I am making a really educated decision. Went to my GP yesterday to discuss, he seemed to know very little about the subject, asked me what I would do if I needed urgent medical help after the surgery on return to the UK, I said I would go to hospital and he felt there may not be any doctors/surgeons who may be able to help me, it is a large teaching hospital so I find that hard to believe. I think he may just of been trying to put me off. Have just found this Lap Band Talk today, I think it is going to be very helpful in making the decision.

    Mia, i think you'll find that everyone on here will give you excellent guidance. my first time on here was at the beginning of the year as my daughter was considering it and from the information gleaned I booked her with Dr Chris via Frederik (package deal). Her weight loss has been steady & has lost nearly 4 stone;this would never have been possible for her without the band as she'd tried tons of diets previously. My mum had it done 3 years ago (not with Dr Chris) and she's been successful too & to top it all I was banded by Dr Chris on 23rd Sept. Early days for me but all very positive. Good luck with your quest!


  6. Hi all, hope everyone is well. I have been doing a lot better in the last few days. I don't have that "I have been run over by a lorry" feeling anymore!!! I am also not on a tramadol high and have stopped taking painkillers. I still have my shoulder pain occassionally but not as severe, its quite funny really as when it does come now my shoulder actually swells up and its really noticeable. I went on the scales last night (Monday) and discovered I had lost a stone since op on Wednesday so over the moon!. Kim I hope your flight is good going home. Thank you fatpants and freckles for your advice. It is much appreciated coming on here and everyone being so friendly. Regarding Oz...well my hubby is Australian so planned to go to Oz for holiday and look for property as I have just qualified as a nurse and been fortunate enough to be offered a great position here and also in Brisbane. The Brisbane post commences in Feb and depending on my hubbys job circumstances we were going to move but will reconsider now. If we still go (depending on mums biopsy and Mri body scan results) we will be staying in Brisbane for about 4 weeks and 2 weeks in Coloundra - Sunshine Coast. I love Australia and evetually we will move but my life has been turned upside down. Every morning I wake and think instantly about my mum and I am finding it so hard to stay positive. Anyway enough....Karen how are you getting on?? Have you moved off Soup and out of your trackies?? Is John loving your musical wind? How far in advance do you need to book your fill. I will only be 3 weeks post op for my first fill..scary??

    Take care everyone.

    Debby x

    Hi Debby

    fantastic weight-loss...i haven't weighed yet as i am scared that i won't be lighter...was just going to wait until first fill, which i've not booked yet!

    i've recovered remarkably well, went back to work Monday and it's been fine although i am quite tired and going to bed at 8.30 pm!!

    i hope your mum gets good news; such a trying time waiting on results.

    keep well

    lv kx

  7. Hi Chapamar, was I banded the same day as you on the 23rd Sept. How are you??? How was the concert today?. I still have the awful pain going between under my left breast to my left shoulder. Its so sore!! I also got really bad news about my mum when I got home so trying to get more mobile to be a support for her. It was lovely to meet you and the other girls and hopefully you will keep in touch and let me know how things are going. Take Care Debby xxx:unsure:

    hi debby, sorry to hear about your mum..hope everything turns out ok for her. i had a chat with steph about the pain you've been experiencing and she said that it does ease but can take some time (the worst over in a few days) but it does come and go. i've been virtually pain free, well apart from the obvious wind.....having never "sparked" in front of john ever i now found myself sounding like a trumpet all day and night...mortified but he was very understanding.....well it's not reciprocal i said so never do it anywhere near me - ha ha.

    what kind of stuff are you eating....i have been doing Soups, which i've liquidised & have had an ice lolly, which went down quite nicely. i hope max got on alright with her flight home!!

    speak soon.....off to have some soup!

  8. Hello all. I was lucky enough to meet Kaka this week as we were banded the same day along with two other lovely women. I hope to see them on the board as well. Again, I can't express my gratitude for having this thread and the information it has provided. Thank you all.

    hi k

    hope you're ok? i'm getting there although i still think i've been hit by a truck! still quite swollen & don't know what i'll be able to wear to work tomorrow...somehow can't think of wearing my trackies. can you believe i was reading my book on the way home and there was a reference to jimmy buffet...how spooky, having never heard of him until i met you. i had real bad nausea for the first couple of days but not today so hopefully this has passed. haven't been hungry just looking for taste (odd really). still wanted a cooked brekkie this morning tho when i smelled it!! are you home yet or still in Paris and pass on my bestest wishes & thanks to julie for looking after my stuff.


  9. hi all, i don't know if you remember me...my daughter was banded mar 6th this year with CBD (at the same time as shoes). my mum was banded 3 years ago (dr dilleman) and lo and behold i am now going for it!! I am booked in for the op on 23rd september and wondered if anyone else was going at this time? i have been catching up recently as not been on for a while and it seems as everyone still managing despite having the odd setback which is great to hear.


    k x

  10. Hi Bobobaldy,

    Ah thanks for clearing that up for me was getting all confused with people mentioning Fredrick ha ha :lol:

    Oh silly me I wanted to email dr Chris direct ... do you have an email for him or Fredick by any chance? Id be very gratefull :eek:

    Congrats on your weightloss... I am the same weight as you when you started.. I am only 20 years old though :smile2: well nearly 21!! Bit worried I will get turned down cos of my age!!

    Laura xx

    Hi Laura

    I'm the mum of Stephanie (aged 21 next month) who was banded on 6th March by Dr Chris. This was by far the best decision for her as apart from the initial pain (wind etc) the actual weightloss has been pretty painless. Of course you miss all the things you used to eat; well at least the quantity but it has changed her life. To date she has lost 3 stones with another 3 to go without the agonies of still wanting to eat more as you do when you join a "normal" slimming club. This, she has managed with only one fill, her second is in Glasgow on 17th July. Also the assistance from everyone on here prior and after her op was invaluable so pls continue to ask all your questions as nothing is too much trouble. This action will be the one of the best things you'll ever do and it will definitely change your life too - it's not a quick fix it's what they say is a "tool" to enable changes to be made.

    I'm not on the forum as much lately so i'll take this opportunity to wish everyone especially Shoes (she was banded same day as Steph) continued success.



  11. hi freckles, i know she has done extremely well...i am so delighted for her. i hope your restriction kicks in soon as it must get frustrating but try not to fag-it, you're doing so well... i used to be a smoker so i know the pull...loved my fags but now not smoked for 3 years....you can do it!

    hope all goes well for your daughter and your wee mum.


  12. hi gary & all

    just to say that my daughter was in glasgow this morning for her first fill with chris duprez she got 3ml (she was banded on 6th March). Her weight loss to date is now 23lbs....16.2 to 14.7, so all good. her initial restriction had worn off in the last week so she felt that she needed to be extra extra good with will-power alone. i shall report back re how good she feels her restriction over the next few days.

    best wishes to everyone


  13. Hi all - not been on for a wee while but just thought i'd drop you a line to let you know how my daughter is doing - 4 week weigh-in this morning - DOWN 181bs in total!! Her first fill is 17th in Glasgow but at the moment she is still only eating at the most, quarter portions of her normal and not feeling ravenous - long may it continue!!

    Freckles, what can i say about the situation that your mum and you are in that hasn't been said before but pls know that we are thinking of you.

    Shoes, seen your earlier mail - fantastic weight loss for you too, Steph says it feels like she's won the lottery - well i suppose that's the only pounds you want to add!!

    For all you newbies out there who are contemplating this op with CDB - pls ask all the questions you like of everyone on here as without their honesty and experience my daughter may not have gone through with it.

    So chins up bellies in as they say!!

    lv k xxx

  14. K

    Like you I called to book the edinburgh fill for the 19th immediately after my op on 13th feb. THe julie one said oh i think that is full, now you can imagine my responce to that, so i made a bit of a fuss and she said just to come at 12. My advice is if she is off is to mail frederik and dr chris i have both email addresses and virtually demand that you get seen, is it you first fill i am not sure. I went down the line of "whats the use in getting band and offering support then reccomending first fill at 6 weeks then you cant do it, completely unaceptable" On the glasgow thing, at my consultation Frederik mentioned about someone there can do it but i never got any more info, i would ask that in mail also. Dont just accept it as i think they rely on that which is no use to man nor beast. Sorry cant be of more help.



    Hi - just an update re daughter's appointment. sent an email to Freddy who forwarded it to his partner Chris Deprez who instantly mailed to give me times for Glasgow and now she has an appointment with ECFS on 17th April in Glasgow - great service!!



    p.s. my daughter is now a fellow "bandit" on here!!!

  15. Hi Kaka,thats mad we where both on the sane time,Glad to hear Steph is ok glad she came home from work early i say she was very weak, i Know i was very weak on Mon i was thinking about her having to go to work poor love a least shes feeling better keep me posted all the best lolx:smile:

    Better!?!?! she's clicking her heels in Boots as we speak - down 9lbs since being banded last Friday - canny believe it.

    I am delighted for her as it has brightened her life to imagine that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Thanks again to you and everyone for their support - it has been fantastic..............i keep saying this but you are all so kind i can't get over it.

    I am signing off now as gotta get some work done!!


  16. Hi kaka i dont know if it helps but wls group are in glasgow in the bupa hospital next to great western rd on the 24th of this month.That is when im getting my next fill.Frederick also told me that they were going to start doing fills in glasgow but when i phoned julie mackintosh to book it she said she knew nothing about it .I dont know if it has changed since.And theres never a problem getting appointments with them which is why i switched from dr chris to them.

    hi, thank you for the info - off now to make enquiries.



  17. K

    I never had scales at home for obvious reasons however i invested in these bad boys (see link) they are great and very accurate they also give you bmi, body fat,muscle mass Water, the ammount of calories you need to sustain weight and visceral fat, now all this mumbo jumbo does help in the weeks that you dont loose weith but you gain muscle if you have been excercising or burn fat. The thing i like was that you get a memory stick with them that you stick in everytime you use them and then into your computer and it shows you all your stats per date and then shows a graph so its easy to track. Now that i have the band i need that ability to se my weight so i dont put on hundreds then think mmmmmm i wonder what weight i am knowing.

    Just a wee idea that helps.

    MiBody USB Body Fat/Water & Muscle Mass Analyser Scale


    they sound the biz - i'm on it!



  18. K

    Like you I called to book the edinburgh fill for the 19th immediately after my op on 13th feb. THe julie one said oh i think that is full, now you can imagine my responce to that, so i made a bit of a fuss and she said just to come at 12. My advice is if she is off is to mail frederik and dr chris i have both email addresses and virtually demand that you get seen, is it you first fill i am not sure. I went down the line of "whats the use in getting band and offering support then reccomending first fill at 6 weeks then you cant do it, completely unaceptable" On the glasgow thing, at my consultation Frederik mentioned about someone there can do it but i never got any more info, i would ask that in mail also. Dont just accept it as i think they rely on that which is no use to man nor beast. Sorry cant be of more help.



    Thanks for this. I have just sent Freddie an e-mail requesting the Glasgow info so i'll see how we go. This will be my daughter's first fill and you're right - how can you be expected to manage the "tool" if you can't get filled. Well "let me tell you" :wink2: said in the style of Rab C!! they'll know all about it if she can't get an appointment :mad2:

    anyway i shall keep you all posted.



  19. Mandy

    Just wanted to add to the welcome of my fellow members I was banded on the 13th feb and can only agree with what you have been already told. If you have any questions feel free to ask no matter how silly YOU think they are.


    Hi Guy's & Dolls, got back in one piece doing ok still very sore around the port area chest feels a bit tight cant drink quickly have to sip each day feeling better, you where all so right about Dr Chris Frederick and hes team you could not fault them very professional and explain everything to you i would highly recommend them, i arrived late on Thurday evening about 9pm Frederick Knocked on the door about ten mins later he said he had to speck to three more ladies would i mind if he spoke to us all together i said that would be fine so we all meet up,i was so relived that i wasn't on my own i met Kaka and her daughter and two sisters lovely people,it was great we where all getting done the same day it was a god send we all got chatting it was great we where all on the same journey,the taxi picked us all up at 7am we then had to check in to hosp i was brought to a ward went down about 2pm i have say when i woke up i felt terrible had a lot of pain but it settle after pain relief just slept most of the day ,i could not belief how well i felt the next morning sorry hope i haven't put anyone off but i feel its important to tell the truth, i didn't see any body till the next day when i was brought down for xray it was such a relief to see everyone had got over surgery so well meet another lady who had surgery too i hope you are all ok sorry didn't get to say goodbye my flight was very early Sunday morning Hope Kaka daughter got on ok at work, by the way i have lost over a stone that includes pre op diet happy days,starting to feel hungry on liquid diet, sorry Freckles to hear about your mum hope your feeling ok,the best of look to Sammy,wellcome to newbies to this site its fantastic, thanks again for all your good wishes.anybody have any ? i be happy to help if i can lolx:wink:

    Hi Shoes, great to hear from you - spooky that i'm just on at the same time. Steph is fine although went to work on Monday but I had to collect her mid-afternoon and she is at my house still. Nothing major just the usual that everyone else is going through but especially the wind pain! I now think it was a little optimistic of her to expect to get back so soon. That loss is sooooo fantastic for you - i'm so happy for you - just phoned home to tell her and she sends her best wishes too. She's feeling a little better so her friend is taking her to boots to get weighed as we speak!!! keep you posted.


  20. Mandy

    Just wanted to add to the welcome of my fellow members I was banded on the 13th feb and can only agree with what you have been already told. If you have any questions feel free to ask no matter how silly YOU think they are.


    Hi Gary

    I wonder if you can help me pls - do you get your fills in Glasgow and if so can you give me a number of who to contact? I have tried the Edinburgh booking line (Julie Mackintosh) but she is on holiday at the moment and I have heard that Edinburgh gets booked up pretty quickly so i am afraid that my daughter may not get her first fill as quickly as she'd like & I know that Frederik said there was someone in Glasgow that dealt with fills too.



  21. Hi kaka im glad everything went so well for your daughter, she should still take it easy and get as much rest as she can. How where the other 2 ladies after there surgery and what amazing weight loss they had x

    thanks wishful & had to collect her from work this aft!! but feeling much better after a couple of hours sleep. taking tomorrow off as well and we can take from there.

  22. Hi All

    Well my daughter got done Fri and back at work this morning - we'll see how it goes tho! Everything went extremely well and I was very impressed by Dr Chris's team. Shoes was done on Friday too and she seemed to be very upbeat although i didn't see her on the morning she left as she had to be at the airport early (hope you're still ok Shoes??). I am just on briefly as at work! so just another thank you to everyone on here for there support and hopefully continued assistance - my daughter will no doubt take over from me shortly. Just a little more info from the trip - i met two girls who were banded by Dr Chris as they were in the same room as my daughter who were in to get their tummys tucked, one had lost nearly eight stone in 36 months and the other 5 stone in 12 months, which is fantastic.

    best to you all


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