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Everything posted by LAN2k

  1. Hi Tiff, I am so sorry that you've been suffering like that! I know I've had a sinus problem where mucus accumulates in the back of my throat but I can't cough it up, swallow it down, or blow it out of my nose! It's like a glob that just sticks in a space somewhere in there and it has been very disturbing. I made an appointment with an ENT but I am afraid to be scoped and/or sprayed with any numbing stuff in my throat I'm figuring it's some sort of sinus infection. I sure hope you and your family continue to get better. Please keep us informed.
  2. I'm sorry your having such pain. If it persists can you have it checked by your doctor? I hope you get some answers but beyond that I hope that pain goes away! Yesterday I felt a dull ache under my left breast and a day or two before that again in the same spot. I didn't have access to the internet so I didn't post but was wondering what that pain might be related to. Hope we can get some insight
  3. Hi Daisy, Thanks for the encouraging words. It's snowing here and I'm in the slience of my apartment w/migrain or maybe a sinus headache. I stayed in bed late today and I'm feeling down and out. Hope to get myself out of this mode soon. I hope you are doing well. Have a blessed day.
  4. I read your post right before calling it a night and was relieved. I'm still drinking Vitamin water in place of regular water 5 months out and still lost my desire for regular water but I dilute the vitamin water with water. Thanks Tiff
  5. The important thing is to watch because if the blood is coming from irritated tissue then you may take extra care like what Tiffy said with wipes. You might even try using an ointment for that area. But it the blood is coming out from the internal bowel then you probably would want to get examined from a doctor. I suspect it's from irritation due to loose stools.
  6. Hi I finally broke the bank and bought myself a "netbook" ! I'll get my desktop up and running....in due time...but for now this little netbook is kind of cool and I think I will like the portability of it. Well I'm doing alright with the Remeron generic but I often wonder if the quality is inferior to the actual Remeron. It has helped to lift the depression but not entirely and it has helped to stimulate my appetite but now I must curb my desires especially late at night whereas before taking the drug I force fed myself and ate nothing after that and my last "meal" was about 6 or 7pm the latest. Zumba does look like alot of fun but I am so lazy! I should tell you that had been part of the reason I gained weight to begin with even as a kid I was always on the sluggish side (the stuff yourself and take a nap type). Come to think of it that may have been a form of depression. Anyway I'm so glad to be back online and able to communicate with all of you again. I ate mozzarella cheee tonight around 3 oz!! and it was late about 40 minutes ago...so I'm a bit nervous to go to bed. Has anybody eaten food late at night? I was told nothing 3 hours prior to going to sleep. I hope nothing awful happens as a result because I don't know how much longer I can keep myself awake. I'm really rambling aren't I? Sorry. Thank you all for your sensitivity and feedback.
  7. That's a smart way to go...where do you get LiquaCel? Is it artificially sweetened? Seems highly concentrated and helpful.
  8. I've been looking at the adult education courses being given this spring in my town, for a moderate fee. I'm just up and down with motivation though. Some days are better than others. My PC crashed when the electricity blinked on and off a few times during a snow storm. I won't be able to restore it to the factory settings until HP mails me the CD's and then I'll need them to walk me through the process via the phone to get it up and running again. At the moment I'm on my mother's PC at her house. The classes sound great though, the Thai Chi, Zumba, Ballroom, and many art classes are offered. Thanks Daisy and Carolyln. I am going nuts at home without a computer!! I'm thinking of buying a lap top pronto! When my PC crashed and HP tried everything with me over the phone to get it up and running, my anxiety rose and the next day stuck inside due to the snow storm, I was crawling out of my skin stuck in an apartment that to this day does not feel like "home" with no computer and just a TV...I'm not much of a TV watcher especially days. Since my depression/anxiety I'm having a hard time reading actual books!! Oh well. I'll check back soon. I can use my phone to log on but it's pathetic and clumsey to use the keypad to reply.
  9. LAN2k

    OMG - my VSG is this morning!!

    Congratulations you certainly were well prepared and educated prior to the surgery. I commend you for your hard work and recognition of the many blessings you have had with family support. I look forward to reading future posts from you as you continue along your path to a new found freedom. One more thing that struck me when you said that you were/are used to hiding. As I have shed so much so fast and have approx. 30lbs. to reach goal, I have found myself not wanting or desiring to buy new clothes. I know I have been depressed and am being treated medically and psychologically for it since the surgery, however I suddenly realize I too in some subconscious way was using food and obesity to hide or protect myself. From what I now must ask myself as I try to unravel the causes that got me to become overweight to begin with.
  10. LAN2k

    Home from Mexicali

    It looks to me like you are and will continue to do just fine. As for feeling cold? OMG since the surgery and I'm almost 5 months out--I am always cold, putting extra clothing on instead of raising the thermostat since the dry indoor heat is worse. When I go out of doors I wear gloves, and hat and make sure my neck area is covered. I'm seeing myself like a really geriatric person! God help me.
  11. Wow Daisy I can't believe all of the good and fun things you do to keep yourself occupied and satisfied. The Zumba is that like latin type dancing I think I saw an informercial for on TV? It really looked appealing. I just hope I will soon feel that energy, motivation and will to put myself out there and get things going. I'm sort of going through a "mid-life" crisis along with everything else! Thanks for your vote of confidence though, it's so appreciated. I've got to build my life back up from scratch it seems.
  12. You know what? I'm only on the 30mgs a day before bed a few days now and I am finding it hard to get my arse out of bed in the morning. It doesn't help not having a job to go to. I'm no where near 3 weeks though so I'm going to stick with this and just try to set that alarm and get busy doing odd jobs at home, like redoing my files in my filing cabinit (long overdue) etc. I miss that cup of coffee in the morning. I just don't desire it any longer. Other than that the Remeron, appears to be helping me. Let me know if the morning sleepiness subsided for you. Thanks.
  13. God bless you as you go. I hope for continued success in your weight loss journey!
  14. Amen and your so welcome. I certainly can identify with you maybe sometime down the line I'll tell you just how much I've worried since having the surgery! Hang in there and do look to the Lord. I'll keep you in my prayers too. God speed and keep us informed...we care.
  15. I'm glad you corrected yourself because I had horrific reaction to the Reglan and now I will claim I am allergic to it. It caused severe anxiety and restlessness in me and it was terrible. Zophran works. Ask your doctor for a script for Zophran, it comes in pills and also in tabs that melt in your mouth. If your not taking an ant-acid I am taking Aciphex 20 MG tablet 1 x daily. The pills are round and tiny. I've have not had any side effects (that I am aware of) to date. If the Zophran and taking a PPI do not help then I would notify your surgeon and have him check you further. I do not recommend Reglan. I know many people here have not had any side effects from it but the potential for bad and irreversible side effects are very real. My lower lip began to twitch one morning and then subsided but I got myself off the Reglan. I had it administered IV for 5 days in the hospital and then was taking it at home in pill form 4xper day! I am positive it caused the anxiety and probably had I stayed on it my face would be twitching and worse, to this day.
  16. That must be a relief! I'm nearly 5 months out and still no desire for plain water. Happy for you though.
  17. I had that same concern about losing weight too fast. It will slow down but you undoubtedly will continue to decrease in weight as the weeks progress. As for the nausea, I was given nausea meds and I recommend zophran. I was given reglan in the hospital via IV and then in pill form to take at home. I don't recommend reglan since you can have some very nasty and severe side effects and the FDA has issued a recent warning about that drug. I think nausea usually considered an expected sensation after this type of surgery but if it doesn't subside or is extreme or causes you to vomit etc. then I'd contact my surgeon. Hope you feel better soon.
  18. LAN2k

    Just been sleeved

    I mixed my crushed pill with an ounce of apple juice and had a standby bit of juice to sip along side to wash that bitter taste down. I did that until I no longer had to crush my meds and could swallow them whole. It is no wonder to me that I no longer drink apple juice. I too had that drain with bulb and had to empty it daily and keep a log of the amount of fluid it contained. I was so worried that when it came time for my surgeon to remove the drain I'd die of the pain. It was painless. Hope it gets easier for you soon.
  19. Since your planning the surgery the doctor may want to see you earlier to get you on some medication or PPI. Remember God is in this with you so trust that whatever it is will turn out for your benefit.
  20. I've had some odd cramping from time to time. Lucygoose gave us some good information and Youknowit asks a good question regarding acid reducers. I was hesitant at first to take an acid reducer for a few reasons but finallly became convinced that it is probably a smart thing to do at least for a few months to a year after this surgery. I hope things level out for you and please keep us posted on your progress.
  21. LAN2k

    so lost, what do you do?

    I'm very sorry determined1, I agree with "Itstime". I would be sure to inform both surgeons and get professional advise as to the order of the surgeries. If possible get second opinions. My prayers will go out for you. Please keep us informed. As difficult a time this may be remember to be patient and be strong, your still young and in time these issues will resolve.
  22. Feb 18th? Congratulations! I'm marking it on my calendar and will indeed keep you in prayer. I want to be here for you too as you go on your weight loss journey. I'm getting stronger and I'll be here if you need me. Now I've got to get me some Omega 3's, thanks for the reminder!
  23. It's weird but now I'm feeling so much better about eating and food etc. that I'll need to watch my intake...maybe finally I'll be able to be thankful for having been sleeved! I feel like I've a family here and I thank God for answered prayer and each and every one of you. Thanks a bunch Mini...
  24. Carolyn it means so much to me to know that there are people who care enough to actually pray for people like me. This venue is a wonderful network of support and we all do need each other. Having a surgery such as this is major. It's life altering and although I knew how badly I wanted to once and for always rid myself of the burden of obesity, I hadn't realized the extent of food's role in my life. food, planning around it, shopping for it, having it as a companion and sharing it with others, was an integral part of my entire being, physically, emotionally and psychologically, probably spiritually too. Having been sleeved has forced me to make changes and this has been harder for me personally than anything I have ever had to defeat in my entire life! I now have more insight as to how my body became so immensely deformed by gaining so much weight over the years. And now seeing myself shrink, (now down 70lbs)...I realize that all of those underlying issues that got me to being so large aren't simply resolved with the weight loss via surgery.The leaner me has so much residual stuff to figure out and contend with to catch up with the more proportioned me. So much unresolved stuff that I can't even identify yet. That is why I am seeing a psychologist, on meds, and trying to give OA a shot. All that fat was there for a reason. Thank you or being so thoughtful. -Lis
  25. Using exercise at a gym takes discipline -- getting yourself off antidepressants after so long is a major accomplishment. Good for you Daisy! I have a lifetime membership at a local Bally's. It's kind of old and I'm just not inspired. When I get there I feel like I'm running on a slower speed than everyone else...I do a walk on the treadmill from 20-30 min max, then I do some reps on the only 3 machines I know how to use working mainly my legs, (which hold alot of my weight). I don't think I workout hard enough to fire up those endorphins but I will push myself until I get there. Thanks for your support Daisy.

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